CFM56-7 N1 Vibration
**** Hidden Message ***** CFM56-7<BR>N1 Vibration<BR>Contents:<BR>• Qualification and<BR>Production Experience<BR>-Development and<BR>Certification<BR>-Production Engine Test Cell<BR>• In-Service Vibration Team<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 3<BR>CFM56-7<BR>Vibration Signature for FAN Unbalance<BR>FFCC<BR>0.00<BR>5.00<BR>10.00<BR>15.00<BR>20.00<BR>25.00<BR>30.00<BR>0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000<BR>LP Speed - RPM<BR>Displacment - Mils DA<BR>Endurance Dwell<BR>107 cycles, 32 hours<BR>27 mil (+5 units)<BR>Typical production level<BR>Maintenance<BR>Guidelines<BR>Test Cell Limit<BR>0<BR>AVM Units<BR>5<BR>N1 Vibration Endurance with<BR>Full 737NG Propulsion System<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 4<BR>CFM Production - Fan Trim Balance<BR>• Vibration levels during production acceptance test<BR>- #1Brg, FFCC max LP vib level < 2.5 mils prior to delivery<BR>- Additional balance performed to achieve low level (~1 mil) at<BR>Boeing flightline<BR>• Fan trim balance conducted by recording LP vib amplitude<BR>& phase response during vib survey (slow accel, decel) or<BR>with steady-state dwell points<BR>• Balance achieved by spinner screw weight changes<BR>- 36 holes in aft spinner, 7 different screw sizes<BR>- Provides full range of adjustments<BR>In-Service<BR>Vibration Team<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 6<BR>N1 Vibration Team Objective<BR>• In May 2000 CFM/Boeing and six airlines completed a<BR>study of in-service N1 vibration<BR>• 737NG operators reported increasing N1 vib levels and/or<BR>N1 vib shifts following trim balance.<BR>• Operators also expressed concern on maintenance<BR>guidelines and recommendations<BR>• CFM reviewed the engine vibration levels, balance history,<BR>and pilot / maintenance crew reports for a fleet size of 240<BR>engines, comprising ~2000 flight legs during a four month<BR>period.<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 7<BR>In-service N1<BR>Vibration<BR>Levels > 1.5<BR>AVM Units or<BR>Tactile Vibes<BR>and Not<BR>Resolved With<BR>Current AMM<BR>Procedures<BR>Manpower<BR>Vibration<BR>Measurements<BR>Flight<BR>Environment<BR>LP Rotor<BR>Hardware<BR>HIGH Ranked Causes<BR>Cause & Effect Analysis<BR>What is about ….<BR>Fan Blade Seating<BR>Delivery Vib Levels<BR>Crew Training<BR># Engine Cycles<BR>ACARS Data<BR>Collection<BR>LPT Blade Loss<BR>Icing<BR>Balance<BR>equipment Wide Chord Blade<BR>Flight Crew<BR>Reports<BR>Airplane<BR>Delivery<BR>Platforms<BR>Engine thrust rating<BR>AMM<BR>Procedures<BR>Guidelines<BR>FOD<BR># Engine Hours<BR>Platform Seals<BR>Blade<BR>Lubrication<BR>Trim Balance<BR>Method<BR>Flightdeck<BR>display<BR>AVM Data<BR>Collection<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 8<BR>N1 Vibration Status<BR>Background<BR>• Vibration variation impacts trim balance effectiveness<BR>• N1 Vibration is not common but has been reported inservice<BR>- Customers perform trim balance using AVM / relube at ~2 units<BR>- Effective in reducing vibration to less than 1 unit<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 9<BR>N1 Vibration Status<BR>• Identified 2 prime factors for N1 vibe variation<BR>- Vibe variability due to blade / disk seating<BR>- Improved with G-n paste lube, introduced 05/00 in production<BR>- CESM 005 provides lubrication recommendation for N1 vibes<BR>- Vibe variability due to blade axial movement in disk<BR>- Creates