<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> DOORS MENU Normal operation 1/19<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>Normal operation 2/19<BR>During the cockpit preparation, you would<BR>check that the escape ropes are properly<BR>stowed above and behind each sliding<BR>window.<BR>The ropes are long enough to be thrown out<BR>either cockpit sliding window and used for<BR>escape.<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>Normal operation 3/19<BR>The cockpit sliding windows are<BR>controlled by the window control handle.<BR>We will look at a video clip to<BR>demonstrate opening and closing the<BR>cockpit window.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee vviiddeeoo wiinnddoow ttoo ssttaarrtt iitt ......<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>Normal operation 4/19<BR>You are at the gate, the engines are<BR>stopped. During preflight, the ECAM<BR>DOOR/OXY page is automatically displayed by<BR>the system.<BR>Let’s have a look at the door status….<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>Normal operation 5/19<BR>The ECAM DOOR/OXY page is showing<BR>that several doors are open.<BR>A door symbol and its corresponding<BR>door label are displayed in amber when a<BR>door is not closed and locked.<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>Normal operation 6/19<BR>The open doors are an avionics<BR>door,<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>Normal operation 7/19<BR>tthhee lleefftt ffoorrwaarrdd ccaabbiinn ddoooorr,,<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>Normal operation 8/19<BR>both cargo doors and the bulk cargo<BR>door.<BR>DOORS MENU Normal operation 9/19<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>Normal operation 10/19<BR>Watch as the forward cabin door on<BR>the left side is closed.<BR>The door symbol changes to a green<BR>symbol and the label disappears<BR>indicating that the door is closed and<BR>locked.<BR>DOORS MENU Normal operation 11/19<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>Normal operation 12/19<BR>Watch as the cargo doors are closed<BR>and locked.<BR>The symbols change to green symbols<BR>and the labels disappear showing that the<BR>cargo doors are closed and locked.<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>Normal operation 13/19<BR>Notice that the avionics door is now<BR>closed. The bulk cargo door has been<BR>closed also.<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>Normal operation 14/19<BR>When a door slide is disarmed, there is<BR>no label. Here, the ECAM DOOR/OXY page<BR>indicates that all cabin door slides are<BR>disarmed.<BR>DOORS MENU Normal operation 15/19<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>Normal operation 16/19<BR>Watch as the cabin door slides are<BR>armed.<BR>The slide labels appear in white beside<BR>their related doors indicating that the<BR>associated slides are armed.<BR>Doors are closed and locked, all the<BR>slides are armed.<BR>DOORS MENU Normal operation 17/19<BR>Notice that the wing escape slide labels<BR>are always displayed as they are always<BR>armed.<BR>The doors are now in the correct<BR>configuration for the aircraft to be pushed<BR>back.<BR>DOORS MENU<BR>Normal operation 18/19<BR>You will learn in detail how to operate<BR>the cabin doors and their slides in the<BR>Cabin chapter.<BR>However, we will take this opportunity<BR>to look at a video clip to demonstrate the<BR>opening and closing of a cabin door and<BR>the arming of a slide. Here, as an<BR>example, the right forward cabin door.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee vviiddeeoo wiinnddoow ttoo ssttaarrtt iitt..<BR>DOORS MENU Normal operation 19/19<BR>The emergency exits, their<BR>related slides and the cabin<BR>emergency devices will be studied<BR>in the Cabin chapter.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>DOORS MENU Normal operation 20/19<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>AATTTTHHEEGGAATTEE<BR>CCAABBIINNDDOOOORR<BR>CCAABBIINNDDOOOORRSSLLIIDDEESS<BR>CCOOCCKKPPIITTSSLLIIDDIINNGGWWIINNDDOOWWSS学习了
我想看发动机方面的门 舱门正常操作 好资料,学习了。。。 谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下 66666666666666666666666666 恩。好东西。好好学习一下。