**** Hidden Message ***** POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 1/66<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 2/66<BR>In this module, we will see how to operate the engines during<BR>the various phases of a flight, and familiarize you with their<BR>functions and indications.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 3/66<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 4/66<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 5/66<BR>On ground thrust control is entirely conventional. The<BR>thrust lever position determines the thrust.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 6/66<BR>The thrust levers can be moved manually over the entire<BR>quadrant.<BR>They never move automatically.<BR>MENU<BR>TO/GA<BR>MAX REV<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 7/66<BR>IDLE<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 8/66<BR>CLIMB<BR>IDLE<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 9/66<BR>CLIMB<BR>FLEX/MCT<BR>IDLE<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 10/66<BR>CLIMB<BR>FLEX/MCT<BR>TO/GA<BR>IDLE<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 11/66<BR>CLIMB<BR>FLEX/MCT<BR>TO/GA<BR>IDLE<BR>IDLE REV<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 12/66<BR>They are six detents on the quadrant :<BR>- IDLE<BR>- CL for Maximum Climb Thrust<BR>- FLEX/MCT one detent serving two functions:<BR>.FLEX is used for reduced thrust at take off ,<BR>.MCT for Maximum Continuous Thrust, is used<BR>for single engine operations.<BR>- TO/GA for Maximum Take Off or Go Around thrust<BR>- IDLE REV for idle thrust when reverse selected<BR>- MAX REV for Maximum reverse thrust<BR>CLIMB<BR>MAX REV<BR>IDLE<BR>IDLE REV<BR>MENU<BR>TO/GA<BR>FLEX/MCT<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 13/66<BR>Thrust control can be achieved in two ways:<BR>- manually, using the thrust levers, as in a conventional<BR>aircraft,<BR>- automatically when the auto thrust is active .<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 14/66<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 15/66<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 16/66<BR>On ground, the thrust limit mode is TOGA or FLEX .<BR>The selected mode is displayed in the upper right-hand<BR>corner of the E/WD.<BR>TOGA represents the maximum thrust available from the<BR>engine for the actual outside air temperature (OAT) of the day.<BR>The EPR rating limit displayed alongside the selected mode,<BR>indicates the related EPR value.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 17/66<BR>FLEX is used for a reduced thrust take off. To achieve the<BR>thrust reduction an assumed temperature (or FLEX) is used,<BR>for example 45 degrees Celsius. The FLEX temperature is<BR>displayed beside the EPR rating limit.<BR>This means that the engines will perform as if the take off<BR>was made at full power with the OAT at the FLEX value.The<BR>result is that the actual take off thrust is reduced, which helps<BR>to prolong engine life.<BR>FLEX take off will be discussed in more detail during the<BR>Performance part of the course.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 18/66<BR>Today we will carry out a reduced thrust FLEX take off since<BR>this is that you will do normally. The first step is to move the<BR>levers from idle to approximately 1.05 EPR.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss ttoo aappppllyy tthhee tthhrruusstt..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 19/66<BR>Noo,, ttoo aappppllyy tthhee tthhrruusstt,,moovvee tthhee lleevveerrss..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 20/66<BR>Noo,, ttoo aappppllyy tthhee tthhrruusstt,,moovvee tthhee lleevveerrss..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 21/66<BR>When 1.05 EPR is reached FLEX take off thrust is applied on<BR>both engines by moving the thrust levers to the FLEX detent.<BR>Note :during take off and landing phases, ignition is automatically<BR>supplied.<BR>Coonnttiinnuuee ttoo aappppllyy tthhee ttaakkee ooffff ppooweerr..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 22/66<BR>Noo,, ttoo aappppllyy tthhee ttaakkee ooffff ppooweerr,,moovvee tthhee lleevveerrss..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 23/66<BR>Noo,, ttoo aappppllyy tthhee ttaakkee ooffff ppooweerr,,moovvee tthhee lleevveerrss..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 24/66<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 25/66<BR>TTWhhheeenttaaykkoeeuoorffeffaEcPhRthhheaavvFeeLtEtooXbbdeeessteeentt tbb,eePffooNrrFee 8c80h0ekkcttskssaantnhddat When you reach the FLEX detent, PNF checks that the<BR>indicated EPR is the same as the EPR limit.<BR>The FADECs will maintain take off thrust and monitor for<BR>over speeds and temperatures during the take off.<BR>Note: TOGA thrust is always available by moving the thrust levers<BR>to the TOGA detent.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 26/66<BR>TTAhhteethtrtauakkseet rooeffdffuEcPtRiRonhhaaavvlteeittutoodbebeethsseeettthbbreeuffsootrreele88v00erkksttssaraaennmdd oved At thrust reduction altitude the thrust levers are moved to the<BR>CL detent to select CLIMB thrust.<BR>Seelleecctt CLLIIMB tthhrruusstt ..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 27/66<BR>Noo,, ttoo sseelleecctt CLLIIMB tthhrruusstt,,moovvee tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 28/66<BR>Noo,, ttoo sseelleecctt tthhee CLLIIMB ddeetteenntt,,moovvee tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 29/66<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 30/66<BR>When the levers are in CL position, auto thrust is engaged<BR>automatically, the thrust limit mode turns to CL and the EPR<BR>rating limit changes.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 31/66<BR>At 1500 Ft above ground level the ECAM ENGINE page is<BR>replaced by the ECAM CRUISE page on the SD.