<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> ECAM MENU Normal Operation 1/79<BR>ECAM MENU<BR>Normal Operation 2/79<BR>When you initially enter the<BR>cockpit all the EIS displays are<BR>normally off. The displays require<BR>AC electrical power to operate so<BR>unless either the APU or a ground<BR>electrical supply are available the<BR>displays will not operate.<BR>We will connect a ground<BR>electrical supply for you.<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 3/79<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 4/79<BR>Normally the ECAM screens are<BR>switched on in the order upper then<BR>lower. For training purposes, let’s<BR>switch them on in reverse order to<BR>see what happens.<BR>MENU<BR>Swiittcchh oonn tthhee llooweerr ECAMddiissppllaayy..<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 5/79<BR>Normally the ECAM screens are<BR>switched on in the order upper then<BR>lower. For training purposes, let’s<BR>switch them on in reverse order to<BR>see what happens.<BR>No.Switch on the lower ECAM<BR>display.<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 6/79<BR>Normally the ECAM screens are<BR>switched on in the order upper then<BR>lower. For training purposes, let’s<BR>switch them on in reverse order to<BR>see what happens.<BR>No. To switch on the lower ECAM<BR>display click on the control knob.<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 7/79<BR>Notice that E/WD information is<BR>displayed on the lower ECAM screen.<BR>This occurs because it has priority.<BR>Therefore, if there is only one ECAM<BR>screen available, the E/WD<BR>information will be displayed.<BR>Now switch on the upper ECAM<BR>display to see what happens.<BR>MENU<BR>Switch on the upper ECAM<BR>display.<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 8/79<BR>Notice that E/WD information is<BR>displayed on the lower ECAM screen.<BR>This occurs because it has priority.<BR>Therefore, if there is only one ECAM<BR>screen available, the E/WD<BR>information will be displayed.<BR>Now switch on the upper ECAM<BR>display to see what happens.<BR>No. Switch on the upper ECAM<BR>display.<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 9/79<BR>Notice that E/WD information is<BR>displayed on the lower ECAM screen.<BR>This occurs because it has priority.<BR>Therefore, if there is only one ECAM<BR>screen available, the E/WD<BR>information will be displayed.<BR>Now switch on the upper ECAM<BR>display to see what happens.<BR>No. Switch on the upper ECAM<BR>display.<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 10/79<BR>Notice that the E/WD information<BR>moves to its normal position on the<BR>upper ECAM screen and the<BR>DOOR/OXY system page is displayed<BR>on the lower ECAM screen. The<BR>DOOR/OXY page is what the ECAM<BR>system will automatically display<BR>because you are on the ground with<BR>the doors open.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 11/79<BR>The MEMO area of the E/WD has a<BR>message telling you that refueling is<BR>taking place.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 12/79<BR>We will now start the APU.<BR>Click on the APU picture.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 13/79<BR>Notice that :<BR>• the APU system page is<BR>automatically displayed by the ECAM<BR>system,<BR>• there is no light on the ECAM<BR>control panel APU pb because the<BR>APU page has been automatically<BR>called as part of a normal sequence.<BR>The APU is now running.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 14/79<BR>Shortly after the APU start is<BR>complete, the ECAM DOOR/OXY page<BR>is automatically recalled.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 15/79<BR>The next action is to press the<BR>RECALL pb on the ECAM control panel<BR>for at least 3 seconds. Pressing this pb<BR>recalls any warnings or cautions that<BR>have been cleared since the last power<BR>up.<BR>Press the RECALL pb<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 16/79<BR>Since we are starting the aircraft<BR>from cold, a NORMAL memo will be<BR>seen on the E/WD because there is<BR>nothing to recall.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 17/79<BR>If we were on a turnaround, the<BR>display would recall any Warnings or<BR>Cautions that had occurred on the<BR>previous flight.<BR>In this example a Cancelled<BR>Caution concerning the Digital Flight<BR>Data Recorder has been recalled.<BR>You will see how a Caution is<BR>cancelled in the abnormal operation<BR>module.