航空 发表于 2011-4-6 09:22:40


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航空 发表于 2011-4-6 09:22:51

LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 1/37<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 2/37<BR>During preliminary cockpit<BR>preparation, the following cockpit<BR>lights are set as required.<BR>Swiittcchh OVHD IINTTEG LLTT ON..<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 3/37<BR>During preliminary cockpit<BR>preparation, the following cockpit<BR>lights are set as required.<BR>Noo,, ttuurrnn tthhee OVHD IINTTEG LLTT kknnoobb..<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 4/37<BR>During preliminary cockpit<BR>preparation, the following cockpit<BR>lights are set as required.<BR>Noo,, ttuurrnn tthhee OVHD IINTTEG LLTT kknnoobb..<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 5/37<BR>The OVHD INTEG LT knob controls<BR>the intensity of the overhead integral<BR>lighting.<BR>Swiittcchh STTBY COMPASS lliigghhtt ON ..<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 6/37<BR>The OVHD INTEG LT knob controls<BR>the intensity of the overhead integral<BR>lighting.<BR>Noo,, rraaiissee tthhee STTBY COMPASS lliigghhtt sswiittcchh..<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 7/37<BR>The OVHD INTEG LT knob controls<BR>the intensity of the overhead integral<BR>lighting.<BR>Noo,, rraaiissee tthhee STTBY COMPASS lliigghhtt sswiittcchh..<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 8/37<BR>The STBY COMPASS switch controls<BR>the standby compass integral lighting.<BR>Swiittcchh DOME LLTT oonn BRTT ppoossiittiioonn..<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 9/37<BR>The STBY COMPASS switch controls<BR>the standby compass integral lighting.<BR>Noo,, sseett tthhee DOME LLTT sseelleeccttoorr oonn BRTT..<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 10/37<BR>The STBY COMPASS switch controls<BR>the standby compass integral lighting.<BR>Noo,, sseett tthhee DOME LLTT sseelleeccttoorr oonn BRTT..<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 11/37<BR>The DOME selector can be set to<BR>BRIGHT, DIM or OFF position to control<BR>the dome lighting intensity.<BR>Swiittcchh DOME LLTT oonn DIIM ppoossiittiioonn..<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 12/37<BR>The DOME selector can be set to<BR>BRIGHT, DIM or OFF position to control<BR>the dome lighting intensity.<BR>Noo,, sseett tthhee DOME sseelleeccttoorr ttoo DIIM..<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 13/37<BR>The DOME selector can be set to<BR>BRIGHT, DIM or OFF position to control<BR>the dome lighting intensity.<BR>Noo,, sseett tthhee DOME sseelleeccttoorr ttoo DIIM..<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 14/37<BR>The dome light should be selected<BR>during cockpit preparation as it is the<BR>only lighting source in battery supply<BR>configuration.<BR>The DIM position is recommended for<BR>take off.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 15/37<BR>The ANN LT selector provides<BR>brightness adjustment (BRT or DIM)<BR>and can be used to test all the<BR>cockpit annunciator lights.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 16/37<BR>The DIM position reduces<BR>illumination while the BRIGHT<BR>position increases illumination.<BR>Seett tthhee ANN LLTT sseelleeccttoorr ttoo TTESTT..<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 17/37<BR>Noo,, sswiittcchh tthhee ANN LLTT sseelleeccttoorr ttoo TTESTT..<BR>The DIM position reduces<BR>illumination while the BRIGHT<BR>position increases illumination.<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 18/37<BR>Noo,, sswiittcchh tthhee ANN LLTT sseelleeccttoorr ttoo TTESTT..<BR>The DIM position reduces<BR>illumination while the BRIGHT<BR>position increases illumination.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 19/37<BR>In the TEST position, all<BR>annunciator lights come on and all<BR>Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD)<BR>indicate eights.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 20/37<BR>Note: Any ECAM/ND transfer or EIS<BR>DMC switching are prohibited during<BR>the ANN LT test.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 21/37<BR>The FLOOD LT MAIN PNL knob<BR>controls the intensity of the main<BR>instrument panel lighting.<BR>Swiittcchh IINTTEG LLTT ON..<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 22/37<BR>The FLOOD LT MAIN PNL knob<BR>controls the intensity of the main<BR>instrument panel lighting.<BR>Noo,, ttuurrnn tthhee IINTTEG LLTT kknnoobb..<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 23/37<BR>The FLOOD LT MAIN PNL knob<BR>controls the intensity of the main<BR>instrument panel lighting.<BR>Noo,, ttuurrnn tthhee IINTTEG LLTT kknnoobb..<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 24/37<BR>The INTEG LT MAIN PNL &amp; PED<BR>knob controls the intensity of the<BR>main panel and pedestal integral<BR>lighting.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 25/37<BR>The FLOOD LT PED knob controls<BR>the intensity of the pedestal flood<BR>light.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 26/37<BR>The FCU lighting is controlled by two sliding<BR>potentiometers.<BR>The left one controls the integral lighting of<BR>the FCU labels, knobs and switches,<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 27/37<BR>while the right one controls the integral<BR>lighting adjustment of the FCU window<BR>displays.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 28/37<BR>During the preliminary cockpit<BR>preparation, the following lights can<BR>also be used as required.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 29/37<BR>The CONSOLE/FLOOR selectors<BR>have BRIGHT, DIM and OFF positions.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 30/37<BR>The map lights are controlled by an<BR>ON/OFF switch and a brightness adjustment<BR>knob.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 31/37<BR>The next step is the walk around. During<BR>this phase, the condition of the external<BR>lights need to be checked.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 32/37<BR>TTAAKKEEOOFFFF<BR>The first lights to be checked are<BR>the lights fitted on the nose landing<BR>gear.<BR>The TAXI light is at the top, on the<BR>right side of the gear strut.<BR>The TAKE OFF light is on the<BR>opposite side while both TURN OFF<BR>lights are attached on the lower part<BR>of the strut.<BR>TTAAXXII<BR>RRIIGGHHTT TTUURRNNOOFFFF LLEEFFTT TTUURRNNOOFFFF<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 33/37<BR>A wing light is fitted on each side of the<BR>fuselage.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 34/37<BR>Two red beacon lights are installed, one<BR>on the top of the fuselage and the second on<BR>the lower center fuselage.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 35/37<BR>A landing light is fitted under each wing<BR>close to the main landing gear well. The lights<BR>are in their normal retracted position.<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 36/37<BR>Two sets of navigation lights and a strobe<BR>light are installed on each wing tip.<BR>NNAAVV SSTTRROOBBEE<BR>LIGHTS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 37/37<BR>Just below the APU<BR>exhaust, there are two white<BR>navigation lights and a strobe<BR>light.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>We will now carry on with<BR>the second normal operation<BR>module.<BR>LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (A) 38/37<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>CCOOCCKKPPIITTPPRREEPPAARRAATTIIOONN<BR>WWAALLKKAARROOUUNNDD<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN

zxlly 发表于 2011-6-4 21:01:47


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 08:02:52


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:38:26


twn353091 发表于 2014-5-9 19:09:20

感謝分享, TKS.

blandwin 发表于 2014-5-19 11:01:57


gordon525 发表于 2014-8-3 07:52:34

谢谢 谢谢谢谢

diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 12:46:33

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