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 32/66<BR>Watch the EPR indicators. When the EPR value changes, an<BR>EPR command arc is displayed in cyan, from the current EPR<BR>to the new EPR value.<BR>Note that it is only displayed with auto thrust engaged.<BR>When the new EPR value is reached, the command arc<BR>disappears.<BR>Let’s see it one more time closer.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 33/66<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 34/66<BR>AUDIO ONLY<BR>Let’s look at some of the indications on the<BR>ECAM CRUISE page.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 35/66<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 36/66<BR>The cruise page displays:<BR>- the fuel used for each engine<BR>- the oil quantity for each engine and<BR>- the vibration rate for N1 and N2<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 37/66<BR>During cruise, descent and approach phases, auto thrust<BR>is normally active and the thrust levers remain in the CL<BR>detent.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 38/66<BR>In flight, if both engines are at idle, an IDLE indication<BR>appears. It flashes for 10 seconds and then remains at<BR>steady green.<BR>Note: there is a slight difference between flight and ground<BR>idle.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 39/66<BR>In heavy rain or turbulence it is may be advisable to<BR>select continuous ignition. Continuous ignition can be<BR>selected manually by moving the mode selector to the<BR>IGN/START position.<BR>MENU<BR>To demonstrate the indication, select the<BR>IGN/START position.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 40/66<BR>No, to select the IGN/START position, click on the<BR>engine mode selector.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 41/66<BR>No, to select the IGN/START position, click on the<BR>engine mode selector.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 42/66<BR>When selected, the message IGNITION is displayed on<BR>the E/WD MEMO.<BR>Note : ignition is provided automatically during take off and<BR>approach phases and when engine anti ice is in use. No<BR>switching action is required.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 43/66<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 44/66<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 45/66<BR>During landing, the lever position is idle. There is an auto<BR>call out to advise the pilot.<BR>MENU<BR>Seelleecctt tthhee IIDLLE ppoossiittiioonn..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 46/66<BR>No, to set the thrust to idle, move the thrust levers from<BR>CLIMB to IDLE.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 47/66<BR>No, to set the thrust to idle, move the thrust levers from<BR>CLIMB to IDLE.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 48/66<BR>After touch down, reverse is selected immediately to aid<BR>in the deceleration of the aircraft.<BR>Appppllyy tthhee rreevveerrsseerrss..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 49/66<BR>Noo,, ttoo aappppllyy tthhee rreevveerrsseerrss,,moovvee tthhee lleevveerrss iinn rreevveerrssee ppoossiittiioonn..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 50/66<BR>Noo,, ttoo aappppllyy tthhee rreevveerrsseerrss,,moovvee tthhee lleevveerrss iinn rreevveerrssee ppoossiittiioonn..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 51/66<BR>On the EPR indicators, REV appears in amber indicating<BR>that the reversers are unstowed or unlocked.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 52/66<BR>When the reversers are fully deployed, the REV<BR>indication change to green.<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 53/66<BR>As the aircraft speed approaches 70 kts, the levers<BR>should be moved to REV IDLE.<BR>Reettuurrnn tthhee lleevveerrss ttoo REV IIDLLE..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 54/66<BR>Noo,,moovvee tthhee lleevveerrss ttoo REV IIDLLE..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 55/66<BR>Noo,,moovvee tthhee lleevveerrss ttoo REV IIDLLE..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 56/66<BR>In order to extend the useful life of the engines, it is<BR>recommended to leave the engines running for 3 mn after<BR>landing.<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 57/66<BR>To shut down the engines the corresponding<BR>engine master switches must be switched off.<BR>Swiittcchh ooffff ENGIINE 11..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 58/66<BR>Noo,, ttoo sswiittcchh ooffff eennggiinnee 11,, sswiittcchh ooffff eennggiinnee 11maasstteerr sswiittcchh..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 59/66<BR>Noo,, ttoo sswiittcchh ooffff eennggiinnee 11,, sswiittcchh ooffff eennggiinnee 11maasstteerr sswiittcchh..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 60/66<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 61/66<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 62/66<BR>The engine shuts down. On the E/WD:<BR>-the fuel flow indication is 0,<BR>-the EGT decreases,<BR>-N1 and N2 decrease,<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) Normal operation B 63/66<BR>Swiittcchh ooffff ENG 22..<BR>MENU<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 64/66<BR>Noo,, ttoo sswiittcchh ooffff ENG 22,, sswiittcchh ooffff ENG 22MASTTER sswiittcchh..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 65/66<BR>Noo,, ttoo sswiittcchh ooffff ENG 22,, sswiittcchh ooffff ENG 22MASTTER sswiittcchh..<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 66/66 NEXT<BR>Engine 1 and 2 are shut down.<BR>On The System Display, the gross weight<BR>indication disappears.<BR>MMoodduulleeccoommpplleetteedd<BR>POWER PLANT (CFM) MENU Normal operation B 67/66<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>RETURN AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM EXIT<BR>MODULE ENTRY<BR>TAXI<BR>TAKE OFF<BR>CLIMB<BR>CRUISE<BR>LANDING<BR>ENGINES SHUT DOWN bdgggggggggg 动力装置(CFM)正常操作B 好资料,学习了。。。 好东西,好好学习一下