**** Hidden Message ***** EIS MENU Reconfiguration 1/49<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 2/49<BR>DMC1 DMC3 DMC2<BR>Normally DMC1 supplies the Captains PFD,<BR>ND and the Upper ECAM screen. DMC2<BR>supplies the First Officers PFD, ND, and the<BR>Lower ECAM screen.<BR>DMC3 is available as a backup. Let’s see<BR>what happens if DMC1 should fail.<BR>For this exercise you are the Captain and<BR>you are the PF.<BR>BACKUP<BR>EIS MENU Reconfiguration 3/49<BR>DMC1 DMC3 DMC2<BR>When DMC1 fails the Captains PFD and ND<BR>are lost along with the upper ECAM screen.<BR>Since you no longer have any information to<BR>safely fly the aircraft you should hand over<BR>control to the First Officer. You are now the<BR>PNF.<BR>BACKUP<BR>MENU<BR>INOP<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 4/49<BR>DMC1 DMC3 DMC2<BR>Notice that all three displays have a diagonal<BR>white line through them. The white lines<BR>indicates that the displays are working but are<BR>not receiving any data.<BR>As soon as the ECAM system detects the<BR>failure of DMC 1 you will get the normal alerts.<BR>BACKUP<BR>INOP<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 5/49<BR>You hear a single chime and see the<BR>MASTER CAUTION light.<BR>Cancel the MASTER CAUTION<BR>EIS MENU Reconfiguration 6/49<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, click on the<BR>Master Caution pb.<BR>EIS MENU Reconfiguration 7/49<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, click on the<BR>Master Caution pb.<BR>EIS MENU Reconfiguration 8/49<BR>TThheeMASTTER CAUTTIION iiss eexxttiinngguuiisshheedd<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 9/49<BR>DMC1 DMC3<BR>Notice that the E/WD has<BR>automatically transferred to the<BR>lower ECAM screen and is now<BR>receiving information from<BR>DMC2. So that you can carry<BR>out the ECAM procedure we<BR>will bring up the lower part of<BR>the E/WD and the SWITCHING<BR>PANEL for you.<BR>BACKUP<BR>INOP<BR>EIS DMC 1 FAULT<BR>-EIS DMC SWITCH. . . . . CAPT<BR>DMC2<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 10/49<BR>DMC1 DMC3 DMC2<BR>The ECAM procedure<BR>requires you to select CAPT on<BR>the EIS DMC switch located on<BR>the SWITCHING PANEL.<BR>Carry out the ECAM ACTION<BR>BACKUP<BR>INOP<BR>EIS DMC 1 FAULT<BR>-EIS DMC SWITCH. . . . . CAPT<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 11/49<BR>DMC1 DMC3 DMC2<BR>BACKUP<BR>INOP<BR>DMC 3 will now supply<BR>information to the three<BR>displays and the E/WD is<BR>automatically transferred back<BR>to the upper ECAM display.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 12/49<BR>We can now complete the ECAM procedure.<BR>After confirmation from the other pilot the<BR>EIS DMC FAULT message can be cleared.<BR>Clear EIS<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 13/49<BR>The line on the E/WD is cleared and the<BR>STATUS page automatically called. There is a<BR>MEMO to tell you that the configuration of the<BR>SWITCHING panel is non standard. Notice the<BR>inoperative DMC 1 is shown on the STATUS<BR>page. After review of the STATUS page by<BR>both pilots the ECAM procedure can be<BR>completed.<BR>Clear STATUS<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 14/49<BR>The CRUISE page is displayed on the lower<BR>ECAM screen and the ECAM Control Panel has<BR>no lights on it.<BR>A boxed STS message appears on the E/WD<BR>to remind you that there is a message on the<BR>STATUS page.<BR>This completes the procedure for a DMC 1<BR>fault.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 15/49<BR>If a single display unit fails there are several<BR>ways that the EIS can be reconfigured to<BR>ensure that the pilots have all the information<BR>that they need. Let’s look at several cases of<BR>this.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 16/49<BR>If a Primary Flight Display screen fails, the<BR>screen will blank. There is no white diagonal<BR>line since this is a screen failure not a loss of<BR>data.<BR>Because the Primary Flight Display has<BR>priority, the EIS will automatically transfer the<BR>PFD to the ND screen.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 17/49<BR>If a Navigation Display fails no automatic<BR>transfer takes place. If required the PFD/ND<BR>transfer switch can be used to manually<BR>transfer Navigation information to the PFD<BR>screen.