**** Hidden Message ***** NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 1/64<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 2/64<BR>As part of your walk-around, you<BR>would verify the condition (damage,<BR>blockage, ...) of:<BR>• the 3 Angle Of Attack (AOA) probes,<BR>SSTTBBYYAAOOAApprroobbee<BR>CCAAPPTT AAOOAApprroobbee<BR>FF//OOAAOOAApprroobbee<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 3/64<BR>CAPT & F/O STATIC ports<BR>(both sides)<BR>• the 2 CAPT & F/O static ports,<BR>Check that the static ports are<BR>clear and the covers are removed.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 4/64<BR>CCAAPPTT ppiittoott<BR>SSTTBBYYppiittoott<BR>•• tthhee 33 ppiittoott pprroobbeess,,<BR>FF//OOppiittoott<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 5/64<BR>STBY STATIC ports<BR>(both sides)<BR>• the 2 STBY static ports,<BR>Check that the static ports are clear<BR>and the covers are removed.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 6/64<BR>• the 2 Total Air Temperature (TAT)<BR>probes,<BR>FF//OOTTAATT pprroobbee CCAAPPTT TTAATT pprroobbee<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 7/64<BR>•• TThhee rraaddaarr rraaddoomee aanndd iittss llaattcchheess,,<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 8/64<BR>• Navigation antennas on the lower<BR>center fuselage.<BR>DDMMEE11<BR>AATTCC<BR>DDMMEE22<BR>MMAARRKKEERR<BR>TTCCAASS<BR>RADIO<BR>ALTIMETER<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 9/64<BR>For normal operation, after AC power has been<BR>connected to the aircraft, ensure that the ADR pushbuttons<BR>are in their normal, lights out position, then...<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 10/64<BR>Seelleecctt tthhee NAV ppoossiittiioonn oonn tthhee tthhrreeee IIRmooddee sseelleeccttoorrss..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 11/64<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt oonnee ooff tthhee IIRmooddee sseelleeccttoorrss..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 12/64<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt oonnee ooff tthhee IIRmooddee sseelleeccttoorrss..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 13/64<BR>The alignment process has now started. The ON BAT<BR>light illuminates amber for a few seconds, as a test of the<BR>battery circuit, and the white ALIGN lights illuminate to<BR>indicate that alignment is in progress.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 14/64<BR>Almost immediately air data information is shown on<BR>both PFD.<BR>On the ECAM memo, the message ‘IRS IN ALIGN’ greater<BR>than seven minutes appears. This message tells you that<BR>the alignment process has begun. It takes approximately<BR>10 minutes for a full alignment but the ECAM will only<BR>count down from 7 minutes.<BR>IRS IN ALIGN > 7 MN<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 15/64<BR>After approximately 30 seconds attitude information is<BR>displayed on both PFD.<BR>IRS IN ALIGN > 7 MN<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 16/64<BR>To allow an IRS alignment, you will have to enter the<BR>present position in the INIT page of the MCDU.<BR>To save time we have already selected this page for you.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 17/64<BR>ORLCAIR<BR>One method of position entry is to insert a company route.<BR>We have inserted the company route ORLCAIR into the<BR>scratchpad for you. It corresponds in this database to a flight<BR>from Paris-Orly to Cairo<BR>LLiinnee sseelleecctt tthhiiss rroouuttee ttoo tthhee CO RTTE ffiieelldd bbyy sseelleeccttiinngg tthhee 11LL kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 18/64<BR>ORLCAIR<BR>One method of position entry is to insert a company route.<BR>We have inserted the company route ORLCAIR into the<BR>scratchpad for you. It corresponds in this database to a flight<BR>from Paris-Orly to Cairo<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee 11LL kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 19/64<BR>ORLCAIR<BR>One method of position entry is to insert a company route.<BR>We have inserted the company route ORLCAIR into the<BR>scratchpad for you. It corresponds in this database to a flight<BR>from Paris-Orly to Cairo<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee 11LL kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 20/64<BR>As you can see, this has automatically entered the<BR>latitude and longitude position of Orly airfield into the<BR>MCDU. This data has been obtained from the aircraft<BR>database and you should confirm that this position is<BR>correct by reference to airfield charts.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 21/64<BR>Notice the up and down arrows beside the LAT title. These<BR>arrows are telling you that the Latitude information can be adjusted<BR>by using the MCDU slew keys.<BR>Prreessss tthheeMCDU sslleewuupp kkeeyy ttoo cchhaannggee tthhee LLaattiittuuddee iinnffoorrmaattiioonn..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 22/64<BR>Notice the up and down arrows beside the LAT title. These<BR>arrows are telling you that the Latitude information can be adjusted<BR>by using the MCDU slew keys.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthheeMCDU sslleew UP kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 23/64<BR>Notice the up and down arrows beside the LAT title. These<BR>arrows are telling you that the Latitude information can be adjusted<BR>by using the MCDU slew keys.