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 18/79<BR>During the pre-flight one of the<BR>things we do is check fluid levels.<BR>For example the quantity levels for<BR>hydraulic fluid and engine oil. The<BR>required system pages are manually<BR>called by pressing the associated key<BR>on the ECAM Control panel. Let’s call<BR>the ECAM HYD system page.<BR>MENU<BR>Press the HYD system key on the<BR>ECAM control panel.<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 19/79<BR>The ECAM HYD system page is<BR>displayed. Notice that there is a light<BR>on the HYD key on the ECAM control<BR>panel to indicate that it was manually<BR>selected.<BR>You will do the fluid level check in<BR>the Hydraulic module so let’s see<BR>how to return to the ECAM<BR>DOOR/OXY page.<BR>To deselect a manually selected<BR>ECAM page the lighted key on the<BR>ECAM control panel is pressed.<BR>MENU<BR>Press the HYD key on the ECAM<BR>control panel.<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 20/79<BR>The ECAM DOOR/OXY page is<BR>displayed and there are no lights on<BR>the ECAM control panel. Remember<BR>the lights out philosophy!<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 21/79<BR>The SWITCHING panel is checked<BR>to confirm that all the switches are in<BR>their normal position.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 22/79<BR>The passengers have boarded, the<BR>doors have been closed, and the<BR>aircraft is ready for push back. Notice<BR>that on the DOOR/OXY page, there<BR>are green indications on all the doors<BR>which means you are in a go state.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 23/79<BR>When the ground personnel attach<BR>a tow bar to the aircraft they<BR>disconnect part of the nose wheel<BR>steering system.<BR>The ECAM system will detect this<BR>and provide a green memo indication<BR>NW STRG DISC.<BR>Let’s start the engines.<BR>MENU<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee eennggiinnee ttoo ssttaarrtt iitt..<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 24/79<BR>The ECAM system will<BR>automatically display the ECAM ENG<BR>page while the engines are being<BR>started.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 25/79<BR>Notice that as soon as the first<BR>engine is running, the NW STRG<BR>DISC memo changes to amber. This<BR>happens because ECAM has<BR>detected that you are capable of<BR>taxiing but you have the steering<BR>disconnected.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 26/79<BR>The push back is complete, both<BR>engines are running, and the parking<BR>brake has been set on.<BR>Notice that when the ground<BR>personnel reconnect the nose wheel<BR>steering the amber memo<BR>disappears.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 27/79<BR>The ECAM WHEEL page is<BR>automatically called so that during<BR>taxi the brake temperatures can be<BR>monitored.<BR>Part of the After Start checks<BR>involves arming the ground spoilers<BR>and setting the Flaps.<BR>We will arm the spoilers for you.<BR>You can select the flaps.<BR>MENU<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 28/79<BR>We have armed the ground<BR>spoilers for you. A memo appears on<BR>the E/WD showing that the ground<BR>spoilers have been armed and the<BR>Flap indication changes to show the<BR>flap setting.<BR>Another part of the After Start<BR>checks involves checking the<BR>STATUS page. Because in the<BR>example shown there is no STATUS<BR>reminder at the bottom of the E/WD<BR>the STATUS page must be clear.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 29/79<BR>The APU is no longer required, so<BR>we have switched it off for you. All<BR>that remains in the right hand memo<BR>area is the parking brake message.<BR>The DOOR/OXY page should be<BR>checked to confirm that all slides are<BR>armed before commencing taxi.<BR>MENU<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAMDOOR//OXY ppaaggee..<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 30/79<BR>The APU is no longer required, so<BR>we have switched it off for you. All<BR>that remains in the right hand memo<BR>area is the parking brake message.<BR>The DOOR/OXY page should be<BR>checked to confirm that all slides are<BR>armed before commencing taxi.<BR>No. Call the ECAM DOOR/OXY<BR>page.<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 31/79<BR>The APU is no longer required, so<BR>we have switched it off for you. All<BR>that remains in the right hand memo<BR>area is the parking brake message.<BR>The DOOR/OXY page should be<BR>checked to confirm that all slides are<BR>armed before commencing taxi.