航空 发表于 2011-4-14 10:37:54


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航空 发表于 2011-4-14 10:38:02

ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU System presentation 1/32<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU System presentation 2/32<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 3/32<BR>In comparison to old technology aircraft,<BR>the flight deck on the A320 is designed to be a<BR>comfortable uncluttered environment in which<BR>to work. By utilizing modern electronic display<BR>units, the presentation of information to the<BR>pilots has been improved.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 4/32<BR>The Electronic Instrument System, (EIS),<BR>consists of six identical full color cathode ray<BR>tube display units. The EIS is divided into two<BR>subsystems:<BR>• the Electronic Flight Instrument System,<BR>(EFIS), for which each pilot has two displays,<BR>• the Electronic Centralized Aircraft<BR>Monitoring system, (ECAM), which uses the<BR>two displays in the center to provide<BR>information on the aircraft systems.<BR>Let’s look at the EFIS system first.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 5/32<BR>PFD1 ND1 ND2 PFD2<BR>Flight parameters are displayed on Primary<BR>Flight Displays (PFD) while Navigation data is<BR>displayed on Navigation Displays (ND).<BR>ELECTRONIC FLIGHT INSTRUMENT SYSTEM<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 6/32<BR>Outboard of the<BR>PFD, there are control<BR>knobs to adjust the<BR>brightness of the<BR>associated PFD and<BR>ND, or to turn the<BR>display off.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 7/32<BR>A switch is provided<BR>to allow the information<BR>on the PFD and ND<BR>displays to be<BR>transferred.<BR>The use of this switch<BR>will be explained in the<BR>EIS reconfiguration<BR>module.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 8/32<BR>ELECTRONIC CENTRALIZED AIRCRAFT MONITORING<BR>The two displays in the center are dedicated to the Electronic Centralized<BR>Aircraft Monitoring system (ECAM). At this stage we will simply introduce the<BR>ECAM displays and associated controls. In later modules, the ECAM system<BR>will be studied in detail.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 9/32<BR>Engine/Warning<BR>Display<BR>System<BR>Display<BR>The upper ECAM display is known as the Engine Warning Display (E/WD).<BR>The lower ECAM display is known as the System Display (SD). It is on this<BR>screen that various aircraft system parameters can be viewed by the pilots.<BR>As an example, we will cycle through the system pages for you.<BR>ELECTRONIC CENTRALIZED AIRCRAFT MONITORING<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 10/32<BR>The presentation of system information is based on a “Need to Know”<BR>philosophy. This means that only the system information relevant to the<BR>particular phase of flight is presented to the pilots. You will see this<BR>demonstrated in the Normal and Abnormal operation modules.<BR>ELECTRONIC CENTRALIZED AIRCRAFT MONITORING<BR>Engine/Warning<BR>Display<BR>System<BR>Display<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 11/32<BR>Another philosophy that is used on the Flight Deck is the “Lights Out”<BR>principle. What this means is that when the aircraft is in its normal flight<BR>state there will be no white lights illuminated in any of the switches on the<BR>overhead panel. As an example, just before take off if you look up at the<BR>overhead panel, there should be no white lights illuminated on any of the<BR>switches.<BR>Let’s look at some switches and show the different possibilities.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 12/32<BR>NNoorrmmaallooppeerraattiioonnccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn-- lliigghhttoouuttppoossiittiioonn<BR>SSyysstteemmddeeaaccttiivvaatteedd<BR>AABBNNOORRMMAALLFFaauulltt iinnddiiccaattiioonn<BR>For the majority of the switches on the overhead panel, the push button<BR>switch logic is;<BR>• Normal operation configuration - No light showing, (the LIGHTS OUT<BR>philosophy).<BR>• Abnormal condition - Amber FAULT light (this assists identification of<BR>the switch associated with an abnormal condition).<BR>• Non lights out switch position - White light. If normally the system should<BR>be operating and is deactivated a white OFF light is illuminated. If normally<BR>the system should not be operating and is activated a white ON light is<BR>illuminated.<BR>SSyysstteemmaaccttiivvaatteedd<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 13/32<BR>There are some switches on the overhead panel which are used on a<BR>temporary basis or may have an indication of their state. The logic is;<BR>• Temporary selection for operational reasons - Blue ON light e.g. anti-ice<BR>• Applicable system status - Green light - e.g. APU available.<BR>You will see this philosophy demonstrated throughout the course.<BR>TTeemmppoorraarriillyysseelleecctteeddsswwiittcchh<BR>AApppplliiccaabblleessyysstteemmssttaattuuss<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 14/32<BR>Below the ECAM displays, on the center<BR>pedestal, is the ECAM control panel. The two<BR>controls on the left hand side are to adjust the<BR>brightness of the two ECAM screens or to turn<BR>them off. We will look at the rest of the<BR>controls on this panel in more detail later.