航空 发表于 2011-3-28 10:04:18


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航空 发表于 2011-3-28 10:04:36

APU MENU Normal operation 1/38<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 2/38<BR>During the exterior inspection, check that<BR>the APU compartment access door is closed<BR>and verify the condition of the APU air intake.<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 3/38<BR>You also have to check that the APU exhaust is clear, and<BR>verify that the APU fire extinguisher overpressure red disc is in<BR>place. For more details on this red disc, refer to the FIRE chapter.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 4/38<BR>First, select the APU MASTER switch to<BR>switch it ON.<BR>You are in the initial cockpit preparation<BR>phase. In this example, external power is<BR>connected.<BR>Let’s start the APU.<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 5/38<BR>Noo.. Prreessss oonn tthhee APUMASTTER sswiittcchh..<BR>You are in the initial cockpit preparation<BR>phase. In this example, external power is<BR>connected.<BR>Let’s start the APU.<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 6/38<BR>Noo.. Prreessss oonn tthhee APUMASTTER sswiittcchh..<BR>You are in the initial cockpit preparation<BR>phase. In this example, external power is<BR>connected.<BR>Let’s start the APU.<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 7/38<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 8/38<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 9/38<BR>Observe that :<BR>• the ON light illuminates,<BR>• the ECAM APU page is<BR>automatically displayed,<BR>• and the green FLAP<BR>OPEN indication appears<BR>when the APU air inlet flap<BR>is fully open.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 10/38<BR>Select the APU START pb sw to switch it ON<BR>to initiate the automatic start sequence.<BR>The APU can now be started using the<BR>START pb sw.<BR>Note : you do not have to wait for the FLAP<BR>OPEN indication prior to pressing the START pb<BR>sw. However, the APU will not start until the flap is<BR>fully open.<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 11/38<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee APU STTARTT ppbb ssw..<BR>The APU can now be started using the<BR>START pb sw.<BR>Note : you do not have to wait for the FLAP<BR>OPEN indication prior to pressing the START pb<BR>sw. However, the APU will not start until the flap is<BR>fully open.<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 12/38<BR>The APU can now be started using the<BR>START pb sw.<BR>Note : you do not have to wait for the FLAP<BR>OPEN indication prior to pressing the START pb<BR>sw. However, the APU will not start until the flap is<BR>fully open.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee APU STTARTT ppbb ssw..<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 13/38<BR>The ON light illuminates blue in the<BR>START pb sw, to indicate that the<BR>automatic start sequence has begun.<BR>Click on the forward arrow and observe<BR>the APU N speed and EGT parameters.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 14/38<BR>At approximately 95% N speed,<BR>• the ON light on the START pb sw<BR>extinguishes,<BR>• and the AVAIL light illuminates green,<BR>meaning that the APU parameters are<BR>normal and the APU is available to<BR>supply electrical power and bleed air.<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 15/38<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 16/38<BR>At the same time,<BR>• the AVAIL indication appears in<BR>green on the ECAM APU page,<BR>• and the APU AVAIL memo is<BR>displayed on the E/WD.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 17/38<BR>About 10 seconds later, the ECAM APU<BR>page is replaced by the ECAM DOOR<BR>page.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 18/38<BR>In order for the APU to provide bleed air,<BR>select the APU BLEED pb sw to switch it ON<BR>and observe the corresponding indications<BR>on the ECAM.<BR>For training purposes, we have recalled<BR>the ECAM APU page and displayed the AIR<BR>COND panel for you.<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 19/38<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee APU BLLEED ppbb ssw..<BR>For training purposes, we have recalled<BR>the ECAM APU page and displayed the AIR<BR>COND panel for you.<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 20/38<BR>For training purposes, we have recalled<BR>the ECAM APU page and displayed the AIR<BR>COND panel for you.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee APU BLLEED ppbb ssw..<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 21/38<BR>- The blue ON light appears in the APU<BR>BLEED pb sw,<BR>- the APU bleed valve opens with bleed<BR>air pressure available,<BR>- and the green APU BLEED memo<BR>replaces the APU AVAIL memo on the E/WD.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 22/38<BR>The engines are now running.<BR>Because the APU is no longer required,<BR>you are going to switch it off.<BR>FFiirrsstt,, sswiittcchh ooffff tthhee APU bblleeeedd..<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 23/38<BR>The engines are now running.<BR>Because the APU is no longer required,<BR>you are going to switch it off.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee APU BLLEED ppbb ssw..<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 24/38<BR>The engines are now running.