航空 发表于 2011-4-13 08:41:06

CFM56 Number 4 Bearing Status

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航空 发表于 2011-4-13 08:41:20

CFM56<BR>Number 4<BR>Bearing Status<BR>Overview<BR>• Fleet experience<BR>• P/N 901 Action Plan<BR>• New outer race material<BR>• Shop improvements<BR>• Monitoring system<BR>• Summary<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 3<BR>CFM56-All - UER &amp; IFSD rates , #4 bearing fail cause<BR>IFSD<BR>Feb00 : 1,80<BR>Jan02 : 0.97<BR>0,00<BR>1,00<BR>2,00<BR>3,00<BR>4,00<BR>5,00<BR>Fail per million EFH - 12 month rolling<BR>0<BR>100 000 000<BR>200 000 000<BR>Cumul effective flight<BR>hours<BR>UER + IFSD<BR>"UER"<BR>Fleet Experience<BR># 4 Bearing Reliability on CFM56 Fleet Has Been Improving Since 1999<BR>However, Some Variability Between Engine Models<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 4<BR>Fleet Experience<BR>1999 2000 2001<BR>IFSD UER IFSD UER IFSD UER<BR>-5C 10 (3.71) 3 (1.11) 6 (1.84) 2 (0.61) 5 (1.52) 1 (0.30)<BR>-7B 2 (1.07) 1 (0.54) 2 (0.57) 3 (0.85) 1 (0.19) 2 (0.39)<BR>-3 4 (0.37) 5 (0.46) 5 (0.46) 5 (0.46) 3 (0.28) 7 (0.66)<BR>-5A 4 (1.62) 2 (0.81) 2 (0.78) 1 (0.39) 2 (0.74) 2 (0.74)<BR>-5B 0 (0.00 ) 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) 1 (0.54) 2 (0.80) 0 (0.00)<BR>(…) Rolling average in event number per MEFH<BR>Failure Rate Is Higher on CFM56-5C Model<BR>Events distribution by engine model and by year<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 5<BR>0<BR>10<BR>20<BR>30<BR>40<BR>50<BR>60<BR>2000 6000 10000 14000 18000 22000<BR>TSN - TSI<BR>Number of failures<BR>TSN (1st run)<BR>TSI (2nd run &amp; above)<BR>Fleet Experience - Failure Distribution<BR>Bearing Failure Has an Infant Mortality Characteristic<BR>Over 80% of Failures Below 6000 Hrs Since LPT Module Installation<BR>CFM56 #4 Bearing Failures Ages Distribution<BR>(February 2002)<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 6<BR>P/N 901 Action Plan<BR>• P/N 340-167-901-0 (SNR Source) is experiencing a higher<BR>failure rate than than the other P/Ns<BR>- About 850 parts reported to be installed through CFM tracking database<BR>- 15 reported failures: 1 on -3, 2 on -5A, 5 on -7B and 7 on -5C<BR>- P/N 901 averaged MTBF on CFM fleet is about 277 K hours<BR>- To be compared to 1,300 K hours for other P/Ns<BR>• Specialist working group has been formed to investigate these<BR>events and failure identify root cause &amp; action plan<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 7<BR>P/N 901 Action Plan<BR>• Quality inquiries on bearings have not evidenced<BR>abnormalities in manufacturing process of this P/N<BR>• As of today, no major contributors on engine<BR>environment found through failed engine<BR>investigations<BR>• Precautionary actions<BR>- P/N 901 installation on CFM production engine was stopped<BR>in 3Q01<BR>- P/N 901 delivery as spare parts resumed in 3Q01<BR>- Shelf cleaning of zero time P/N 901 in process<BR>• Field action plan for installed P/N 901 being evaluated<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 8<BR>New Outer Race Material<BR>• 90% of failures confirmed to be initiated by outer race spalling<BR>• Outer race material change from M50 to 32CDV13 deep nitriding<BR>- Material structure more resistant to crack initiation<BR>- Improved residual stress profile restricts crack / spall propagation<BR>- Over 21,000 cycles completed with no failure during engine<BR>ground tests<BR>• Introduced on -5C production for Dec 01 A/C delivery<BR>- Spare parts starting to be available for -5C<BR>• Being introduced on other engine models for A/C delivery by July 02<BR>More Resistant 32CDV13 Material for Outer Race Being<BR>Introduced on All CFM Engine Models<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 9<BR>• CFM56-5C LPT installation tool modified<BR>- Improved stiffness to keep perpendicularity between LPT shaft and case<BR>- Already in place for other engine models<BR>- All major -5C overhaul shops equipped with this new tool<BR>• Overhaul shops Best Practices<BR>- Assembly line and shop practices improvements identified on 1999<BR>- Cleanliness / Preservation / Handling / Installation<BR>- Bearing “Best Practices” CESM 009 issued on 1999 to shops in order to<BR>highlight bearing handling and assembly practices<BR>- Periodic meetings with overhaul shops to re-emphasize these<BR>recommendations<BR>Shop Improvements<BR>Post Shop Visit Failures Being Reduced Since 99 Through<BR>Best Practices Embodiment<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 10<BR>Monitoring System<BR>• Algorithm to detect #4 bearing outer race distress with<BR>existing engine vibration sensors has been developed<BR>• Multiple use tooling<BR>- Stand alone tool P/N 856A2679 available to screen engine<BR>- For engine test cells ( G01 )<BR>- All CFM production test cells have been equipped<BR>- Major -5C overhaul shops are equipped<BR>- For A/C ground run ( G02 )<BR>- Tool validation achieved on March 02<BR>- Airborne System<BR>- Program launched with Boeing / VibroMeter<BR>- SER to be started by July 02<BR>- Not launched on Airbus applications as of today<BR>Need to Gather Experience With<BR>This New Monitoring Tool<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 11<BR>Monitoring System<BR>N1<BR>N2<BR>No. 1 brg<BR>FFCC/ TRF<BR>Portable / Test Vibration Monitoring Unit<BR>H (N2-N1)<BR>Tool 856A2679<BR>HP N2<BR>BP N1<BR>#4R detection<BR>message<BR>Accelerometer 1<BR>Accelerometer 2<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 21 - 22, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 12<BR>Summary<BR>• # 4 Bearing reliability on CFM56 fleet has been improving since 1999<BR>- However, some variability between engine models, with highest rate on<BR>CFM56-5C model<BR>• Higher failure rate with P/N 901<BR>- P/N 901 has not been installed on production engines or delivered as<BR>spare parts since 3Q01<BR>- Field action plan being evaluated<BR>• More resistant 32CDV13 material for bearing outer race being<BR>introduced on all CFM engine models<BR>• Post shop visit failures have been reduced since 1999 through Best<BR>Practices embodiment<BR>• Monitoring system for engine test cell and A/C ground run is<BR>available<BR>- Need to gather experience with this new tool

show616 发表于 2011-4-13 09:50:47


kinran 发表于 2011-6-4 23:28:24

:victory: :victory:

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 04:35:01

CFM56 Number 4 Bearing Status

bei1999 发表于 2016-5-3 06:05:45

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