<BR>No. To call the ECAM DOOR/OXY<BR>page click on the DOOR key.<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 32/79<BR>On the ECAM DOOR/OXY page<BR>observe that there are no amber<BR>indications and that there are six<BR>white SLIDE indications. You will see<BR>more about the DOOR/OXY page in<BR>the DOORS modules.<BR>MENU<BR>Deesseelleecctt tthhee DOOR//OXY ppaaggee..<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 33/79<BR>On the ECAM DOOR/OXY page<BR>observe that there are no amber<BR>indications and that there are six<BR>white SLIDE indications. You will see<BR>more about the DOOR/OXY page in<BR>the DOORS modules.<BR>Noo.. Deesseelleecctt tthhee DOOR//OXY ppaaggee..<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 34/79<BR>On the ECAM DOOR/OXY page<BR>observe that there are no amber<BR>indications and that there are six<BR>white SLIDE indications. You will see<BR>more about the DOOR/OXY page in<BR>the DOORS modules.<BR>No. To deselect the DOOR/OXY<BR>page click on the DOOR key.<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 35/79<BR>The ECAM DOOR/OXY page is<BR>replaced by the WHEEL page.<BR>The aircraft is now ready to taxi.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 36/79<BR>The brakes are released, which<BR>clears the park brake memo, and the<BR>clock elapsed time is set to run.<BR>MENU<BR>Select RUN on the clock Elapsed<BR>Time.<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 37/79<BR>The brakes are released, which<BR>clears the park brake memo, and the<BR>clock elapsed time is set to run.<BR>No. Select RUN on the clock<BR>Elapsed Time.<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 38/79<BR>The brakes are released, which<BR>clears the park brake memo, and the<BR>clock elapsed time is set to run.<BR>No. Click on the Elapsed Time<BR>control to select RUN.<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 39/79<BR>The elapsed time is now running<BR>and the aircraft is taxiing out.<BR>The Flight controls are checked<BR>during the taxi out.<BR>The ECAM system automatically<BR>calls the ECAM F/CTL page as soon as<BR>any of the Flight Controls are moved<BR>on the ground.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 40/79<BR>Approximately 2 minutes after the second engine<BR>has been started a Take Off memo appears on the<BR>E/WD.<BR>The TO memo lists a series of actions required by<BR>the crew for the aircraft to be ready for take off. If<BR>you look at the list you can see that there are blue<BR>action items remaining, specifically setting the<BR>AUTO BRK to MAX and a T.O. CONFIG test. We will<BR>set the auto brakes to MAX for you.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 41/79<BR>The blue action comment changed<BR>to green and moved.<BR>Just before completing the before<BR>take off checklist, the take off<BR>configuration test is carried out. This<BR>is done by pressing the T.O. CONFIG<BR>key on the ECAM control panel.<BR>MENU<BR>Seelleecctt tthhee TT..O.. CONFFIIG kkeeyy..<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 42/79<BR>The blue action comment changed<BR>to green and moved.<BR>Just before completing the before<BR>take off checklist, the take off<BR>configuration test is carried out. This<BR>is done by pressing the T.O. CONFIG<BR>key on the ECAM control panel.<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee TT..O.. CONFFIIG kkeeyy..<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 43/79<BR>The blue action comment changed<BR>to green and moved.<BR>Just before completing the before<BR>take off checklist, the take off<BR>configuration test is carried out. This<BR>is done by pressing the T.O. CONFIG<BR>key on the ECAM control panel.<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee TT..O.. CONFFIIG kkeeyy..<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 44/79<BR>By selecting the T.O.CONFIG key<BR>the ECAM system simulates the<BR>application of take off power. If the<BR>aircraft is not in a takeoff<BR>configuration, for example flaps not<BR>in the correct configuration, then an<BR>ECAM warning or caution will be<BR>triggered.<BR>Provided ECAM detects that the<BR>aircraft is in a normal configuration<BR>then the T.O.CONFIG memo changes<BR>to NORMAL.<BR>Observe that there are no blue<BR>action lines on the E/WD.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 45/79<BR>We are now at the threshold<BR>about to takeoff. If required the<BR>chronometer may be started.<BR>MENU<BR>Sttaarrtt tthhee cchhrroonnoomeetteerr..