**** Hidden Message ***** POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 1/23<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 2/23<BR>We will see a demonstration of an engine EGT over<BR>limit in cruise.<BR>You are the PNF. We are in flight and everything is<BR>normal...<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 3/23<BR>Onn eennggiinnee 22,, EGTT vvaalluuee iiss iinnccrreeaassiinngg..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation C 4/23<BR>On engine 2, EGT value continues increasing.<BR>Above the normal range the EGT indication turns amber<BR>and flashes.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 5/23<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 6/23<BR>No, to extinguish the MASTER CAUTION light, click on<BR>the MASTER CAUTION pb.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 7/23<BR>No, to extinguish the MASTER CAUTION light, click on<BR>the MASTER CAUTION pb.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 8/23<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 9/23<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 10/23<BR>You heard and saw the caution. The amber caution and<BR>associated checklist are displayed on the E/WD.<BR>The temperature has continued increasing. On the EGT<BR>indicator, the indications have turned red and flash.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 11/23<BR>The only ECAM action is to move the thrust lever. We will<BR>do this for you.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 12/23<BR>The EGT engine 2 value indication changes from red to<BR>green.<BR>ECAM actions completed.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 13/23<BR>A red strip appears at the max reached<BR>value. It will disappear after a new take off<BR>or a maintenance action.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 14/23<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation C 15/23<BR>A similar indication will be displayed in case of N1 or N2<BR>over limit.<BR>For N1 the indications pulse red and for N2 a red cross is<BR>displayed beside the indicated value which turns red.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 16/23<BR>We will see now another engine abnormal indication on<BR>the E/WD.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 17/23<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 18/23<BR>No, to extinguish the MASTER CAUTION light, click on<BR>the MASTER CAUTION pb.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 19/23<BR>No, to extinguish the MASTER CAUTION light, click on<BR>the MASTER CAUTION pb.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 20/23<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 21/23<BR>ENG 1 EGT DISCREPANCY<BR>TThhee aambbeerr ccaauuttiioonn iiss ddiissppllaayyeedd oonn tthhee E//WD..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 22/23<BR>ENG 1 EGT DISCREPANCY<BR>An amber CHECK message is displayed beside the engine 1<BR>EGT indicator, indicating that there is a discrepancy between<BR>the value displayed on the ECAM and the real value.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 23/23 NEXT<BR>The same indication can be found for N1,<BR>N2 and fuel flow.<BR>MMoodduulleeccoommpplleetteedd<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 24/23<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EGT OVER LIMIT<BR>ECAM INDICATION DISCREPENCY<BR>RETURN AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM EXIT 320系列非正常操作C 320系列非正常操作C 谢谢分享 拿走学习 谢谢楼主 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下。