a dynamic unbalance couple<BR>- Engine sensitive to dynamic unbalance couple<BR>- Elastomer buttons introduced to retention ring - May 2001<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 10<BR>Elastomer Buttons<BR>Rubber<BR>Button<BR>Aft View of Retention Flange<BR>Disk<BR>Spacer<BR>Retention<BR>Flange<BR>Blade<BR>Platform<BR>Retention<BR>Ring<BR>• Button installed in<BR>current holes in retention<BR>ring - limits blade axial<BR>travel<BR>- Easily retro-fittable<BR>• S/B 72-325R1 introduced<BR>Elastomer Buttons - May<BR>2001<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 11<BR>N1 Vibration Team Conclusions<BR>CESM 007 Recommendations:<BR>• Schedule fan trim balance when N1 vibration<BR>trend levels are above 1.5 – 2.0 units<BR>• Lubrication fan blades and disk slots provides<BR>benefit for reducing engine vibration levels. The<BR>re-lubrication method / timing is documented<BR>through CESM 005.<BR>• The recommended format for reporting N1<BR>vibration related issues is included as an<BR>attachment to CESM 007.”<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 12<BR>Summary of Fleet Experience<BR>• Typical engine vibration level at airplane delivery ~ 0.5 unit<BR>• N1 vibration level in-service average ~ 1.1 unit with various<BR>levels of trim balance activity<BR>• N1 vibration level increase 0.4 unit for every 2500 hrs<BR>(on average)<BR>• SAGE cruise trend data ~ 35% lower than max AVM<BR>flight history data levels<BR>• Threshold for crew reports of increased ~2 units<BR>vibration and/or airplane tactile vibration<BR>• Typical vibration reduction from AVM trim ~ 1.0 – 1.5 units<BR>balance<BR>• Engines identified with difficulty to be maintained 3 engines (vib level increased<BR>within ~<BR>at low vibration levels 1 month after fan balance)<BR>• Fan blade re-lubrication Provides benefit in reducing /<BR>maintaining N1 vibration<BR>levels<BR>LP Vibration Team Findings<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 13<BR>Other Contributors to Vibration - Fan Blade Platform<BR>Balance<BR>Weights vary in<BR>size<BR>Not All Fan<BR>Blade<BR>Platforms<BR>require a<BR>Balance Weight<BR>•The loss of fan blade platforms seals or balance weights can contribute to<BR>engine unbalance<BR>•Field experience revealed an immediate 1 to 2 unit increase N1<BR>indicated vibration when a balance weight or platform seal is missing<BR>•Maintenance manual revised recommending platform seal<BR>lubrication before installation<BR>Platform Seals<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 14<BR>• Currently evaluating benefit of 2 plane trim on CFM56-7B<BR>- Fan trim balance performed to reduce N1 engine vibe levels and<BR>N1 audible noise and tactile vibration (A&T)<BR>- Currently assessing benefit of 2 plane trim balance for N1 A&T<BR>levels<BR>- 2 plane trimmed (as req’d) at CFM starting December, 2001 GE 888-<BR>769, SN 889-854 and up<BR>- Boeing Flight line evaluation in progress<BR>- CFM All OPS Wire issued Dec 2001<BR>- S/B 72-0347R1 introduced LPT Stage 4 clips<BR>- Test Cell Experience<BR>- TRF Vibes 1.69 => 1.28 mils avg, LPT unbalance 250 => 100 gm-cm<BR>avg (75% engines receive clips)<BR>2 Plane Trim Balance Evaluation - Production Engines<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 15<BR>• It is not intended that Operators will perform two plane<BR>trim balance in-service<BR>- CFM56 experience shows that CFM56-3 operators did not<BR>perform two plane trim balance in-service.