航空 发表于 2011-4-13 08:36:18


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航空 发表于 2011-4-13 08:36:45

EFIS CONTROLS MENU Summary 1/18<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 2/18<BR>EFIS CONTROLS<BR>Panel (1/2)<BR>FD pb<BR>Barometer reference display window<BR>ILS pb<BR>Barometer reference selector<BR>Select any yellow<BR>button for review.<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 3/18<BR>EFIS CONTROLS<BR>Panel (1/2)<BR>The outer ring is used to<BR>select the units of the<BR>barometer reference (in Hg or<BR>hPa).<BR>The inner knob provides<BR>selection of barometric<BR>reference value displayed in the<BR>barometric window and on the<BR>PFD.<BR>When pulled, the setting is<BR>displayed in the barometric<BR>window, and STD is displayed<BR>on the PFD.<BR>Pushing the knob enables<BR>selection of a new barometric<BR>reference.<BR>FD pb<BR>Barometer reference display window<BR>ILS pb<BR>Barometer reference selector<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 4/18<BR>EFIS CONTROLS<BR>Panel (1/2)<BR>When pressed :<BR>- the FD bars (or flight path<BR>vector/ flight path director) is<BR>displayed on the associated PFD,<BR>- the three green lights<BR>illuminate.<BR>Pressing again the FD pb<BR>removes the symbol and the lights<BR>extinguish.<BR>FD pb<BR>Barometer reference display window<BR>ILS pb<BR>Barometer reference selector<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 5/18<BR>EFIS CONTROLS<BR>Panel (1/2)<BR>When pressed :<BR>- the three green lines<BR>illuminate ,<BR>- the localizer and glide<BR>slope scales are displayed on<BR>the PFD,<BR>- the deviation symbols<BR>appear if there is a valid ILS<BR>signal.<BR>FD pb<BR>Barometer reference display window<BR>ILS pb<BR>Barometer reference selector<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 6/18<BR>EFIS CONTROLS<BR>Panel (1/2)<BR>Displays the barometric<BR>reference in hectoPascal (hPa)<BR>or inches of Mercury (in Hg).<BR>FD pb<BR>Barometer reference display window<BR>ILS pb<BR>Barometer reference selector<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 7/18<BR>EFIS CONTROLS<BR>Panel (2/2)<BR>Optional data display pb<BR>Range selector<BR>Mode selector<BR>ADF-VOR selectors<BR>Select any yellow<BR>button for review.<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 8/18<BR>EFIS CONTROLS<BR>Panel (2/2)<BR>Provides the selection of the<BR>desired navigation display for the<BR>onside ND.<BR>Optional data display pb<BR>Range selector<BR>Mode selector<BR>ADF-VOR selectors<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 9/18<BR>EFIS CONTROLS<BR>Panel (2/2)<BR>Provide selection of VOR<BR>and/or DME on the respective ND<BR>in any mode except PLAN.<BR>Optional data display pb<BR>Range selector<BR>Mode selector<BR>ADF-VOR selectors<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 10/18<BR>EFIS CONTROLS<BR>Panel (2/2)<BR>Provides the selection of the<BR>desired range on the respective<BR>ND.<BR>In the event of a mode or<BR>range data failure, the ND<BR>defaults to ROSE NAV with an<BR>80 nm range.<BR>Optional data display pb<BR>Range selector<BR>Mode selector<BR>ADF-VOR selectors<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 11/18<BR>EFIS CONTROLS<BR>Panel (2/2)<BR>Display optional data<BR>(constraints, waypoints, VORs,<BR>NDBs, airports).<BR>Only one pb can be activated at<BR>at time.<BR>The three green lines illuminate<BR>green in the selected pb.<BR>Optional data display pb<BR>Range selector<BR>Mode selector<BR>ADF-VOR selectors<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 12/18<BR>MISCELLANEOUS<BR>Panel<BR>PFD brightness control knob<BR>PFD/ND XFR pb ND brightness control knob<BR>Select any yellow<BR>button for review.<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 13/18<BR>MISCELLANEOUS<BR>Panel<BR>Controls the ON/OFF and<BR>brightness for the associated<BR>PFD.<BR>PFD brightness control knob<BR>PFD/ND XFR pb ND brightness control knob<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 14/18<BR>MISCELLANEOUS<BR>Panel<BR>Used to interchange the PFD<BR>and the ND.<BR>If the PFD unit fails, the PFD<BR>is automatically transferred to<BR>the ND unit.<BR>PFD brightness control knob<BR>PFD/ND XFR pb ND brightness control knob<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 15/18<BR>MISCELLANEOUS<BR>Panel<BR>- Inner knob : controls the<BR>ON/OFF and brightness for the<BR>associated ND.<BR>- Outer knob : controls the<BR>brightness of the weather radar<BR>image only.<BR>PFD brightness control knob<BR>PFD/ND XFR pb ND brightness control knob<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 16/18<BR>CHRONO pb<BR>CChhrroonnoomeetteerr<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU<BR>Summary 17/18<BR>CChhrroonnoomeetteerr<BR>CHRONO pb<BR>When pushed, displays the<BR>chronometer time on the<BR>onside ND.<BR>When pushed a second<BR>time, freezes the displayed<BR>value.<BR>When pushed a third time,<BR>the chronometer is reset, and<BR>the time disappears from the<BR>display.<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU Summary 18/18<BR>EEFFIISSCCOONNTTRROOLLPPaanneell<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>You have reviewed<BR>all the EFIS controls<BR>and indications.<BR>Have some fun with<BR>the quiz !<BR>NEXT<BR>MIISSCCEELLLLAANNEEOOUUSS PPaanneell<BR>CChhrroonnoommeetteerr<BR>EFIS CONTROLS MENU Summary 19/18<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>EEFFIISSCCOONNTTRROOLLPPAANNEELL((11//22))<BR>MMIISSCCEELLLLAANNEEOOUUSSPPAANNEELL<BR>CCHHRROONNOOMMEETTEERR<BR>EEFFIISSCCOONNTTRROOLLPPAANNEELL((22//22))

show616 发表于 2011-4-13 09:51:02


夏柯 发表于 2011-4-13 19:02:53


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 08:28:46


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:42:25


diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 12:57:17

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