航空 发表于 2011-4-11 09:28:21


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航空 发表于 2011-4-11 09:28:31

NAVIGATION MENU Radio alti presentation 1/17<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio alti presentation 2/17<BR>Two radio altimeters are installed in the A320.<BR>They measure the aircraft height above the ground<BR>accurately .<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio alti presentation 3/17<BR>There are no radio altimeter controls in the<BR>cockpit. Both radio altimeters come on<BR>automatically when AC power is applied to the<BR>aircraft.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Radio alti presentation 4/17<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio alti presentation 5/17<BR>After a brief self test, the radio altimeters are in<BR>a standby mode during ground operations. They<BR>become active at lift-off and then operate<BR>continuously until touchdown.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Radio alti presentation 6/17<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio alti presentation 7/17<BR>Radio height is always expressed as the number of<BR>feet between the bottom of the wheels and ground.<BR>Radio Altimeter data is supplied to several<BR>different users and is displayed on both PFD at all<BR>times below 2500 feet AGL.<BR>FMGC<BR>RADIO ALTIMETER<BR>DATA<BR>GPWS<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio alti presentation 8/17<BR>Normally, Radio Altimeter 1 (RA1) height is<BR>displayed on the captain’s PFD and RA 2 on the First<BR>Officer’s PFD.<BR>RADIO ALTIMETER<BR>2<BR>RADIO ALTIMETER<BR>1<BR>Captain’s side First officer’s side<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio alti presentation 9/17<BR>The radio altitude display on the PFD changes in<BR>color and size based on height above ground and / or<BR>proximity to the decision height..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Radio alti presentation 10/17<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio alti presentation 11/17<BR>This color coded digital readout is coupled with a<BR>white ground indication line and a red ground ribbon<BR>on the Altimeter scale.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio alti presentation 12/17<BR>The ground indication line and the red ground<BR>ribbon correspond to the raising ground level when<BR>the aircraft is descending.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio alti presentation 13/17<BR>As the aircraft descends below approximately 500<BR>feet AGL the red ribbon appears at the bottom of the<BR>altimeter scale and begins to move up.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio alti presentation 14/17<BR>The white ground line moves from the bottom of<BR>the PFD towards the horizon.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio alti presentation 15/17<BR>At touchdown, the ribbon is in the centre of the<BR>altitude readout and the white ground line is merged<BR>with the horizon, as shown. These are designed to be<BR>used as a ground reference during autoland<BR>operations.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio alti presentation 16/17<BR>In addition to the visual indications, during<BR>approach, there is a synthetic voice for radio height<BR>announcement.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Radio alti presentation 17/17<BR>Depending on individual airline requirements, auto<BR>call-out announcements are made at pre-determined<BR>radio-altimeter heights.<BR>Example, “FOUR HUNDRED” at four hundred feet<BR>radio altitude.<BR>These call-outs will be heard even if the loudspeakers<BR>are turned off.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Radio alti presentation 18/17<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>Definitive text :<BR>At pre-determined heights, the announcement will<BR>be heard through the loudspeakers, even when the<BR>loudspeakers are turned off.<BR>For example, at four hundred feet, a call out of<BR>“FOUR HUNDRED” is made.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Radio alti presentation 19/17<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>OOPPEERRAATTIIOONN<BR>EECCAAMMIINNDDIICCAATTIIOONN<BR>GGEENNEERRAALL

liushezhangsan 发表于 2011-4-12 15:41:02

回复 1# 航空 的帖子


guanshyy 发表于 2011-4-25 11:58:21


show616 发表于 2011-4-25 17:16:49


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 09:10:56


liu5031 发表于 2012-3-10 10:00:33


0_0_0 发表于 2012-3-21 16:28:18


xghnuaa 发表于 2012-3-22 16:16:43


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 10:42:39

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