航空 发表于 2011-4-11 09:27:06


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航空 发表于 2011-4-11 09:27:30

NAVIGATION MENU Radio Nav. presentation 1/22<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 2/22<BR>The radio navigation aids<BR>enable the crew to navigate and<BR>monitor its position.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 3/22<BR>VOR 1 ILS 1<BR>The A320 family is equipped with:<BR>• Two VOR,<BR>• Two DME,<BR>• Two ILS,<BR>• Two ADF.<BR>ADF 2<BR>ADF 1<BR>DME 2<BR>DME 1<BR>VOR 2 ILS 2<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 4/22<BR>VOR 2<BR>DME 2<BR>ILS 2<BR>FMGC 1 FMGC 2<BR>VOR 1<BR>DME 1<BR>ILS 1<BR>The FMGC can automatically tune the VOR,<BR>DME and ILS for position updating and display<BR>purposes.<BR>Note that the ADF cannot be auto tuned and<BR>are not used for navigation by the FMGC.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 5/22<BR>The radio navigation itself, is<BR>controlled by both FMGC and can be<BR>monitored through MCDU pages.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 6/22<BR>VOR 1 ILS 1<BR>Either MCDU via the RAD<BR>NAV page enables the crew to<BR>manually tune a specific nav aid<BR>including both ADF.<BR>FMGC auto tuning continues<BR>normally in the background.<BR>ADF 2<BR>ADF 1<BR>DME 2<BR>DME 1<BR>VOR 2 ILS 2<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 7/22<BR>ILS 1 ILS 2<BR>Note that when an ILS approach is<BR>selected :<BR>• ILS 1 is displayed on PFD 1 and ND 2,<BR>• ILS 2 is displayed on PFD 2 and ND 1.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 8/22<BR>As you have seen in EFIS chapter, the MODE<BR>selector enables the pilot to select different ND<BR>modes to display flight plan and nav aids data.<BR>PLAN mode is recommended when entering<BR>and checking the flight plan. However, notice<BR>that nav aid data cannot be displayed in this<BR>mode.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 9/22<BR>In all the other modes ROSE ILS, ROSE VOR,<BR>ROSE NAV and ARC modes, the nav aids can be<BR>displayed provided the ADF-VOR selectors have<BR>been switched to VOR or ADF position.<BR>Here, as an example, the ROSE VOR mode<BR>with ADF 1 and VOR 2 selected.<BR>AADDFF--VVOORRsseelleeccttoorrss<BR>MMooddeess ddiissppllaayyiinnggnnaavv aaiiddss<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 10/22<BR>ADF are shown as green pointers, here ADF 1.<BR>VOR are white pointers, in this example VOR 2.<BR>Note also that the receiver 1 data is displayed<BR>on the left side of the ND and the receiver 2 data<BR>on the right side.<BR>The associated nav aid data is displayed at<BR>the bottom of the ND in their respective colors<BR>and sides.<BR>AADDFF11 VVOORR22<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 11/22<BR>We will see the different ND<BR>modes and nav aid tuning in<BR>more detail in the normal<BR>operation module.<BR>RROOSSEEIILLSSmmooddee<BR>RROOSSEEVVOORRmmooddee<BR>RROOSSEENNAAVVmmooddee<BR>AARRCCmmooddee<BR>PPLLAANNmmooddee<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 12/22<BR>ADF 2<BR>ADF 1<BR>DME 2<BR>DME 1<BR>VOR 1 ILS 1<BR>VOR 2 ILS 2<BR>FMGC 2<BR>FMGC 1<BR>In the unlikely event of a double FMGC<BR>failure, the back up tuning mode provides<BR>radio navigation redundancy to the crew.<BR>The back up tuning mode is accessed<BR>via the Radio Management Panels (RMP).<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 13/22<BR>DME 1 DME 2<BR>For nav aid tuning, RMP 1 STBY NAV keys are<BR>associated with VOR/DME 1 and ADF 1 while RMP 2<BR>keys are associated with VOR/DME 2 and ADF 2.<BR>VOR 1 ADF 1 VOR 2 ADF 2<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 14/22<BR>The ILS keys are slightly different. The<BR>ILS frequency tuned on either RMP is sent<BR>to both ILSs.<BR>ILS 2<BR>ILS 1<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 15/22<BR>To access the back up tuning mode,<BR>the NAV key has to be pressed.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 16/22<BR>When the back up tuning mode is selected, i.e. NAV key<BR>illuminated, the control of the associated receivers is<BR>transferred to the RMP and the nav aid tuning capability of<BR>both FMGC is lost.<BR>This is indicated on the MCDU by a change to the RAD<BR>NAV page which shows only the titles now.<BR>To return the control to the FMGC, the NAV key has to<BR>be pressed again.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 17/22<BR>In back up tuning mode, the selection of<BR>one of the STBY NAV keys enables the<BR>crew to tune the associated nav aid.<BR>We will see how to operate them in the<BR>abnormal operation module.<BR>We will now study the Digital Distance<BR>and Radio Magnetic Indicator (DDRMI).<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 18/22<BR>The DDRMI is fitted on the main<BR>panel.<BR>The DDRMI displays ADF, VOR<BR>and DME raw data and combines a<BR>traditional RMI and bearing pointer<BR>presentation.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 19/22<BR>Two bearing pointers are provided, each with a<BR>different distinguishable shape.<BR>Each can display either VOR or ADF information.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 20/22<BR>Each pointer has an associated control knob.<BR>• The left knob selects either VOR 1 or ADF 1<BR>• The right knob selects VOR 2 or ADF 2.<BR>Here, VOR 1 and VOR 2 are selected.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio Nav. presentation 21/22<BR>ADIRU 1<BR>The compass card displays the bearing<BR>scale that is supplied from ADIRU 1.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Radio Nav. presentation 22/22<BR>The counters indicate the<BR>DME distance.<BR>However, the window will<BR>display only dashes if an<BR>ADF is selected.<BR>Here, ADF 2 is selected.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Radio Nav. presentation 23/22<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>NNAAVVAAIIDDSS<BR>FFMMGGSS<BR>MMCCDDUU<BR>IILLSSDDIISSPPLLAAYYSS<BR>IINNTTEERRFFAACCEESS&amp;&amp;CCOONNTTRROOLLSS<BR>BBAACCKKUUPPNNAAVV<BR>RRMMPP,,NNAAVVKKEEYY<BR>RRMMPP,,SSTTBBYYNNAAVV KKEEYYSS<BR>DDDDRRMMII

liushezhangsan 发表于 2011-4-12 15:40:38

回复 1# 航空 的帖子


guanshyy 发表于 2011-4-25 11:58:51


show616 发表于 2011-4-25 17:16:56


airportcn 发表于 2011-5-17 11:13:53


zszs 发表于 2011-6-8 12:47:13

:lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 07:57:00


songsimple 发表于 2012-2-20 19:15:36

谢谢分享 拿走学习 谢谢楼主

liu5031 发表于 2012-3-10 09:50:59

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