航空 发表于 2011-4-2 07:08:40


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航空 发表于 2011-4-2 07:08:50

LIGHTS MENU System presentation 1/16<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>System presentation 2/16<BR>The lighting system includes:<BR>• Cockpit lighting,<BR>• Exterior lights,<BR>• Cabin signs and<BR>• Emergency lighting.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>System presentation 3/16<BR>Cockpit lighting system can be<BR>divided into:<BR>• Panel and instrument lighting,<BR>• General cockpit illumination,<BR>• Ambient illumination.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>System presentation 4/16<BR>We will begin with the panel and<BR>instrument lighting.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>System presentation 5/16<BR>The panel and instrument lighting<BR>controls are located:<BR>•• oonn tthhrreeee ddiiffffeerreenntt ppaanneellss aanndd<BR>•• uunnddeerrnneeaatthh tthhee ggllaarreesshhiieelldd..<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>System presentation 6/16<BR>The cockpit lighting system also provides<BR>general cockpit illumination.<BR>Two dome lights fitted in the cockpit<BR>ceiling provide the main cockpit illumination<BR>source.<BR>LIGHTS MENU System presentation 7/16<BR>In addition, for the ambient illumination,<BR>the following lights are provided:<BR>- Two reading lights are fitted on each side<BR>of the upper part of the overhead panel.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>System presentation 8/16<BR>- Side console lights allow the pilots<BR>to illuminate:<BR>• the side consoles,<BR>• briefcase areas,<BR>• the floor around the pilot seats.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>System presentation 9/16<BR>The side console light<BR>controls are on the<BR>MISCELLANEOUS panels<BR>located on the left and<BR>right sides of the main<BR>panel.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>System presentation 10/16<BR>- Two map lights are also provided, one on<BR>each side of the cockpit.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>System presentation 11/16<BR>The exterior lighting system<BR>consists of:<BR>• taxi, turn off,<BR>• navigation, strobe, beacon, wing,<BR>• take off and landing lights.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>System presentation 12/16<BR>The controls for all these lights are<BR>on the EXT LT panel located on the<BR>overhead panel.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>System presentation 13/16<BR>The next lighting system to be presented<BR>is the cabin signs. They are used to give<BR>instructions to the passengers such as “NO<BR>SMOKING” and “SEAT BELTS”.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>System presentation 14/16<BR>The controls of the cabin signs are<BR>on the left side of the SIGNS panel<BR>located on the overhead panel.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>System presentation 15/16<BR>The emergency lighting system is<BR>designed to show the different ways for the<BR>passengers to exit the aircraft in an<BR>emergency situation.<BR>LIGHTS MENU System presentation 16/16<BR>The emergency lighting control is on<BR>the right side of the SIGNS panel located<BR>on the overhead panel.<BR>Let’s go now to the normal operation<BR>module.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>LIGHTS MENU System presentation 17/16<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>IINNSSTTRRUUMMEENNTTLLIIGGHHTTIINNGG<BR>CCOOCCKKPPIITTLLIIGGHHTTIINNGG<BR>SSIIGGNNSS<BR>EEMMEERRLLIIGGHHTTIINNGG<BR>EEXXTTEERRIIOORRLLIIGGHHTTIINNGG<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN

show616 发表于 2011-4-2 11:38:54


airportcn 发表于 2011-5-17 11:28:42


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 09:41:58

Flight Crew Training Manual

tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:00:56


diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 15:18:16

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