航空 发表于 2011-4-11 09:34:45

Lufthansa N2 Review – HPT Blades CFM56 HPT Blade 3D Aero

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航空 发表于 2011-4-11 09:35:04

CFM56 HPT Blade 3D Aero<BR>Lufthansa N2 Review – HPT Blades<BR>B.Davey 9/17/03<BR>Lufthansa request:<BR>-5B/P and –7 shank cracking sampling program/field recommendation<BR>-5B/P and –7 shank airfoil liberation<BR>CFM Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export is Prohibited.<BR>Lufthansa N2 Review – HPT blades<BR>3 failures due to to internal cavity 2 shank fatigue cracks<BR>Root cause identified – cracking caused by thick coating exacerbated by high local<BR>stress induced geometry<BR>Released current production blade (M10P01) Nov, ’01 with thin coating and reduced<BR>stress geometry<BR>Task force in place to evaluate field return blade sets – returned for TE root cracks<BR>and proactively removed from select high time engines – in excess 10,800 blades<BR>inspected<BR>Shank 3 X X<BR>Liberation<BR>7 field events – between May ’00 &amp; Oct ’02 - M52P05 (3), M52P11 (3), M10P01 (1)<BR>Root cause unidentified – yttrium oxide inclusion contributing factor<BR>Change material to N5- LS (M10P03) – eliminate yttrium oxide from process<BR>Airfoil 7 X X X X Factory assurance cyclic engine TTF 4th Q ’03 - production intro March ’04<BR>Liberation<BR>M10P03<BR>M10P01<BR>Comments / Status<BR>M52P14<BR>M52P09/P11<BR>M52P04/P05<BR>Field Events<BR>(IFSD, ATO)<BR>Distress Mode<BR>P/N Affected<BR>Airfoil Separation<BR>Shank Separation<BR>CFM Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export is Prohibited.<BR>Lufthansa N2 Review – HPT blades<BR>2002M52P05<BR>N5<BR>Full Wrap TBC<BR>Improved Film<BR>Cooling<BR>P04: -5B/P Baseline<BR>(1994)<BR>P05: SB 72-163 (1997)<BR>2002M52P09/P11/P14<BR>N5<BR>P09 Full Wrap TBC<BR>P11 1/2 Wrap TBC<BR>Platform Cooling<BR>P14 same as P11 with Thinned<BR>Shank Coating<BR>P09/P11: SB 72-232/271<BR>(1998/89)<BR>P14: SB 72-400 (2001)<BR>N5<BR>P11 plus optimized<BR>T/E cooling<BR>Shank<BR>Improvements<BR>M10P01:<BR>SB 72-0422R1<BR>(2002)<BR>1957M10P01<BR>Configurations<BR>CFM Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export is Prohibited.<BR>Lufthansa N2 Review – HPT blades<BR>Event date Model ESN TSN CSN Part Number Engine Delivery<BR>May 2000 -7B22 875-256 5057 3265 2002M52P05 June 1998<BR>Oct 2000 -7B24 874-163 6401 6164 2002M52P05 April 1998<BR>Feb 2001 -7B26 876-561 769 1006 2002M52P11 Aug 2000<BR>Jul 2001 -5B3/P 779-384 1567 758 2002M52P05 June 1998<BR>Jun 2002 -5B6/P 779-795 4967 2800 2002M25P11 Nov 2000<BR>Sept 2002 -7B24 889-236 531 381 2002M52P11 Jan 2001<BR>Oct 2002 -7B22 889-983 691 489 1957M10P01 June 2002<BR>Engine 779-795<BR>Origin:<BR>•At Rib 7<BR>•0.235” above Platform<BR>•No Yttrium Oxide Inclusion<BR>Founded due to secondary damage.<BR>•Slot No: 80<BR>Engine 875-256, Origin:<BR>•At Rib 6, 0.225” above Platform<BR>•Yttrium Oxide Inclusion, 0.011”<BR>•Slot No: 30<BR>Engine 779-384<BR>Origin:<BR>•At Rib 4<BR>•0.300” above Platform<BR>•Yttrium Oxide Inclusion<BR>•0.012” Y2O3<BR>•Slot No: 53<BR>Engine 889-983, Origin:<BR>•Rib 5, 0.23” above Platform<BR>•Yttrium Oxide Inclusion: 0.012”<BR>•Slot No: 54<BR>YY22OO33inincclulussioionnssoobbsseerrvveedd inin33ooff44pprrimimeebblaladdeeccrraacckkoorrigigininloloccaatitoionnss..