<BR>- Two plane trim balance on the CFM56-7B is more complicated<BR>due to the longer exhaust nozzle making clip installation more<BR>difficult<BR>• There is no action recommended or required for inservice<BR>CFM56-7B engines delivered with LPT<BR>balance clips<BR>- If clips are observed to be missing in-service, it is not<BR>necessary to reinstall the clips<BR>- If clips are observed on an LPT at overhaul, it is recommended<BR>to leave clips installed unless LPT module balance is to be<BR>conducted<BR>2 Plane Trim Balance - In-Service Engines<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 16<BR>Summary<BR>• CFM56 Production engines are delivered with<BR>vibration levels less than 2.5 mils DA - typically ~ 1.0<BR>mils DA<BR>- Engine durability demonstrated at vibration levels over 5 units<BR>• N1 Vibration team formed which included six airline<BR>customers<BR>- Conclusions from the team are published in CESM 007<BR>- Performing periodic trim balances in addition to lubricating<BR>fan blade roots and fan disk slots is a effective method for<BR>retaining low LP vibration levels<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 17<BR>Summary (Continued)<BR>• Additional actions taken:<BR>- Introduced new fan blade lubrication into production process<BR>May 2000 (GN Paste)<BR>- Introduced elastomer buttons into production May 2001 to limit<BR>fan blade axial travel<BR>- Improves N1 vibration variation<BR>- Evaluating the benefits of 2 plane balancing on production<BR>engine deliveries at Boeing flight line to improve airplane<BR>comfort<BR>Engine Vibration Is Not Being Reported<BR>As an In-service Issue<BR>Back-up<BR>Material:<BR>Engine Airborne<BR>Vibration Monitoring<BR>System<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 19<BR>CFM56 Vibration Sensors<BR>FFCC<BR>(-7, -5C)<BR>TRF<BR>(-2,-3,-5A,-5B<BR>)<BR>CFM56-7B<BR># 1 Brg<BR>(all)<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 20<BR>737 Classic vs NG<BR>General Info Classic NG<BR>Engine CFM56-3 CFM56-7B<BR>Fan Blade Design Mid Span Shroud Wide Chord<BR>Engine Bearings 1B,2R,3B,4R,5R(ODB) Same, but also 3B+3R<BR>Isolators Fwd & Aft Mts, T/R None<BR>AVM Scale 0-5 Units (20 mils DA) Same<BR>Vib Sensors # 1 Brg and TRF #1 Brg and FFCC<BR>N1 Vibration<BR>Engine Balance Provision FAN and LPT Same<BR>Flight Line Trim Process FAN/LPT trim with in-flt data Fan trim using in-flt data<BR>N1 Vibe Peaks Hold and Climb (max) Same<BR>Vibe Endurance 21 mils da (+5 units) 27 mils da (+5 units)<BR>Maintenance Levels 7-10 mils da (3 units) Same<BR>Advisory Levels 14-15 mils da (4 units) Same<BR>Test Ship Limit 2.5 mils da 2.5 mils da<BR>Test Avg Level 1.5 mils da 1.0 mils da<BR>Overhaul Shop Limit 2.5 mils da 2.5 mils da<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 21<BR>CFM56-7 LP Vib Response Characteristics (before trim balance)<BR>* Response peaks at 3000 rpm and 4200 - 5200 rpm (similar to CFM56 family)<BR>* Engine easily fan trim balance to low levels for improved comfort<BR>#1Brg<BR>FFCC<BR>Peak at ~3000 rpm<BR>Near hold power<BR>Peak at 4200 - 5200 rpm<BR>Climb and cruise range<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 22<BR>737NG / CFM56-7 AVM Functions<BR>• AVM System Functions<BR>- Display engine vibration 1/rev N1 and N2 levels in flight deck<BR>- Record engine vibration flight history data<BR>- Record engine LP rotor balance data, calculate trim balance solutions<BR>• AVM System Description<BR>- 