737 / CFM56-7B Engine Oil Consumption
**** Hidden Message ***** February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 1<BR>737 / CFM56-7B<BR>Engine Oil Consumption<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 2<BR>Engine Oil Consumption<BR>Contents<BR>Background<BR>– Regulatory Requirement<BR>– Usable Oil Quantity<BR>– Airplane Fuel Endurance<BR>– Approved Oil Consumption Limitations<BR>FAA Policy – Oil Consumption Limitations<BR>Boeing Actions<BR>– Revised Oil Consumption Limitations<BR>– Response to NPRM Notification<BR>Notice of Proposed Rule Making<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 3<BR>Engine Oil Consumption<BR>Background - Regulatory Requirement<BR>FAR 25.1011(b)<BR>“The usable oil capacity may not be less than the product of the endurance of<BR>the airplane under critical operating conditions and the approved maximum<BR>allowable oil consumption of the engine under the same conditions, plus a<BR>suitable margin to ensure system circulation.”<BR>Thus engine oil consumption rate is limited by the relationship:<BR>Usable Oil Capacity > Fuel Endurance x Oil Consumption Rate<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 4<BR>Engine Oil Consumption<BR>Background - Usable Oil Capacity<BR> Tank capacity determined by airplane calibration test<BR> Left engine tank has less capacity due to wing dihedral<BR> Allowance for 10% expansion space requirement<BR> Allowance for unusable volume<BR> Margin for engine start-up oil gulping<BR> Margin for engine go-around oil gulping<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 5<BR>Background - Airplane Fuel Endurance<BR>“endurance of the airplane under critical operating conditions”<BR> New airplane performance<BR> Optimum cruise altitudes<BR> Westbound step cruise capability<BR> Sea level takeoff and landing airport<BR> Maximum fuel capacity (separate calculation for aux tanks)<BR> All fuel used; (200 nm flight to alternate and 30 minute hold)<BR> Descent to and missed approach allowances at destination and<BR>alternate airports<BR> Minimum payload (10% of seating) at 220 lbs/passenger<BR> Fuel LHV 18,600 BTU/LB and density of 6.82 lbs/gallon<BR>Engine Oil Consumption<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 6<BR>FAA Policy - Oil Consumption Limitations<BR>• The FAA Seattle ACO has recently changed their compliance policy<BR>• Concerned about multiple engine failures due to oil exhaustion<BR>- Airworthiness Limitation required to ensure airplanes are not operated with engines that<BR>have an excessive oil consumption rate<BR>- Limitation would require maintenance or removal of engines prior to exceedance of the<BR>maximum oil consumption rate<BR>• Required airworthiness limitation during recent type certification programs<BR>- 737-900 model<BR>- 737-800 model with winglets or winglet provisions<BR>- Limitation included in section 9 of MPD<BR>• FAA is proposing a NPRM on existing production airplane models<BR>- FAR 25.1011(b) oil consumption limitation added to MPD<BR>- 737-600, -700, -800 models included<BR>Engine Oil Consumption<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 7<BR>Boeing Actions – Revised Oil Consumption Limitation<BR>• Boeing submitted revised FAR 25.1011(b) oil consumption compliance data for<BR>all the 737NG models on January 18, 2001<BR>- Pending FAA approval – oil consumption limitation will be increased for all commercial<BR>applications<BR>- Revised limitations still below CFMI maximum recommendation of 0.4 gal/hr<BR>Yes 0 10.84 0.33 0.25<BR>737-900 No 0 10.42 0.34 0.25<BR>Yes 0 11.23 0.31 0.25<BR>737-800 No 0 10.75 0.33 0.25<BR>Yes 9 16.3 0.22 0.22<BR>700-700 BBJ No 9 <16.3 0.22 0.22<BR>Yes 4 14.0 0.25 0.25<BR>737-700 No 0 11.62 0.30 0.25<BR>600 No 0 12.09 0.29 0.25<BR>Existing Oil<BR>Consumption<BR>Limit<BR>(gal/hr)<BR>Proposed Oil<BR>Consumption<BR>Limit<BR>(gal/hr)<BR>Fuel<BR>Endurance<BR>(Hours)<BR>Number of<BR>Auxiliary<BR>Tanks<BR>(PATS STC)<BR>Winglets<BR>Installed<BR>737<BR>Minor<BR>Model<BR>Engine Oil Consumption<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 8<BR>Boeing Actions –Response to NPRM Notification<BR>Key points:<BR>• Existing AMM provides appropriate oil consumption limitation data<BR>- Including oil consumption limitation in MPD is not required<BR>• From a purely operational standpoint, the continued operation of an engine with<BR>oil consumption exceeding the FAR 25.1011(b) limitation does not present an<BR>unsafe condition for flight durations appreciably below the maximum fuel<BR>endurance of the airplane<BR>• The proposed NPRM would require the removal and overhaul of engines that<BR>exceed the FAR 25.1011(b) oil consumption limitation<BR>- Unnecessary removal of otherwise serviceable engines will increase operational cost to<BR>operators who do not use the maximum airplane range capability<BR>- Consideration should be given to permitting the use of engines with oil consumption<BR>above the FAR 25.1011(b) computed value provided appropriate limitations on either<BR>dispatched mission length and/or fuel load are observed<BR>Engine Oil Consumption<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 9<BR>Notice of Proposed Rule Making<BR>• The FAA will likely publish an NPRM regarding engine oil consumption<BR>rates in the US Federal Register this year<BR>- Comment period is normally 60 days<BR>- Boeing will notify WTT participants when NPRM is published<BR>- Operators are encouraged to review the NPRM and submit comments<BR>• FAA staff has indicated they would consider granting an Alternate<BR>Means of Compliance (AMOC) to allow continued engine operation<BR>above the FAR 25.1011(b) limitation<BR>- AMOC would be approved for individual operators with the prerequisite of<BR>establishing an acceptable oil consumption management plan<BR>- Boeing can provide additional data to support an operator’s AMOC request<BR>Engine Oil Consumption回复 1# 航空 的帖子
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