航空 发表于 2011-3-30 06:58:32


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航空 发表于 2011-3-30 06:58:57

DOORS MENU System presentation 1/11<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>System presentation 2/11<BR>The A320 has four cabin doors, one<BR>forward and one aft on each side.<BR>For passenger boarding, the left<BR>forward door is normally used.<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>System presentation 3/11<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>Each door is equipped with an<BR>escape slide.<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>System presentation 4/11<BR>There are four over wing emergency<BR>exits, two on each side of the aircraft.<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>System presentation 5/11<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>One over wing escape slide is provided<BR>on each side of the aircraft.<BR>Each one is stowed in a compartment<BR>at the wing root.<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>System presentation 6/11<BR>The A320 has two cargo<BR>doors, one forward and one aft<BR>on the right side of the aircraft<BR>to access the cargo<BR>compartments.<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>System presentation 7/11<BR>A bulk cargo door located<BR>at the rear bottom right side<BR>of the fuselage provides<BR>access to the bulk cargo<BR>compartment.<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>System presentation 8/11<BR>There are four small doors in the front<BR>of the fuselage to give access to the<BR>avionics compartment.<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>System presentation 9/11<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE<BR>The pilots can monitor the status of<BR>all the doors in the aircraft as well as<BR>the escape slides using the ECAM<BR>DOOR/OXY page.<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>System presentation 10/11<BR>The door symbology is the same<BR>regardless of its type.<BR>The symbol is green when the door<BR>is closed and locked.<BR>For example, the right forward<BR>cabin door is closed and locked.<BR>DOORS MENU System presentation 11/11<BR>The two cockpit sliding<BR>windows, one on each side,<BR>provide emergency exits from<BR>the cockpit.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>DOORS MENU System presentation 12/11<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>CCAABBIINNDDOOOORRSS<BR>EEMMEERRGGEENNCCYYEEXXIITTSS<BR>AAVVIIOONNIICCSSDDOOOORRSS<BR>EECCAAMMDDOOOORR//OOXXYYPPAAGGEE<BR>CCAARRGGOODDOOOORRSS<BR>CCOOCCKKPPIITTSSLLIIDDIINNGGWWIINNDDOOWWSS

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 10:00:17


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:04:05


diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 15:16:15

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