<BR>Airfoil Separations – Mixed Models, Cycles, Part Configurations<BR>Lufthansa N2 Review – HPT blades<BR>CFM Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export is Prohibited.<BR>Lufthansa N2 Review – HPT blades<BR>ORIGIN<BR>AREA<BR>CAVIT<BR>Y No. 5<BR>CAVIT<BR>Y No. 6<BR>Blade<BR>No. 54<BR>CAVIT<BR>Y No. 7<BR>P2<BR>FRACTURE<BR>SURFACE<BR>PLATINUM<BR>ALUMINIDE<BR>COATING<BR>BACKSCATTER ELECTRON<BR>IMAGE<BR>FATIGUE<BR>ORIGIN<BR>Summary<BR>• 7 cases of airfoil liberation – 4 prime blades found, 3 w/Yttria inclusions<BR>• CFM approved intro of M10P03 blade of N5-(low sulfur) material<BR>• This new material will eliminate Yttrium based facecoat inclusions<BR>• Production introduction by 1st Qtr. 2004<BR>CFM Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export is Prohibited.<BR>Lufthansa N2 Review – HPT blades<BR>-5B/P &amp; -7B HPT Blade Internal Shank Cracks<BR>Background<BR>First event:<BR>ESN 779-234, IFSD, Nov. 2000<BR>TSN / CSN = 9027 / 8745<BR>PN 2002M52P04<BR>Second event:<BR>ESN 779-271, ATO, Oct. 2002<BR>TSN / CSN = 13626 / 9937<BR>PN 2002M52P05, SN 53J85<BR>Third event:<BR>ESN 874-126, IFSD, Feb. 2003<BR>TSN / CSN = 15174 / 10229<BR>PN 2002M52P05<BR>Investigation Status (as of Sept 11, 2003)<BR>Current Plan:<BR>– Sampling engines plus “other” shop visits<BR>– Sampling - High-time engines CSN 12395<BR>– Continuing to postulate Weibuls<BR>– Visual, eddy current, and metallurgical<BR>• 11210 blades inspected by ECI<BR>– 549 blades found w/cracks<BR>– 3 coating sources – 99% of cracks from 1 coater<BR>ESN 874-126 Findings<BR>Failure analysis findings:<BR>– LCF 85 mils deep prior to transition to crystallographic<BR>– 2.4 mils coating thickness<BR>– Finite time from crystallographic fatigue initiation to final<BR>tensile overload<BR>•Previous two event blades to badly<BR>damaged to see this feature<BR>What we have learned : Field<BR>• continue to sample high-time engines<BR>• max. cracks have been found on high-cycle engines 8 to 12 K<BR>• Weibulls predict 3 times the amount of current failures<BR>• the 5B/P and –7B fleets are 404 engines with P04/5 blades<BR>• roughly 350 engines have heavy coater blades<BR>• CFM considering cyclic limits for exposure of these certain blades<BR>• Timing – before year-end<BR>CFM Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export is Prohibited.<BR>Lufthansa N2 Review – HPT blades<BR>24<BR>27<BR>30<BR>32<BR>1000 10000<BR>99<BR>95<BR>90<BR>80<BR>70<BR>60<BR>50<BR>40<BR>30<BR>20<BR>10<BR>5<BR>32<BR>1<BR>0.1<BR>Cycles to 5mm Crack Length Percent<BR>Probability Plot for PCSN<BR>Weibull Distribution<BR>Mar-2003 Data<BR>Changes (vs Jan-02):<BR>Shape ~4.0, except 7BLow<BR>Only 7BLow has removals&gt;10KC<BR>Model<BR>Thrust<BR>Group Shape Scale Mean Uncen Rt Cen<BR>5BP 32&amp;31 3.63 7,168 6,461 36 26<BR>5BP 30&amp;below 4.11 11,035 10,094 37 144<BR>7B 27&amp;26 4.35 8,003 7,289 36 126<BR>7B 24&amp;below 9.18 11,173 10,590 47 174<BR>Weibull: 2002M52P04&amp;5 HPT Blades (Mar-03 for reference)

979199501 发表于 2011-4-12 00:17:06

回复 1# 航空 的帖子


kinran 发表于 2011-6-4 23:45:05

:victory: :victory:

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 04:10:11

Lufthansa N2 Review – HPT Blades CFM56 HPT Blade 3D Aero

zcchhccz 发表于 2013-12-4 11:22:00


mengkyq 发表于 2016-12-5 22:46:45

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