航空 发表于 2011-4-12 08:24:28


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航空 发表于 2011-4-12 08:24:40

POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 1/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 2/72<BR>Let’s look at the things that you need to know during normal<BR>operation about the Engines.<BR>We will start with some things you will see during the walk<BR>around.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 3/72<BR>On each engine we check that the oil fill access<BR>door and master magnetic chip detector access<BR>door are closed.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 4/72<BR>We verify also the condition of the drain mast<BR>and that there are no leaks.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 5/72<BR>Wee vveerriiffyy tthhaatt tthhee ffaann ccoowll ddoooorrss aarree cclloosseedd aanndd llaattcchheedd..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 6/72<BR>Wee vveerriiffyy tthhee ccoonnddiittiioonn ooff tthhee eennggiinnee iinnlleett aanndd ffaann bbllaaddeess..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 7/72<BR>On the right side of each engine we check that<BR>the pressure-relief and start valve handle access<BR>door is closed.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 8/72<BR>On this side we also check that the pylon access<BR>panel is closed.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 9/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 10/72<BR>Pooweerr tthhee aaiirrccrraafftt uussiinngg tthhee eexxtteerrnnaall ppooweerr..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 11/72<BR>Noo,, ttoo ppooweerr tthhee aaiirrccrraafftt,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee EXTT PWR ppbb..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 12/72<BR>Noo,, ttoo ppooweerr tthhee aaiirrccrraafftt,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee EXTT PWR ppbb..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 13/72<BR>The FADEC are powered automatically for 5 mn after the<BR>electrical power is applied to the aircraft and provide some<BR>engine indications on the E/WD.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 14/72<BR>After 5 mn the FADEC shut down automatically, and all the<BR>engine indications change from normal to amber.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 15/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 16/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 17/72<BR>Verify that :<BR>-on the engine start panel the master switches one and<BR>two are off and the MODE SEL is in the NORMAL position.<BR>- the thrust levers are in the IDLE position.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 18/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 19/72<BR>We will start the engines using the automatic engine start<BR>procedure.<BR>During the start sequence all the engine parameters are<BR>monitored, controlled and protected by the FADECs.<BR>In order to start the engines, the engine mode selector must<BR>first be switched to IGN/START.<BR>Swiittcchh oonn tthhee eennggiinnee IIGN//STTARTT ffuunnccttiioonn..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 20/72<BR>No, to switch on the engine IGN/START function, move the<BR>engine mode selector to the IGN/START position.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 21/72<BR>No, to switch on the engine IGN/START function, move the<BR>engine mode selector to the IGN/START position.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 22/72<BR>When ignition start is selected, the FADECs are powered again.<BR>This is indicated on the E/WD by the indications which change<BR>from amber to normal.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 23/72<BR>On the system display, the ECAM ENGINE page is automatically<BR>presented for more engine indication.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 24/72<BR>The first indications on the E/WD are the Engine Pressure<BR>Ratio (EPR) for each engine. Both indicators are identical.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 25/72<BR>The green needle indicates the actual EPR. This value is also<BR>displayed digitally.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 26/72<BR>The white circle represents the EPR corresponding to the<BR>thrust lever position.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 27/72<BR>TThhee aambbeerrmaarrkk rreepprreesseennttss tthhee EPR lliimiitt..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 28/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 29/72<BR>On the right side of the EW/D, the thrust limit mode and EPR<BR>rating limit are displayed.<BR>This will be explained and demonstrated as the mode<BR>changes later in the module.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 30/72<BR>The next set of indicators display the Exhaust Gas<BR>Temperature (EGT) of each engine.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 31/72<BR>Here is a typical EGT in cruise. The green needle indicates<BR>the actual EGT . This value is also displayed digitally .<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 32/72<BR>The amber tick indicates the maximum EGT (MAX EGT).<BR>Since the MAX EGT is different for starting, TO, CL, Cruise, etc..,<BR>the tick moves automatically depending on the phase of<BR>operation.<BR>Note: the amber tick is not displayed during take off.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 33/72<BR>Onn tthhee rriigghhtt ssiiddee tthhee ffuueell fflloow iiss ddiissppllaayyeedd ffoorr eeaacchh eennggiinnee..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 34/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 35/72<BR>Let’s look at the indications on the<BR>ECAM ENGINE page.<BR>The first indication displayed is the fuel<BR>used by each engine. Notice that there is<BR>fuel used and we have not started the<BR>engines. This is because this value is<BR>frozen at engine shut down and reset on<BR>the ground, at engine start.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 36/72<BR>The next indications are:<BR>- the engine oil quantity,<BR>- the oil pressure ,<BR>- and the oil temperature.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 37/72<BR>Vibration indications are displayed<BR>on the right side of the ECAM ENGINE<BR>display.