航空 发表于 2011-4-8 09:21:57


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航空 发表于 2011-4-8 09:22:20

POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 1/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 2/54<BR>TThhiiss iiss aa ddeemoonnssttrraattiioonn ooff aann aabbnnoorrmaall eennggiinnee ssttaarrtt..<BR>Sttaarrtt ENG22..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 3/54<BR>No, to start ENG 2, switch the ENGINE MODE SELECTOR<BR>to IGN/START.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 4/54<BR>No, to start ENG 2, switch the ENGINE MODE SELECTOR<BR>to IGN/START.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 5/54<BR>Coonnttiinnuuee tthhee ssttaarrtt sseeqquueennccee..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 6/54<BR>Noo,, ttoo ssttaarrtt ENG 22,, sswiittcchh tthhee ENG 22MASTTER sswiittcchh ttoo oonn..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 7/54<BR>Noo,, ttoo ssttaarrtt ENG 22,, sswiittcchh tthhee ENG 22MASTTER sswiittcchh ttoo oonn..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 8/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 9/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 10/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 11/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 12/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 13/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 14/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 15/54<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, click on the<BR>Master Caution pb.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 16/54<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, click on the<BR>Master Caution pb.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 17/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 18/54<BR>As there is no ignition, the caution is activated and the<BR>amber warning and associated checklist are displayed on<BR>the E/WD.<BR>Read the title of the failure.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 19/54<BR>On the ENG panel, the FAULT light illuminates amber<BR>indicating that the automatic start is aborted.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 20/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 21/54<BR>Automatically the FADEC shuts off the fuel, turns off<BR>the ignition and closes the start valve.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 22/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 23/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 24/54<BR>The message AUTO CRANK IN PROGRESS is displayed<BR>on the E/WD indicating that the FADEC automatically<BR>performs a dry crank.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 25/54<BR>The auto crank cycle is complete.<BR>The message on the E/WD asks you to confirm the<BR>automatic start abort.<BR>The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.<BR>PeerrffoorrmECAMaaccttiioonn..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 26/54<BR>Noo,, sswiittcchh ooffff ENG 22..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 27/54<BR>Noo,, sswiittcchh ooffff ENG 22..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 28/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 29/54<BR>When the engine 2 master switch is off, the message<BR>disappears on the E/WD and the fault light is switched<BR>off.We will assume that the procedure is complete.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 30/54<BR>Now let’s see another engine abnormal operation. You are the<BR>PNF. Everything is normal...<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 31/54<BR>We are in cruise and we have displayed the ECAM<BR>ENGINE page for you.<BR>The engine 1 oil pressure indicator pulses amber<BR>indicating that the oil pressure is below the normal<BR>range.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 32/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 33/54<BR>No, to extinguish the MASTER WARNING light, push the<BR>MASTER WARNING pushbutton.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 34/54<BR>No, to extinguish the MASTER WARNING light, push the<BR>MASTER WARNING pushbutton.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 35/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 36/54<BR>.IF OIL LO PR &lt; 60 PSI :<BR>-THR LEVER 1. . . . . . . . . . . IDLE<BR>-ENG MASTER 1. . . . . . . . . .OFF<BR>ENG 1 OIL LO PR<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 37/54<BR>The red warning and associated checklist are<BR>displayed on the E/WD.<BR>On the system display, the ECAM ENGINE page<BR>is automatically displayed.<BR>The engine 1 oil pressure indicator is displayed<BR>in red indicating that the oil pressure is too low.<BR>.IF OIL LO PR &lt; 60 PSI :<BR>-THR LEVER 1. . . . . . . . . . . IDLE<BR>-ENG MASTER 1. . . . . . . . . .OFF<BR>ENG 1 OIL LO PR<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 38/54<BR>The procedure is to shut down the faulty engine.<BR>You will practice this procedure in the simulator.<BR>We will assume that the procedure is complete.<BR>MENU<BR>.IF OIL LO PR &lt; 60 PSI :<BR>-THR LEVER 1. . . . . . . . . . . IDLE<BR>-ENG MASTER 1. . . . . . . . . .OFF<BR>ENG 1 OIL LO PR<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 39/54<BR>Now let’s see another engine abnormal operation. You are on<BR>ground, everything is normal...<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 40/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 41/54<BR>No, to extinguish the MASTER CAUTION light, click on<BR>the MASTER CAUTION pb.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 42/54<BR>No, to extinguish the MASTER CAUTION light, click on<BR>the MASTER CAUTION pb.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 43/54<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 44/54<BR>-DELAY T.O.<BR>-AVOID HI POWER<BR>ENG 1 OIL LO TEMP<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 45/54<BR>-DELAY T.O.<BR>-AVOID HI POWER<BR>ENG 1 OIL LO TEMP<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 46/54<BR>-DELAY T.O.<BR>-AVOID HI POWER<BR>ENG 1 OIL LO TEMP<BR>MENU<BR>The amber warning and associated checklist<BR>are displayed on the E/WD.<BR>Notice that we are operating in very cold<BR>weather.<BR>Observe the oil temperature is still displayed<BR>in green.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 47/54<BR>-DELAY T.O.<BR>-AVOID HI POWER<BR>ENG 1 OIL LO TEMP<BR>The procedure instructs you to delay take off.<BR>The engine should be warmed up prior to take off.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 48/54<BR>Observe that if the oil temperature is above the<BR>normal range, the oil temperature indication pulses<BR>green.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 49/54<BR>Observe that if the oil temperature continues to<BR>increase, an ECAM caution is activated above 165<BR>degrees Celsius and the oil temperature indication<BR>becomes amber.<BR>You will practice this procedure or one similar in<BR>the simulator.<BR>-THR LEVER 1. . . . . . . . . . . IDLE<BR>-ENG MASTER 1. . . . . . . . . .OFF<BR>ENG 1 OIL HI TEMP<BR>ENG 1 SHUT DOWN<BR>LAND ASAP<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 50/54<BR>We will now look at some examples of other abnormal indications<BR>which can be displayed on the ECAM ENGINE page.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 51/54<BR>The nacelle temperature is displayed as soon as<BR>one nacelle temperature is above the normal range.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 52/54<BR>When displayed, only the nacelle temperature<BR>which is over the normal limit, pulses green.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 53/54<BR>During the start sequence with the start valve<BR>opened, if the upstream bleed pressure is below the<BR>normal range, the indication becomes amber.<BR>Note: this may happen during start but the<BR>pressure usually returns to normal. If the pressure<BR>remains low, await ECAM instructions.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation B 54/54<BR>The A.FLOOR function was explained in the auto<BR>flight chapter.<BR>However observe that the engine indications are<BR>unusual as the achieved EPR is greater than the<BR>thrust lever limit EPR.<BR>MENU NEXT<BR>MMoodduulleeccoommpplleetteedd<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation B 55/54<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>ENGINE 2 ABNORMAL START<BR>ENGINE 1 OIL LOW PRESSURE<BR>ENGINE 1 OIL LO TEMPERATURE<BR>OTHER FAILURES<BR>RETURN AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM EXIT

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 10:44:19

飞行操作简要说明火山灰FOBN Operating Environment Volcanic Ash Awareness

songsimple 发表于 2012-2-20 18:56:00

谢谢分享 拿走学习 谢谢楼主

tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 10:37:48


diguo 发表于 2017-3-13 11:55:04

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