<BR>Because the APU is no longer required,<BR>you are going to switch it off.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee APU BLLEED ppbb ssw..<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 25/38<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 26/38<BR>Observe that :<BR>• the APU BLEED memo has<BR>disappeared on the E/WD and is<BR>replaced by the APU AVAIL memo,<BR>• and the APU bleed valve closes<BR>with the corresponding ECAM<BR>indications when the valve is fully<BR>closed.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 27/38<BR>TThheenn sseelleecctt tthhee APU MASTTER sswiittcchh ttoo sswiittcchh iitt ooffff..<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 28/38<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee APUMASTTER sswiittcchh..<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 29/38<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee APUMASTTER sswiittcchh..<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 30/38<BR>The shutdown is initiated.<BR>Notice that the blue ON light in the<BR>MASTER SW pb extinguishes.<BR>However, as the APU bleed has been used,<BR>the AVAIL indications remain on while the<BR>APU runs for approximately 2 minutes to cool<BR>down.<BR>Note : If the APU bleed has not been used,<BR>the APU shuts down immediately without any<BR>cool down period.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 31/38<BR>During the cool down period , you can<BR>stop the shutdown process by pressing<BR>the MASTER SW pb back to ON provided<BR>AVAIL is displayed.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 32/38<BR>When the cool down period is complete, the<BR>APU shuts down and AVAIL disappears.<BR>Click on the arrow to continue the<BR>shutdown sequence.<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 33/38<BR>The air inlet flap has<BR>closed and the FLAP<BR>OPEN indication has<BR>disappeared on the ECAM<BR>APU page.<BR>The shutdown is now<BR>complete.<BR>Let’s now finish this<BR>module by presenting some<BR>APU limitations.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 34/38<BR>The use of the APU for bleed air is limited<BR>to 15 000 Ft maximum ( for 2 air conditioning<BR>packs operation ).<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH<BR>2 PACKS<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH<BR>2 PACKS<BR>OPERATING<BR>AALLTTIITTUUDDEE((FFtt))<BR>2200000000<BR>3399000000<BR>1155000000<BR>2255000000<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 35/38<BR>The use of the APU for bleed air is<BR>limited to 20 000 Ft maximum ( for 1 air<BR>conditioning pack operation ).<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH 1 PACK<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH 1 PACK<BR>OPERATING<BR>AALLTTIITTUUDDEE((FFtt))<BR>2200000000<BR>3399000000<BR>1155000000<BR>2255000000<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH<BR>2 PACKS<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH<BR>2 PACKS<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 36/38<BR>AALLTTIITTUUDDEE((FFtt))<BR>2200000000<BR>3399000000<BR>1155000000<BR>2255000000<BR>APU BATTERY<BR>RESTART LIMIT<BR>APU BATTERY<BR>RESTART LIMIT<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH 1 PACK<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH 1 PACK<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH<BR>2 PACKS<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH<BR>2 PACKS<BR>OPERATING<BR>The APU can be started using batteries<BR>up to 25 000 Ft.<BR>APU MENU<BR>Normal operation 37/38<BR>AALLTTIITTUUDDEE((FFtt))<BR>2200000000<BR>3399000000<BR>1155000000<BR>2255000000<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH 1 PACK<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH 1 PACK<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH<BR>2 PACKS<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH<BR>2 PACKS<BR>OPERATING<BR>You can start the APU all the way to the<BR>max ceiling of the aircraft (39 000 Ft).<BR>APU OPERATION<BR>AND RESTART<BR>LIMIT<BR>APU OPERATION<BR>AND RESTART<BR>LIMIT<BR>APU BATTERY<BR>RESTART LIMIT<BR>APU BATTERY<BR>RESTART LIMIT<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 38/38<BR>AALLTTIITTUUDDEE((FFtt))<BR>2200000000<BR>3399000000<BR>1155000000<BR>2255000000<BR>APU BATTERY<BR>RESTART LIMIT<BR>APU BATTERY<BR>RESTART LIMIT<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH 1 PACK<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH 1 PACK<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH<BR>2 PACKS<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU BLEED AIR<BR>WITH<BR>2 PACKS<BR>OPERATING<BR>APU ELEC<BR>POWER<BR>APU ELEC<BR>POWER<BR>Module completed<BR>Electrical power from the APU can be used<BR>all the way to the max ceiling of the aircraft<BR>(39 000 Ft).<BR>NEXT<BR>APU OPERATION<BR>AND RESTART<BR>LIMIT<BR>APU OPERATION<BR>AND RESTART<BR>LIMIT<BR>APU MENU Normal operation 39/38<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>AAPPUUSSTTAARRTT<BR>AAPPUUSSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN<BR>WWAALLKKAARROOUUNNDD<BR>AAPPUULLIIMMIITTAATTIIOONNSS

guanshyy 发表于 2011-3-30 11:37:09


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 09:59:23


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:03:33


gordon525 发表于 2014-8-3 08:06:26

谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下

wsinglejoke 发表于 2016-1-23 11:26:27


diguo 发表于 2017-3-9 16:17:53

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