航空 发表于 2011-3-28 10:03:00


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航空 发表于 2011-3-28 10:03:10

APU MENU System presentation 1/17<BR>APU MENU<BR>System presentation 2/17<BR>The Auxiliary Power Unit (APU), is<BR>located in the unpressurized tail cone.<BR>It is a self contained unit which can<BR>make the aircraft independent of<BR>external pneumatic and electrical power<BR>sources.<BR>APU MENU<BR>System presentation 3/17<BR>The APU may be started using :<BR>• the aircraft batteries,<BR>• an external power source,<BR>• or the normal aircraft AC power.<BR>BAT 1 BAT 2<BR>APU MENU<BR>System presentation 4/17<BR>The APU provides :<BR>• electrical power for<BR>the aircraft electrical<BR>system,<BR>• and bleed air for<BR>engine start and air<BR>conditioning.<BR>ENGINE START /<BR>AIR COND<BR>A/C ELECTRICAL<BR>SYSTEM<BR>AAPPUUGGEENN<BR>BBLLEEEEDD<BR>APU MENU<BR>System presentation 5/17<BR>The APU has an air intake<BR>flap which, when it is open,<BR>ducts external air to its<BR>compressor inlet.<BR>Now, we will see how<BR>information is presented to the<BR>pilots.<BR>ENGINE START /<BR>AIR COND<BR>A/C ELECTRICAL<BR>SYSTEM<BR>AAPPUUGGEENN<BR>BBLLEEEEDD<BR>APU MENU System presentation 6/17<BR>ENGINE START /<BR>AIR COND<BR>A/C ELECTRICAL<BR>SYSTEM<BR>AAPPUUGGEENN<BR>BBLLEEEEDD<BR>APU MENU System presentation 7/17<BR>APU MENU System presentation 8/17<BR>APU MENU System presentation 9/17<BR>APU MENU<BR>System presentation 10/17<BR>In the cockpit you can<BR>monitor the following APU<BR>parameters on the ECAM<BR>APU page :<BR>• EGT and<BR>compressor speed<BR>• APU bleed<BR>• APU generator<BR>• Flap position<BR>APU MENU<BR>System presentation 11/17<BR>Let’s see the different controls that<BR>the pilots use to operate the APU.<BR>These controls are located in various<BR>places on the overhead panel.<BR>The APU MASTER SW and START pb<BR>sw are located on the APU control<BR>panel.<BR>APU MENU<BR>System presentation 12/17<BR>APU fire controls are located on the<BR>FIRE panel. For more information on<BR>these controls, refer to the FIRE<BR>chapter.<BR>APU MENU System presentation 13/17<BR>APU MENU<BR>System presentation 14/17<BR>The APU BLEED pb sw is located on<BR>the AIR COND panel, and controls the<BR>APU bleed system.<BR>APU MENU System presentation 15/17<BR>APU MENU<BR>System presentation 16/17<BR>The APU GEN pb sw is located on the<BR>ELEC panel, and is used to control the<BR>APU generator.<BR>APU MENU System presentation 17/17<BR>There is also an APU SHUT<BR>OFF pb and an associated<BR>APU FIRE warning light<BR>located on the external power<BR>panel (see the FIRE chapter).<BR>This panel is located in<BR>front of the nose gear bay.<BR>You will get a chance to see<BR>all the APU controls and<BR>indications again in more<BR>detail in the normal and<BR>abnormal operation modules.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>APU MENU System presentation 18/17<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>GGEENNEERRAALL<BR>AAPPUUCCOONNTTRROOLLSS<BR>AAPPUUEECCAAMMPPAAGGEE

guanshyy 发表于 2011-3-30 11:37:12


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 09:58:50


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:01:07


houtoufu 发表于 2014-4-19 09:57:46


qianxi077077 发表于 2014-5-3 13:44:04


twn353091 发表于 2014-5-9 20:54:20


gordon525 发表于 2014-8-3 07:55:48

谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下

wsinglejoke 发表于 2016-1-23 11:29:36

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