2 accelerometers per engine (#1Brg and FFCC)<BR>- LP and HP rotor speed signals, each engine<BR>- 1 AVM signal conditioner per airplane<BR>- Two vibration indicators in flight deck<BR>- 1 indicator for each engine<BR>- CDS displays 1 value, max level (in units) of 4 parameters<BR>- Max of #1Brg or FFCC, fan/rev or core/rev vib level<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 23<BR>AVM and AMM Terminology<BR>• “Fan” Number 1 Brg sensor N1 Vibration<BR>- Sensitive to fan unbalance<BR>• “HPC” Number 1 Brg sensor N2 Vibration<BR>- Sensitive to HP rotor unbalance<BR>• “HPT” FFCC N2 Vibration<BR>- Sensitive to HP rotor unbalance<BR>• “LPT” FFCC N1 Vibration<BR>- Sensitive to fan and LPT unbalance<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 24<BR>AVM Balance Method<BR>• AVM Monitors #1Brg, FFCC response continuously<BR>during flight<BR>• Stores up to 6 balance data points based on speed ranges,<BR>stability criteria<BR>• Stored balance data used post-flight to provide balance<BR>solution<BR>• AVM box provides recommendations for spinner wieght<BR>change to balance engine<BR>6 AVM defined speed ranges for<BR>balance data collection<BR>Typical #1Brg in-flight response<BR>AVM stored balance data<BR>1000 2000 3000 N1 Spe4e0d00 5000<BR>1.2 327 1.1 5 0.9 63 0.8 53 0.5 57 0.7 49<BR>1.6 20 1.5 36 1.1 82 1.2 64 0.8 19 0.5 51<BR>Speed Range<BR>%N1<BR>Fan (mils / degrees)<BR>LPT (mils degrees)<BR>1 2 3 4<BR>70 65<BR>5 6<BR>95 90 85 80<BR>Location Remove Install<BR>27 P02 P05<BR>28 P05 P06<BR>29 P02 P06<BR>32 P07 P05<BR>AVM provides<BR>straightforward<BR>instructions for balance<BR>screw changes<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 25<BR>737NG LP Vibration AVM Scales<BR>0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0<BR>AVM Scalar Units<BR>#1Brg -- mils DA<BR>#1Brg (-113, -213)<BR>#1Brg (-114)<BR>0.<BR>5.<BR>10.<BR>15.<BR>20.<BR>0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0<BR>AVM Scalar Units<BR>FFCC -- mils DA FFCC (-113, -<BR>213)<BR>FFCC (-114)<BR>• AVM scales changed with introduction of -114 AVM (Oct ‘99)<BR>• Provides same scaling for both sensors for LP vibration<BR>• 1 unit = 2.5 mils DA (CFM ship limit at production, overhaul)<BR>• At recommended maintenance levels<BR>•Same scaling for #1Brg (-113, -213, -114)<BR>•Slightly more conservative for FFCC with -114<BR>• No change in max scale values ( 5 units = 20 mils DA)<BR>• Refer to Boeing Service Letter 737-SL-77-015-C for additional AVM details<BR>0.<BR>5.<BR>10.<BR>15.<BR>20. Typical<BR>delivery<BR>levels<BR>Recommended<BR>maintenance<BR>levels<BR>Typical<BR>delivery<BR>levels<BR>Recommended<BR>maintenance<BR>levels<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 26<BR>AMM Procedures - Current Vibration AMM Recommendations<BR>1- Vibration Guideline AMM 71-00-00<BR>• If indicated vibration levels are between 3 and 4 units : action at airline policy<BR>• If indicated vibration is above 4 units with other parameters Normal perform the<BR>following:<BR>a/ Routine inspection FIM 71-05 (FOD…)<BR>b/ AVM download: engine removal if vibs source is N2<BR>engine trim balance if vibs source is N1<BR>note: refer to Boeing Fault Isolation Manual Chapter 71-05<BR>2- Maintenance Manual Current trim balance method<BR>• The Three shot plot procedure AMM 71-00-00 ( test 14A)<BR>Preferred method<BR>• The On Board Procedure AMM 71-00-00 ( test 14B) 谢谢LZ分享! :victory: :victory: CFM56-7 N1 Vibration 737-800中文AMM手册