**** Hidden Message ***** PNEUMATIC MENU System Presentation 1/28<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 2/28<BR>Pneumatic<BR>System<BR>The A320 pneumatic system supplies<BR>high pressure air for :<BR>• air conditioning<BR>• wing anti icing<BR>• water pressurization<BR>• hydraulic reservoir pressurization<BR>• engine starting<BR>Wing anti<BR>icing<BR>Air<BR>conditioning<BR>Water<BR>pressurization<BR>Hydraulic<BR>reservoir<BR>pressurization<BR>Engine<BR>starting<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 3/28<BR>Pneumatic<BR>System<BR>GGRROOUUNNDDAAIIRR<BR>AAPPUU<BR>EENNGGIINNEESS<BR>High pressure air can be supplied<BR>from three sources :<BR>• the engine bleed system<BR>• the APU<BR>• an external high pressure ground<BR>power unit<BR>Wing anti<BR>icing<BR>Air<BR>conditioning<BR>Water<BR>pressurization<BR>Hydraulic<BR>reservoir<BR>pressurization<BR>Engine<BR>starting<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 4/28<BR>Pneumatic<BR>System<BR>BMC 1 BMC 2<BR>The pneumatic system is controlled<BR>and monitored by 2 Bleed Monitoring<BR>Computers (BMC).<BR>There is one BMC for each engine<BR>bleed system.<BR>Both BMC are interconnected and if<BR>one fails, the other takes over most of<BR>its functions.<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 5/28<BR>BMC 2<BR>There are air leakage detection<BR>loops installed in the vicinity of the hot<BR>air ducts in the fuselage, wings and<BR>pylons.<BR>If a leak is detected, a signal is sent<BR>to the BMC which automatically isolate<BR>the affected area.<BR>BMC 1<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 6/28<BR>In flight, the primary source for high<BR>pressure air is the engines.<BR>Both engines bleed systems are<BR>similar.<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 7/28<BR>Air is bled from two compressor stages<BR>of the engine, the Intermediate Pressure<BR>(IP) port and the High Pressure (HP) port.<BR>IIPP HHPP<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 8/28<BR>There is a HP valve which can cut off<BR>bleed air from the high pressure port.<BR>It is automatically controlled by the<BR>system.<BR>IP HP<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 9/28<BR>The High Pressure section (HP) is only<BR>used when there is insufficient pressure<BR>from the Intermediate output (IP), i.e.<BR>when the engines are at idle.<BR>Once the engine speed is high enough,<BR>the IP pressure is sufficient and the HP<BR>valve closes.<BR>IP HP<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 10/28<BR>The air extracted from the compressor<BR>then goes to a bleed valve which acts as a<BR>shut off and pressure regulating valve.<BR>IP HP<BR>BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 11/28<BR>Since the temperature of the bleed air is<BR>high, it passes through a precooler before<BR>being distributed to the users.<BR>The precooler uses cool air from the<BR>engine fan to regulate the temperature.<BR>IP HP<BR>BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>Precooler<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 12/28<BR>ENG 2 has an identical BLEED<BR>SYSTEM.<BR>IP HP<BR>BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>Click on the blue box to<BR>display the engine 2 bleed<BR>system.<BR>Precooler<BR>ENG 1<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU System Presentation 13/28<BR>IP HP<BR>BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>Precooler<BR>ENG 1<BR>HP IP<BR>BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>Precooler<BR>ENG 2<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 14/28<BR>IP HP HP IP<BR>BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>Both systems are connected by a<BR>crossbleed duct.<BR>A crossbleed valve permits their<BR>interconnection or isolation.<BR>X BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>Precooler Precooler<BR>ENG 1 ENG 2<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 15/28<BR>IP HP HP IP<BR>BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>The APU can also be used for<BR>BLEED air supply.<BR>This is usually done on ground for<BR>air conditioning and for engine start.<BR>However, APU BLEED air is also<BR>available in flight.<BR>X BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>APU<BR>Precooler Precooler<BR>ENG 1 ENG 2<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 16/28<BR>IP HP HP IP<BR>BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>APU BLEED air is controlled by the<BR>APU bleed valve which operates as a<BR>shut off valve.<BR>X BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>APU BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>APU<BR>Precooler Precooler<BR>ENG 1 ENG 2<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 17/28<BR>ENG 1 ENG 2<BR>APU<BR>GPU<BR>IP HP HP IP<BR>BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>X BLEED<BR>VALVE<BR>Should the APU not be available,<BR>a high pressure ground power unit<BR>can be connected.<BR>This completes the pneumatic<BR>system. We will now show you how<BR>system information is displayed to the<BR>pilots.<BR>APU BLEED<BR>Precooler VALVE<BR>Precooler<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 18/28<BR>APU<BR>IIP HP HP IIP<BR>PPrreeccoooolleerr PPrreeccoooolleerr<BR>GND<BR>The pneumatic system is displayed<BR>on the ECAM BLEED page.<BR>Click on the diagram to display<BR>the ECAM BLEED page...<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 19/28<BR>APU<BR>IIP HP HP IIP<BR>PPrreeccoooolleerr PPrreeccoooolleerr<BR>GND<BR>Information on the pneumatic<BR>system is displayed on the lower part<BR>of the ECAM BLEED page.<BR>Note : we have shaded the upper<BR>part of the ECAM BLEED page<BR>because it is related to the AIR<BR>CONDITIONING chapter. This will be<BR>covered in a later module.<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 20/28<BR>Let’s identify the system<BR>components on the ECAM page now :<BR>• The IP and HP ports,<BR>• the HP valves,<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 21/28<BR>• the engine bleed valves,<BR>• the precoolers,<BR>• the APU bleed valve,<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 22/28<BR>• the crossbleed valve<BR>• the high pressure ground<BR>connection.<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 23/28<BR>The following information is also<BR>displayed :<BR>• bleed air pressure<BR>• bleed air temperature<BR>• engine identification numbers<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 24/28<BR>Controls for the pneumatic system are<BR>part of the AIR COND panel, located on<BR>the overhead panel.<BR>Again, we have shaded those controls<BR>which belong to the AIR CONDITIONING<BR>chapter.<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 25/28<BR>Each engine bleed valve is<BR>controlled by its associated pb sw on<BR>the AIR COND panel.<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 26/28<BR>The APU bleed valve is controlled<BR>by its associated pb sw.<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU<BR>System Presentation 27/28<BR>The X BLEED selector enables the<BR>pilot to open and close the crossbleed<BR>valve manually or to let the system<BR>operate the X BLEED valve<BR>automatically.<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU System Presentation 28/28<BR>You will learn to interpret all the<BR>indications and operate these<BR>controls in the normal and abnormal<BR>operation modules.<BR>NEXT<BR>Module<BR>completed !<BR>PNEUMATIC MENU System Presentation 29/28<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>SSYYSSTTEEMMIINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN<BR>EECCAAMMBBLLEEEEDDPPAAGGEE<BR>BLEED CONTROLS AND<BR>INDICATIONS<BR>AAIIRRCCOONNDDPPAANNEELLLLOOCCAATTIIOONN 谢谢楼主的辛勤与无私 很实用的东东。谢谢。 320系列气动系统 好资料,学习了。。。 好东西,好好学习一下