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthheeMCDU sslleew UP kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 24/64<BR>Notice that the latitude figure has been increased by<BR>point 1 of a minute.<BR>TToo aaddjjuusstt tthhee LLoonnggiittuuddee ppoossiittiioonn lliinnee sseelleecctt 44R..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 25/64<BR>Notice that the latitude figure has been increased by<BR>point 1 of a minute.<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt 44R..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 26/64<BR>Notice that the latitude figure has been increased by<BR>point 1 of a minute.<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt 44R..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 27/64<BR>Notice that the two arrows have now moved across to be alongside the<BR>LONG title. The Longitude information can be adjusted in a similar manner<BR>to the Latitude.<BR>Prreessss tthheeMCDU sslleewddoownn kkeeyy ttoo cchhaannggee tthhee LLoonnggiittuuddee iinnffoorrmaattiioonn..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 28/64<BR>Notice that the two arrows have now moved across to be alongside the<BR>LONG title. The Longitude information can be adjusted in a similar manner<BR>to the Latitude.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthheeMCDU sslleew DOWN kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 29/64<BR>Notice that the two arrows have now moved across to be alongside the<BR>LONG title. The Longitude information can be adjusted in a similar manner<BR>to the Latitude.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthheeMCDU sslleew DOWN kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 30/64<BR>Notice that the Longitude has been decreased by point 1<BR>of a minute.<BR>Using this method it is possible to fine tune the position<BR>to, for example, the gate position.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 31/64<BR>An alternative method of inputting the present position is to enter the<BR>departure and arrival airfields.<BR>We have already entered two airfields into the scratchpad.<BR>Noow lliinnee sseelleecctt tthheessee ttwoo aaiirrffiieellddss ttoo tthhee FFROM// TTO ffiieelldd bbyy pprreessssiinngg tthhee 11 R kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 32/64<BR>An alternative method of inputting the present position is to enter the<BR>departure and arrival airfields.<BR>We have already entered two airfields into the scratchpad.<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt tthhee 11 R kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 33/64<BR>An alternative method of inputting the present position is to enter the<BR>departure and arrival airfields.<BR>We have already entered two airfields into the scratchpad.<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt tthhee 11 R kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 34/64<BR>This page presents all the flights from LFPO to HECA previously<BR>stored in the database. There is no flight already stored between these<BR>two airports.<BR>Noow rreettuurrnn ttoo tthhee IINIITT ppaaggee bbyy pprreessssiinngg tthhee 66 LL kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 35/64<BR>This page presents all the flights from LFPO to HECA previously<BR>stored in the database. There is no flight already stored between these<BR>two airports.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee 66 LL kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 36/64<BR>This page presents all the flights from LFPO to HECA previously<BR>stored in the database. There is no flight already stored between these<BR>two airports.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee 66 LL kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 37/64<BR>This method has also automatically entered the Latitude<BR>and Longitude position. The position can be adjusted in<BR>the same manner as before.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 38/64<BR>Either of these methods brings up the amber ALIGN IRS prompt. Once you<BR>have confirmed that the position is correct you can send it to the ADIRS by<BR>line selecting the ALIGN IRS prompt.<BR>CO RTE<BR>METHOD<BR>Seenndd tthhee ppoossiittiioonn ttoo tthhee ADIIRS..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 39/64<BR>Either of these methods brings up the amber ALIGN IRS prompt. Once you<BR>have confirmed that the position is correct you can send it to the ADIRS by<BR>line selecting the ALIGN IRS prompt.<BR>CO RTE<BR>METHOD<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt tthhee ALLIIGN IIRS pprroompptt..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 40/64<BR>Either of these methods brings up the amber ALIGN IRS prompt. Once you<BR>have confirmed that the position is correct you can send it to the ADIRS by<BR>line selecting the ALIGN IRS prompt.<BR>CO RTE<BR>METHOD<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt tthhee ALLIIGN IIRS pprroompptt..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 41/64<BR>The ALIGN IRS prompt disappears and the IRS will use<BR>this position as their reference to perform alignment.<BR>CO RTE<BR>METHOD<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 42/64<BR>The “IRS IN ALIGN” message on the E/WD counts down<BR>the time remaining until full alignment is completed. We<BR>have speeded up this countdown for you.<BR>IRS IN ALIGN > 7364521 MN<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 43/64<BR>If the position has not been inserted the countdown will<BR>stop at 1 minute.