**** Hidden Message ***** POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 1/34<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU<BR>Abnormal operation A 2/34<BR>This is a demonstration of an in-flight loss of EPR mode. It will<BR>be replaced by N1. This is reversion to rated N1 MODE.<BR>If additional EPR computed parameters are not available, the<BR>new degraded mode is called unrated N1 MODE.<BR>You are the PNF. You are in cruise, everything is normal...<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFoorrwaarrdd iiccoonn ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 3/34<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 4/34<BR>No, to extinguish the MASTER CAUTION light, click on<BR>the MASTER CAUTION pb.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 5/34<BR>No, to extinguish the MASTER CAUTION light, click on<BR>the MASTER CAUTION pb.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 6/34<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 7/34<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 8/34<BR>The amber warning and associated checklist are<BR>displayed on the E/WD.<BR>Read the title of the failure.<BR>When EPR is lost the autothrust is disconnected.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 9/34<BR>The EPR indicator is amber and the value is<BR>crossed amber showing that EPR 1 MODE is lost.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 10/34<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 11/34<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 12/34<BR>The actual N1 is shown both numerically and<BR>by the needle in green.<BR>The needle and the numeric value pulse amber<BR>when N1 is greater than the N1 rating limit.<BR>They pulse red when N1 is greater than 100 %.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 13/34<BR>The white circle indicates the thrust lever<BR>position.<BR>This white circle is not displayed in unrated<BR>mode.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 14/34<BR>The amber index indicates the full forward<BR>position of the thrust lever (MAX N1).<BR>MAX N1 is not displayed in unrated mode.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU<BR>Abnormal operation A 15/34<BR>TThhee PFF wiillll aasskk yyoouu ttoo ppeerrffoorrmtthhee ECAMaaccttiioonnss..<BR>Plleeaassee,, ppeerrffoorrmECAMaaccttiioonn..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 16/34<BR>Noo,, ttoo sswiittcchh ENG 11 N11MODE ON,, ppuusshh ENG 11 N11MODE ppbb..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 17/34<BR>Noo,, ttoo sswiittcchh ENG 11 N11MODE ON,, ppuusshh ENG 11 N11MODE ppbb..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 18/34<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 19/34<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU<BR>Abnormal operation A 20/34<BR>On the ENG panel, the engine 1 N1 MODE pb switch<BR>changes to ON blue.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 21/34<BR>Coonnttiinnuuee ECAMaaccttiioonn..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 22/34<BR>Noo,, ttoo sswiittcchh ENG 22 N11MODE ON,, ppuusshh ENG 22 N11MODE ppbb sswiittcchh..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 23/34<BR>Noo,, ttoo sswiittcchh ENG 22 N11MODE ON,, ppuusshh ENG 22 N11MODE ppbb sswiittcchh..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 24/34<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 25/34<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU<BR>Abnormal operation A 26/34<BR>Engine 2 EPR indication turns amber indicating that the EPR<BR>MODE is lost.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 27/34<BR>TThhee N11 iinnddiiccaattiioonnss aarree nnoow tthhee ssaamee ffoorr bbootthh eennggiinneess..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 28/34<BR>The EPR LIMIT mode is replaced<BR>by a specific N1 LIMIT mode box<BR>showing clearly that the engines<BR>are controlled in the N1 MODE.<BR>In unrated mode, the N1MODE<BR>and N1 limit mode are crossed<BR>amber.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 29/34<BR>Next action is to adjust the thrust manually depending on the<BR>request.<BR>Assume this has been done.<BR>ECAM actions complete.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU<BR>Abnormal operation A 30/34<BR>LLeett’’ss llooookk bbrriieeffllyy aatt ssoomee ootthheerr eennggiinnee aabbnnoorrmaall iinnddiiccaattiioonnss..<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU<BR>Abnormal operation A 31/34<BR>The amber warning is displayed on the E/WD.<BR>Read the title of the failure.<BR>ENG 1 OIL FILTER CLOG<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU<BR>Abnormal operation A 32/34<BR>ENG 1 OIL FILTER CLOG<BR>On the system display, the ECAM ENGINE<BR>page is automatically displayed.<BR>The oil filter indication is displayed and the<BR>corresponding oil filter is indicated by CLOG in<BR>amber.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU<BR>Abnormal operation A 33/34<BR>The same kind of message can occur with the<BR>fuel system.<BR>The amber warning is displayed on the E/WD.<BR>ENG 2 FUEL FILTER CLOG<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 34/34<BR>ENG 2 FUEL FILTER CLOG<BR>On the system display, the ECAM ENGINE<BR>page is automatically displayed.<BR>The fuel filter indication is displayed and the<BR>corresponding fuel filter is indicated by CLOG in<BR>amber.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduulleeccoommpplleetteedd<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Abnormal operation A 35/34<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EPR MODE FAULT<BR>OIL FILTER CLOGGED<BR>FUEL FILTER CLOGGED<BR>RETURN AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM EXIT :lol :lol :lol :lol 1233333333333 非正常操作 好资料,学习了。。。 谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下 666666666666666666666666666666 恩。好东西。不错。好好学习一下