<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 46/79<BR>We are now at the threshold<BR>about to takeoff. If required the<BR>chronometer may be started.<BR>Noo.. Sttaarrtt tthhee cchhrroonnoomeetteerr..<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 47/79<BR>We are now at the threshold<BR>about to takeoff. If required the<BR>chronometer may be started.<BR>No. Click on the CHR button to<BR>start the chronometer<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 48/79<BR>Observe that:<BR>• the chronometer has started,<BR>• when the engines are set to take<BR>off thrust the ECAM ENGINE page is<BR>automatically called.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 49/79<BR>TTaakkeeOOffff<BR>On the E/WD notice that:<BR>• the T.O. memo is replaced by<BR>normal memos,<BR>• a magenta T.O. INHIBIT message<BR>has appeared.<BR>The T.O. INHIBIT message is<BR>advising you that some warnings and<BR>cautions have been inhibited during<BR>the take off phase.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 50/79<BR>The aircraft is now airborne.<BR>After passing 1500 feet AAL, or 2<BR>minutes after lift off, the T.O. INHIBIT<BR>ceases and the memo is removed.<BR>TTaakkeeOOffff<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 51/79<BR>At the acceleration altitude, The<BR>CLIMB phase is activated, the aircraft<BR>accelerates and the flaps are then<BR>retracted.<BR>MENU<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 52/79<BR>When the flaps are fully retracted the<BR>ECAM ENGINE page is automatically<BR>replaced by the CRUISE page.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 53/79<BR>The aircraft is now established in<BR>cruise. Periodically a routine review is<BR>carried out of the system pages.<BR>MENU<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAMENGIINE ppaaggee..<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 54/79<BR>Notice that while the ENGINE page is displayed<BR>the corresponding light on ECAM Control Panel<BR>ENG pb is illuminated. You will study the<BR>indications on the system pages in the<BR>appropriate modules so let’s continue with the<BR>review.<BR>MENU<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAM BLLEED ppaaggee..<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 55/79<BR>LLeett’’ss ccoonnttiinnuuee tthhee rreevviieew..<BR>MENU<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAMPRESS ppaaggee..<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 56/79<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAMELLEC ppaaggee..<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 57/79<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAMHYD ppaaggee..<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 58/79<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAMFFUELL ppaaggee..<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 59/79<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAMAPU ppaaggee..<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 60/79<BR>Notice that there are amber<BR>indications on the APU page. Because<BR>the APU is shutdown, these are<BR>acceptable for this stage of flight.<BR>MENU<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAMCOND ppaaggee..<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 61/79<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAMDOOR//OXY ppaaggee..<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 62/79<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAMWHEELL ppaaggee..<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 63/79<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAMFF//CTTLL ppaaggee..<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 64/79<BR>After reviewing the F/CTL page the<BR>CRUISE page can be recalled. Notice<BR>that there is no pb to select the CRUISE<BR>page you have to deselect the manually<BR>selected page.<BR>MENU<BR>Reeccaallll tthhee ECAMCRUIISE ppaaggee..<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 65/79<BR>The CRUISE page is displayed and<BR>the ECP has no lights illuminated.<BR>As an alternative to selecting the<BR>individual system keys the ALL key can<BR>be used to sequence through the<BR>system pages. You will do this in the<BR>ECAM abnormal operation module.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 66/79<BR>We will now establish a descent for<BR>landing at our destination.<BR>As part of the Approach Checks the<BR>STATUS page is checked. Since there<BR>is no STS reminder on the E/WD the<BR>STATUS page is normal.