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 15/32<BR>Just below the ECAM screens, on the pedestal, is a switching panel for<BR>use in abnormal situations to restore data to the EFIS and ECAM displays.<BR>You will use this panel in the EIS Reconfiguration module.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 16/32<BR>In front of each pilot there are two attention<BR>getters, a red MASTER WARNING, and an<BR>amber MASTER CAUTION. As a further means<BR>of getting the pilots attention, there is a<BR>loudspeaker on each side of the cockpit for<BR>aural alerts and voice messages.<BR>Note; The loudspeakers can also be used to<BR>listen to ATC and the intercom.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 17/32<BR>ADIRS DATA<BR>DMC1 DMC3 DMC2<BR>NAV DATA<BR>Now, let’s go back to the EFIS system.<BR>For the EFIS displays, data from the Air<BR>Data and Inertial Reference System<BR>(ADIRS) plus Navigation data from the<BR>Flight Management and Guidance System<BR>(FMGS) is fed directly to three Display<BR>Management Computers (DMC).<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 18/32<BR>ADIRS DATA NAV DATA<BR>The three identical DMC process the data<BR>and generate the images to be displayed.<BR>Under Normal circumstances:<BR>• DMC1 supplies EFIS information to the<BR>Captains’ PFD and ND<BR>• DMC2 supplies the First Officers’ PFD<BR>and ND.<BR>• DMC3 is available as a backup.<BR>You will see the use of DMC3 in the<BR>abnormal operation module.<BR>BACKUP<BR>DMC1 DMC3 DMC2<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 19/32<BR>Now, let’s look at the other EIS sub-system,<BR>ECAM, and how the ECAM displays get their<BR>data.<BR>Sensors are fitted throughout the aircraft to<BR>monitor the various systems, including system<BR>controls operated in the flight deck.<BR>AIRCRAFT SYSTEM SENSORS<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 20/32<BR>DMC 3<BR>Data for certain<BR>parameters, for example<BR>Fuel Quantity and<BR>Primary Engine<BR>Indications, is routed<BR>directly from the system<BR>sensors to the three<BR>DMC.<BR>Note that there are<BR>separate channels within<BR>each DMC for ECAM and<BR>EFIS.<BR>AIRCRAFT SYSTEM SENSORS<BR>DMC1 DMC3 DMC2<BR>ECAM EFIS<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 21/32<BR>AIRCRAFT SYSTEM SENSORS<BR>For the majority of the systems the sensors<BR>supply data to 2 System Data Acquisition<BR>Concentrators (SDAC). The SDAC acquire<BR>system data, process it, and send System page<BR>data to the 3 DMC.<BR>SDAC1 SDAC2<BR>DMC1 DMC3 DMC2<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 22/32<BR>AIRCRAFT SYSTEM SENSORS<BR>Normally:<BR>• DMC 1 supplies the E/WD,<BR>• DMC2 supplies the SD,<BR>• DMC 3 is available as a<BR>backup.<BR>SDAC1 SDAC2<BR>DMC1 DMC3 DMC2<BR>BACKUP<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 23/32<BR>AIRCRAFT SYSTEM SENSORS<BR>FWC1 SDAC1 SDAC2 FWC2<BR>DMC1 DMC3 DMC2<BR>Two identical Flight Warning<BR>Computers (FWC) receive data from:<BR>• the aircraft system sensors to<BR>generate red Warnings,<BR>• the SDAC to generate amber<BR>Cautions.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 24/32<BR>AIRCRAFT SYSTEM SENSORS<BR>FWC1 SDAC1 SDAC2<BR>DMC1 DMC3 DMC2<BR>FWC2<BR>The FWC then supply;<BR>• the DMC for the display of alert<BR>messages,<BR>• the attention getters,<BR>• the loudspeakers for aural alerts and<BR>synthetic voice messages.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU System presentation 25/32<BR>AIRCRAFT SYSTEM SENSORS<BR>FWC1 SDAC1 SDAC2<BR>DMC1 DMC3 DMC2<BR>FWC2<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 26/32<BR>All the components shown<BR>can be collectively called the<BR>ECAM system.<BR>We will study the use of the<BR>ECAM system in a separate<BR>module.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 27/32<BR>In addition to EFIS and ECAM,<BR>time measurement devices are<BR>provided.<BR>The master time reference for<BR>all aircraft systems is provided<BR>by a clock, located on the right<BR>lower side of the main panel.<BR>In this example the time is<BR>1328.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 28/32<BR>The time is also displayed at<BR>the bottom of the System<BR>Display.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 29/32<BR>Adjustment of the time is<BR>achieved by using the UTC<BR>selector and the SET knob.<BR>You will have the opportunity<BR>to do this in the simulator.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 30/32<BR>The SET knob can also be<BR>pressed to display date<BR>information, in the order month<BR>then day.<BR>In this example the date is July<BR>4th.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU<BR>System presentation 31/32<BR>There are chronograph and<BR>elapsed time facilities on the<BR>clock. These functions will be<BR>covered later.<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU System presentation 32/32<BR>In this module we have introduced you to the Electronic Instrument<BR>System, (with its two sub sections EFIS and ECAM), and the clock. In the<BR>next modules we will concentrate mainly on the ECAM system and then<BR>later in the course return to look at the EFIS displays in greater detail.<BR>Module Complete<BR>NEXT<BR>ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MENU System presentation 33/32<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>EEFFIISSDDIISSPPLLAAYYSS<BR>EECCAAMMDDIISSPPLLAAYYSS<BR>SSYYSSTTEEMMAARRCCHHIITTEECCTTUURREE<BR>CCLLOOCCKK

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