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 38/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 39/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 40/72<BR>There are additional indications,<BR>displayed during engine start on the<BR>ground. They are only displayed when the<BR>ENG MODE SEL is in the IGN/START or<BR>CRANK position. They are:<BR>- the start valve position indications,<BR>- and the air pressure available for start<BR>.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 41/72<BR>We will start the engines using the available APU BLEED as<BR>indicated in the MEMO and the pressure indication at the<BR>bottom of the SD.<BR>We start engine 2 first because the Yellow hydraulic system<BR>engine driven pump is on engine 2 and the YELLOW system<BR>supplies park brake pressure.<BR>Swiittcchh oonn eennggiinnee 22..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 42/72<BR>Noo,, ttoo sswiittcchh oonn eennggiinnee 22,, sswiittcchhMASTTER sswiittcchh 22 ttoo ON..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 43/72<BR>Noo,, ttoo sswiittcchh oonn eennggiinnee 22,, sswiittcchhMASTTER sswiittcchh 22 ttoo ON..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 44/72<BR>The corresponding start valve opens.<BR>This is indicated by the start valve indication changing from<BR>green cross-line to green in-line.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 45/72<BR>TThhee ffuueell uusseedd iiss rreesseett ttoo zzeerroo..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 46/72<BR>On the E/WD, N2 increases. It is displayed on a grey<BR>background .<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 47/72<BR>Onn tthhee ECAMENGIINE ppaaggee tthhee ooiill pprreessssuurree iinnccrreeaasseess..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 48/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 49/72<BR>As N2 increases N1 will be displayed. Approximately 50<BR>seconds after selecting engine 2 master switch ON an igniter is<BR>powered.<BR>The active igniter is indicated by a letter (A or B) on the ECAM<BR>ENGINE page.<BR>Note: the igniters alternate on successive starts.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 50/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 51/72<BR>On the E/WD we see that the fuel flow<BR>begins.<BR>When the fuel is ignited, the EGT increases.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 52/72<BR>When N2 reaches 43%, the start valve closes and the ignition<BR>is switched off.<BR>Notice on the ECAM ENGINE page the start valve is closed<BR>and the igniter indication disappears.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 53/72<BR>N2 continues to increase.<BR>At approximately 58% it stabilizes and the grey background<BR>disappears indicating that the start sequence is finished.<BR>ENGINE 2 is now running and all its parameters have<BR>stabilized.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 54/72<BR>On the N1 gauge the green needle<BR>indicates the actual N1. This value is also<BR>displayed digitally.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 55/72<BR>Let’s start engine 1 now. We will show you the full sequence<BR>without stopping.<BR>Swiittcchh eennggiinnee 11 ttoo oonn..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 56/72<BR>No, to switch engine 1 to on, switch engine 1 master switch<BR>to on.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 57/72<BR>No, to switch engine 1 to on, switch engine 1 master switch<BR>to on.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 58/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 59/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 60/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 61/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 62/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 63/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 64/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 65/72<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 66/72<BR>- - - - - EGT - Start valve opens and the hydraulic PTU is tested<BR>Fuel used reset<BR>N2 increases<BR>- Between 10 and 16% of N2 an igniter is powered<BR>HP fuel valve opens and the fuel flows<BR>increases<BR>N1 increases<BR>- When N2 above 43% start valve closes and<BR>- Start valve opens,<BR>- Fuel used reset,<BR>- N2 increases,<BR>- 50 seconds after the start master switch was put on, an<BR>igniter is powered,<BR>- fuel flow begins,<BR>- EGT increases,<BR>- When N2 approximately 43% start valve closes and<BR>ignition is switched off.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 67/72<BR>At about 58% N2 stabilizes and the grey background<BR>disappears indicating that ENGINE 1 start sequence is finished.<BR>For both engines all parameters have stabilized.<BR>Notice the EPR rating limit has changed to FLEX and today the<BR>EPR limit is 1.302.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 68/72<BR>As soon as both engines are started, the gross weight is<BR>displayed on the ECAM ENGINE page.<BR>The last action is to switch the ENGINE MODE selector to<BR>NORMAL.<BR>MENU<BR>Swiittcchh tthhee ENGMODE SELLECTTOR ttoo NORMALL..<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 69/72<BR>No, to Switch the ENG MODE SELECTOR to NORMAL,<BR>switch on the ENGINE MODE selector.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 70/72<BR>No, to Switch the ENG MODE SELECTOR to NORMAL,<BR>switch on the ENGINE MODE selector.<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 71/72<BR>On the system display the ECAM ENGINE page is replaced<BR>by the ECAM WHEEL page.<BR>Note: after start, to avoid thermal shock, it is recommended that<BR>the engines are operated at or near idle for at least 2 minutes.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) Normal operation A 72/72<BR>TThhiiss eennddss tthhee eennggiinnee aauuttoomaattiicc ssttaarrtt sseeqquueennccee..<BR>MENU NEXT<BR>MMoodduulleeccoommpplleetteedd<BR>POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Normal operation A 73/72<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>MODULE ENTRY<BR>WALKAROUND<BR>PRE-FLIGHT<BR>ENGINE 1 START<BR>ENGINE 2 START<BR>RETURN AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM EXIT

show616 发表于 2011-4-12 11:11:52


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 08:25:51


standbybus 发表于 2012-1-7 14:41:47


songsimple 发表于 2012-2-20 18:38:05

谢谢分享 拿走学习 谢谢楼主

黑色曼巴_24 发表于 2014-3-8 16:25:32

320系列动力装置(IAE)正常操作A [修改]

tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 10:11:19


diguo 发表于 2017-3-13 12:16:57

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查看完整版本: 320系列动力装置(IAE)正常操作A