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 67/79<BR>The aircraft is lined up on final<BR>approach.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 68/79<BR>As the landing gear is extended the<BR>ECAM system will automatically display<BR>the WHEEL page . The wheel page is<BR>displayed to provide information useful<BR>for the landing, for example brake<BR>temperatures and spoiler deployment.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 69/79<BR>On passing 1500 feet, with the gear<BR>down, a Landing memo appears on the<BR>E/WD.<BR>Notice that there is a blue action<BR>remaining, advising you to arm the<BR>spoilers. We will arm them for you.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 70/79<BR>The blue action line is replaced by a<BR>green action completed indication.<BR>Notice that there are now no blue<BR>action lines outstanding.<BR>At approximately 800 feet the landing<BR>inhibit becomes active and this is<BR>indicated by a magenta memo.<BR>The LDG INHIBIT message is<BR>advising you that the vast majority of<BR>warnings and cautions have been<BR>inhibited during the landing phase.<BR>LLaannddiinngg<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 71/79<BR>On landing the chronometer can be<BR>stopped to give an indication of flight<BR>time. The chronometer only indicates<BR>up to 60 minutes and then starts again<BR>at zero. There is no chronometer<BR>indication for the number of hours.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 72/79<BR>When the aircraft is finally parked,<BR>the elapsed time can be stopped by<BR>moving the selector to STOP. In this<BR>example the block time is 4 hours and 8<BR>minutes.<BR>MENU<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 73/79<BR>At engine shutdown the ECAM<BR>DOOR/OXY page is automatically<BR>recalled so that you can check slide<BR>disarming.<BR>Notice the pulsing STS message on<BR>the E/WD. This is telling you that there<BR>is a maintenance related message on<BR>the STATUS page that you have not<BR>seen.<BR>MENU<BR>Caallll tthhee STTATTUS ppaaggee..<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 74/79<BR>At engine shutdown the ECAM<BR>DOOR/OXY page is automatically<BR>recalled so that you can check slide<BR>disarming.<BR>Notice the pulsing STS message on<BR>the E/WD. This is telling you that there<BR>is a maintenance related message on<BR>the STATUS page that you have not<BR>seen.<BR>Call the STATUS page.<BR>Noo.. Caallll tthhee STTATTUS ppaaggee..<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 75/79<BR>At engine shutdown the ECAM<BR>DOOR/OXY page is automatically<BR>recalled so that you can check slide<BR>disarming.<BR>Notice the pulsing STS message on<BR>the E/WD. This is telling you that there<BR>is a maintenance related message on<BR>the STATUS page that you have not<BR>seen.<BR>Call the STATUS page.<BR>No. Press the STATUS key to call<BR>the STATUS page.<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 76/79<BR>There is a white MAINTENANCE<BR>status message at the bottom of the<BR>STATUS page. This message is an<BR>indication for maintenance personnel<BR>that a system requires a maintenance<BR>procedure at the next programmed<BR>servicing. It does not mean that the<BR>aircraft is unserviceable.<BR>MENU<BR>Clleeaarr tthhee STTATTUS ppaaggee..<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 77/79<BR>There is a white MAINTENANCE<BR>status message at the bottom of the<BR>STATUS page. This message is an<BR>indication for maintenance personnel<BR>that a system requires a maintenance<BR>procedure at the next programmed<BR>servicing. It does not mean that the<BR>aircraft is unserviceable.<BR>Noo.. Clleeaarr tthhee STTATTUS ppaaggee..<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 78/79<BR>There is a white MAINTENANCE<BR>status message at the bottom of the<BR>STATUS page. This message is an<BR>indication for maintenance personnel<BR>that a system requires a maintenance<BR>procedure at the next programmed<BR>servicing. It does not mean that the<BR>aircraft is unserviceable.<BR>No. Press a CLEAR key to clear the<BR>STATUS page.<BR>ECAM Normal Operation 79/79<BR>Module Completed<BR>If the aircraft is being completely<BR>shutdown the ECAM displays are<BR>turned off using the appropriate<BR>brightness controls.<BR>MENU NEXT<BR>ECAM MENU Normal Operation 80/79<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>PPUUSSHHBBAACCKK<BR>TTAAXXII<BR>TTAAKKEEOOFFFF<BR>AAPPPPRROOAACCHH 谢谢!!!!!!!!!! kankan,xiexie A320ECAM正常操作 好资料,学习了。。。 好东西,好好学习一下