**** Hidden Message ***** NAVIGATION MENU Standby Inst. presentation 1/9<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Standby Inst. presentation 2/9<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Standby Inst. presentation 3/9<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Standby Inst. presentation 4/9<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Standby Inst. presentation 5/9<BR>The A320 family is equipped with<BR>standby instruments which include:<BR>• A standby airspeed indicator (ASI),<BR>• A standby altimeter,<BR>• A standby horizon.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Standby Inst. presentation 6/9<BR>Moreover, a standby<BR>compass is fitted on top<BR>of the windshield center<BR>post in a closed<BR>compartment.<BR>It may be pulled down<BR>for use. A deviation card<BR>is fitted above the<BR>compass.<BR>We will now have a<BR>closer look at the others<BR>instruments.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Standby Inst. presentation 7/9<BR>The ASI is fitted with an airspeed pointer and<BR>airspeed bugs.<BR>The only pilot input to the ASI is the manual<BR>setting of the speed bugs.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Standby Inst. presentation 8/9<BR>The standby altimeter is fitted with:<BR>• An altitude pointer,<BR>• An altitude counter,<BR>• A baroset counter which displays pressure setting in<BR>inches of hg or in hPa depending on the option chosen,<BR>• A baroset knob.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Standby Inst. presentation 9/9<BR>The standby horizon is erected by pulling the<BR>caging knob.<BR>The standby horizon is the only standby<BR>instrument requiring an electrical supply. In the event<BR>of total electrical failure, it continues working for<BR>approximately five minutes.<BR>In case of instrument or power supply failure, a<BR>failure flag appears.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Standby Inst. presentation 10/9<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>SSTTAANNDDBBYYIINNSSTTRRUUMMEENNTTSS<BR>AASSII<BR>SSTTAANNDDBBYYAALLTTIIMMEETTEERR<BR>SSTTAANNDDBBYYHHOORRIIZZOONN<BR>SSTTAANNDDBBYYCCOOMMPPAASSSS 非正常操作 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下。