航空 发表于 2011-4-11 09:30:41


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航空 发表于 2011-4-11 09:30:53

OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 1/37<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 2/37<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 3/37<BR>As part of the preliminary cockpit<BR>preparation, you have to check that :<BR>• the full face oxygen masks are stowed in<BR>their respective boxes,<BR>• and the portable oxygen equipment is<BR>stowed.<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 4/37<BR>The aircraft has just been powered.<BR>The OXY indication is amber indicating that the<BR>CREW SUPPLY pb sw on the OXYGEN panel is in the<BR>OFF position.<BR>Seelleecctt CREWSUPPLLY ttoo oonn..<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 5/37<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CREWSUPPLLY ppbb ssw ttoo oonn..<BR>The aircraft has just been powered.<BR>The OXY indication is amber indicating that the<BR>CREW SUPPLY pb sw on the OXYGEN panel is in the<BR>OFF position.<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 6/37<BR>The aircraft has just been powered.<BR>The OXY indication is amber indicating that the<BR>CREW SUPPLY pb sw on the OXYGEN panel is in the<BR>OFF position.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CREWSUPPLLY ppbb ssw ttoo oonn..<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 7/37<BR>Observe that the OXY indication has turned green<BR>indicating that the oxygen is available.<BR>Also check that the high pressure indication<BR>(pressure in the bottle before it is regulated) is also<BR>displayed in green.<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 8/37<BR>An amber half-frame can appear below the<BR>pressure value, meaning that the oxygen pressure<BR>is below 1500 PSI.<BR>In this case, you should look at your “MIN FLT<BR>CREW OXY CHART” to check if the oxygen<BR>quantity is sufficient for the flight.<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 9/37<BR>If the amber REGUL LO PR message is displayed, the<BR>oxygen pressure from the regulator is low, and you must<BR>call maintenance.<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 10/37<BR>In order to test the oxygen mask, check that :<BR>• the loudspeakers located on the glareshield are set to ON,<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 11/37<BR>In order to test the oxygen mask, check that :<BR>• the loudspeakers located on the glareshield are set to ON,<BR>• on the Audio Control Panel, the INT reception knob is selected and<BR>adjusted, and the INT/RAD switch is set to the INT position.<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 12/37<BR>You can test the cockpit oxygen mask without removing it<BR>from its storage box.<BR>Test the flow of oxygen by pressing the TEST AND RESET<BR>control.<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 13/37<BR>You can test the cockpit oxygen mask without removing it<BR>from its storage box.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee TTESTT AND RESETT ccoonnttrrooll..<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 14/37<BR>You can test the cockpit oxygen mask without removing it<BR>from its storage box.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee TTESTT AND RESETT ccoonnttrrooll..<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 15/37<BR>Notice that the blinker flowmeter<BR>turns yellow for a short time and then<BR>goes black, meaning that the oxygen is<BR>flowing.<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 16/37<BR>Next, in order to test the emergency oxygen<BR>pressure, you must press and hold the TEST AND<BR>RESET control and the emergency pressure<BR>selector simultaneously.<BR>Press and hold the TEST AND RESET control in<BR>the down position.<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 17/37<BR>Next, in order to test the emergency oxygen<BR>pressure, you must press and hold the TEST AND<BR>RESET control and the emergency pressure<BR>selector simultaneously.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee TTESTT AND RESETT ccoonnttrrooll..<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 18/37<BR>Next, in order to test the emergency oxygen<BR>pressure, you must press and hold the TEST AND<BR>RESET control and the emergency pressure<BR>selector simultaneously.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee TTESTT AND RESETT ccoonnttrrooll..<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 19/37<BR>Anndd pprreessss tthhee eemeerrggeennccyy pprreessssuurree sseelleeccttoorr ..<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 20/37<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee eemeerrggeennccyy pprreessssuurree sseelleeccttoorr ..<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 21/37<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee eemeerrggeennccyy pprreessssuurree sseelleeccttoorr ..<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 22/37<BR>The yellow flow indicator<BR>shows us that oxygen is<BR>flowing continuously and<BR>remains on as long as the<BR>EMERGENCY pressure<BR>selector is pressed.<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 23/37<BR>You can hear the oxygen flow<BR>through the loudspeakers.<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 24/37<BR>The final check of the mask is to verify<BR>that the supply selector is on the 100%<BR>oxygen position.<BR>To do this, make sure the selector is in<BR>the down position.<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 25/37<BR>Suppose you are now in flight and a cabin<BR>depressurization happens.<BR>In order to retrieve your oxygen mask from its<BR>container, you must squeeze the red grips.<BR>Clliicckk oonn eeiitthheerr ooff tthhee rreedd ggrriippss ttoo rreemoovvee tthheemaasskk..<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 26/37<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn eeiitthheerr ooff tthhee rreedd ggrriippss..<BR>Suppose you are now in flight and a cabin<BR>depressurization happens.<BR>In order to retrieve your oxygen mask from its<BR>container, you must squeeze the red grips.<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 27/37<BR>Suppose you are now in flight and a cabin<BR>depressurization happens.<BR>In order to retrieve your oxygen mask from its<BR>container, you must squeeze the red grips.<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn eeiitthheerr ooff tthhee rreedd ggrriippss..<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 28/37<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 29/37<BR>To put the mask :<BR>• maintain the red grips squeezed,<BR>• fit the mask over your face,<BR>• and release the red grips to secure the fit.<BR>The harness deflates, fitting the mask tightly.<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 30/37<BR>Click on the video window to look at the oxygen mask<BR>utilization.<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 31/37<BR>Let’s assume you have used the mask and<BR>restored it. You observe a white OXY ON flag.<BR>Prreessss tthhee TTESTT AND RESETT ccoonnttrrooll..<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 32/37<BR>Let’s assume you have used the mask and<BR>restored it. You observe a white OXY ON flag.<BR>No. Press the TEST AND RESET<BR>control.<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 33/37<BR>Let’s assume you have used the mask and<BR>restored it. You observe a white OXY ON flag.<BR>No. Press the TEST AND RESET<BR>control.<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 34/37<BR>Notice that :<BR>• the OXY ON flag has disappeared,<BR>• the oxygen microphone is de-energized,<BR>• and the oxygen flow is stopped.<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 35/37<BR>Let’s now go to the cabin.<BR>When the MASK MAN ON guarded pb located on the<BR>OXYGEN panel is in the AUTO position, the passenger<BR>oxygen masks automatically deploy if the cabin altitude<BR>exceeds 14,000 feet.<BR>Note : The MASK MAN ON pb can also be used to<BR>deploy the passenger oxygen masks manually.<BR>CCaabbiinn aallttiittuuddee &gt;&gt; 1144 000000 ffeeeett<BR>OXYGEN MENU<BR>Normal operation 36/37<BR>The PASSENGER SYS ON light<BR>illuminates white on the OXYGEN<BR>panel, indicating that the masks are<BR>deployed.<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 37/37<BR>Oxygen generation starts when the mask is<BR>pulled down towards the passenger seat.<BR>There are approximately 13 minutes of<BR>oxygen available.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>OXYGEN MENU Normal operation 38/37<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>CCRREEWWOOXXYYGGEENNSSYYSSTTEEMMTTEESSTT<BR>CCRREEWWOOXXYYGGEENNMMAASSKKOOPPEERRAATTIIOONN<BR>OOXXYYGGEENNPPAANNEELLOOPPEERRAATTIIOONN<BR>CCOOCCKKPPIITTPPRREEPPAARRAATTIIOONN<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN

show616 发表于 2011-4-11 14:01:24


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