Fan Disk Repair
**** Hidden Message ***** February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 1<BR>Fan Disk Repair<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 2<BR>Fan Disk Repair<BR>Slot machined<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 3<BR>Rework Overview<BR>Before Reworked<BR>New Shim<BR>Rework Definition:<BR>• Slot = 0.017 inch machined<BR>• Addition of shims coated with<BR>Molydag Varnish<BR>• New spacer geometry to fit the<BR>machined slot, and new shim<BR>New Spacer<BR>Fan Disk Repair<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 4<BR>• Rework Validation Plan<BR> Fan disk rework late compared to scheduled plan due to certification /<BR>validation efforts<BR> Rework documents approved by the agencies in Dec 2001<BR> First rework site validation<BR>– Machining process and toolings Complete<BR>– 3D measurement tooling available Complete<BR>– First disk machined and inspected Feb 02<BR>– Shim and spacer parts available Mar 02<BR>First rework source operational early 2Q 2002<BR>Fan Disk Repair <STRONG><FONT color=#006699>Maintenance Manual</FONT></STRONG> » <A href="thread-7267222-1-1.html"><STRONG>Fan Disk Repair</STRONG></A> victory: :victory: Fan Disk Repair 好东西<br> 谢谢楼主分享 很好的呀谢了 股份及附加