<BR>In the MCDU scratchpad a message “ ENTER PRESENT<BR>POSITION” appears and the ALIGN lights on the ADIRS<BR>panel will begin to flash.<BR>IRS IN ALIGN > 71 MN<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 44/64<BR>Once IRS alignment is complete, all PFD and ND<BR>information is available.<BR>The IRS “IN ALIGN” message disappears from the E/WD<BR>memo and the ADIRS control panel ALIGN lights<BR>extinguish.<BR>For the remainder of a normal flight no further pilot input<BR>is required to the ADIRS system.<BR>IRS IN ALIGN > 71 MN<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 45/64<BR>Occasionally, during a turn around, a residual ground<BR>speed can necessitate an IRS rapid realignment. Residual<BR>groundspeed can be seen on the ND. ND1 shows the<BR>residual groundspeed for IR1, while ND2 shows the<BR>residual groundspeed for IR2.<BR>ND1 ND2<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 46/64<BR>To see the residual groundspeed for IR3 you can use the ADIRS<BR>panel. The system selector should be in position 3 and the DATA<BR>selector in the Track / Groundspeed position.<BR>To carry out a rapid alignment the three mode selectors are<BR>momentarily switched off.<BR>Seelleecctt IIR11mooddee sseelleeccttoorr ttoo OFFFF..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 47/64<BR>To see the residual groundspeed for IR3 you can use the ADIRS<BR>panel. The system selector should be in position 3 and the DATA<BR>selector in the Track / Groundspeed position.<BR>To carry out a rapid alignment the three mode selectors are<BR>momentarily switched off.<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt IIR11mooddee sseelleeccttoorr ttoo OFFFF..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 48/64<BR>To see the residual groundspeed for IR3 you can use the ADIRS<BR>panel. The system selector should be in position 3 and the DATA<BR>selector in the Track / Groundspeed position.<BR>To carry out a rapid alignment the three mode selectors are<BR>momentarily switched off.<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt IIR11mooddee sseelleeccttoorr ttoo OFFFF..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 49/64<BR>Noow ttuurrnn iitt bbaacckk ttoo NAV,,<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 50/64<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt IIR11mooddee sseelleeccttoorr..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 51/64<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt IIR11mooddee sseelleeccttoorr..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 52/64<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 53/64<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 54/64<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 55/64<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 56/64<BR>Fast realignment is now in progress. Notice that all<BR>three ALIGN lights have illuminated.<BR>You should note that if a rotary selector is switched to<BR>the OFF position for more than 5 seconds a full alignment<BR>will commence lasting up to 10 minutes !<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 57/64<BR>You now have to insert the position.<BR>A company route has been typed for you in the<BR>scratchpad.<BR>Plleeaassee lliinnee sseelleecctt iitt ttoo 11LL..<BR>ORLCAIR<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 58/64<BR>You now have to insert the position.<BR>A company route has been typed for you in the<BR>scratchpad.<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt 11LL..<BR>ORLCAIR<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 59/64<BR>You now have to insert the position.<BR>A company route has been typed for you in the<BR>scratchpad.<BR>ORLCAIR<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt 11LL..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 60/64<BR>With a position now in the MCDU, you can see that the<BR>‘ALIGN IRS’ prompt has appeared on the MCDU display.<BR>After confirming that this is the correct position it can be<BR>sent to the ADIRS.<BR>LLiinnee sseelleecctt 33R ttoo rreeaalliiggnn tthhee ADIIRS..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 61/64<BR>With a position now in the MCDU, you can see that the<BR>‘ALIGN IRS’ prompt has appeared on the MCDU display.<BR>After confirming that this is the correct position it can be<BR>sent to the ADIRS.<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt 33R..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 62/64<BR>With a position now in the MCDU, you can see that the<BR>‘ALIGN IRS’ prompt has appeared on the MCDU display.<BR>After confirming that this is the correct position it can be<BR>sent to the ADIRS.<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt 33R..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 63/64<BR>TThhee aaccttuuaall ppoossiittiioonn hhaass bbeeeenn sseenntt ttoo tthhee ADIIRS..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 64/64<BR>The ADIRS will take approximately 3 minutes to realign<BR>to the position entered into the MCDU.<BR>Now, the ground speeds are all zero and the rapid<BR>alignment is complete.<BR>ND1 ND2<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (A) 65/64<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>WWAALLKKAARROOUUNNDD<BR>AADDIIRRSSAALLIIGGNNMMEENNTT<BR>FFRROOMM//TTOOMMEETTHHOODD<BR>CCOORROOUUTTEEMMEETTHHOODD<BR>RREESSIIDDUUAALLGGRROOUUNNDDSSPPEEEEDD 2232313213 <P>看看,谢谢</P><P> </P> 飞行操作简要说明火山灰FOBN Operating Environment Volcanic Ash Awareness 飞行操作简要说明火山灰FOBN Operating Environment Volcanic Ash Awareness 非常感谢! 好东西。要好好学习学习 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下