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 18/49<BR>Should a failure of the upper ECAM display<BR>screen occur an automatic transfer of the<BR>E/WD to the lower ECAM screen takes place.<BR>Like the PFD the E/WD has priority over the<BR>SD.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 19/49<BR>System pages can be displayed by using<BR>the system pb switches on the ECAM Control<BR>panel.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 20/49<BR>You have to push and hold a pb to<BR>temporarily display a system page. While the<BR>system page is displayed a white light<BR>illuminates on the pb.<BR>Note; If a pb is held down for more than 30<BR>seconds the E/WD screen will be recalled<BR>automatically. This happens because the ECAM<BR>system assigns priority to the E/WD.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 21/49<BR>As soon as the pb is released the light goes<BR>out and the E/WD reappears on the Lower<BR>ECAM screen.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 22/49<BR>If you need a system screen you can transfer<BR>the SD to one of the ND screens using the<BR>ECAM/ND Transfer switch on the Switching<BR>Panel.<BR>Click on the ECAM/ND Transfer switch.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 23/49<BR>By selecting the ECAM/ND Transfer switch to<BR>F/O the SD has been transferred to the First<BR>Officers Navigation Display screen. Notice that<BR>the ND is replaced by the SD, it is not<BR>transferred.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 24/49<BR>Normal selection of system pages is then<BR>available via the ECAM Control Panel.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 25/49<BR>In the unlikely event that both ECAM<BR>Displays fail the ECAM/ ND transfer switch can<BR>be used to display the E/WD on one of the<BR>Navigation Display units.<BR>Click on the ECAM/ND Transfer switch.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 26/49<BR>As you can see the First Officer now has the<BR>E/WD on his ND screen.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 27/49<BR>If you need to look at a System page this can<BR>be done by pressing and holding the related<BR>system page pushbutton on the ECAM Control<BR>Panel, for a maximum of 30 seconds.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 28/49<BR>As soon as the system pb is released the<BR>E/WD returns and the light on the ECAM<BR>Control Panel is extinguished.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 29/49<BR>When you are limited to a single ECAM<BR>screen the handling of system malfunctions<BR>and how you are advised of failures is slightly<BR>different. For clarity we will concentrate on the<BR>ECAM screen.<BR>If an advisory condition arises, the relevant<BR>system page is not automatically displayed.<BR>Instead the light on the pb switch for the<BR>system and a boxed ADV message on the<BR>E/WD will flash.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 30/49<BR>If an ECAM warning or caution is triggered<BR>then there will be no automatic display of the<BR>relevant system page. System pages should<BR>be called by manual selection on the ECAM<BR>Control Panel. To see this more clearly let’s<BR>look at a failure. We will only discuss the one<BR>ECAM screen and the selections on the ECAM<BR>Control Panel.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 31/49<BR>You hear a single chime and see the<BR>MASTER CAUTION light.<BR>Cancel the MASTER CAUTION<BR>EIS MENU Reconfiguration 32/49<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, click on the<BR>Master Caution pb.<BR>EIS MENU Reconfiguration 33/49<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, click on the<BR>Master Caution pb.<BR>EIS MENU Reconfiguration 34/49<BR>TThheeMASTTER CAUTTIION iiss eexxttiinngguuiisshheedd<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 35/49<BR>When a failure is detected ECAM will give<BR>the normal aural and visual indications. On the<BR>E/WD the failure message will be displayed and<BR>on the ECAM Control Panel the two CLR keys<BR>will be illuminated.<BR>F/O ND SCREEN F/O PFD SCREEN<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 36/49<BR>By looking at the underlined system title you<BR>can see which system page needs to be<BR>viewed. In this example the FUEL page pb<BR>should be selected and held on the ECAM<BR>Control Panel. The system page can be studied<BR>to provide more information about the failure<BR>and then the pb released.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 37/49<BR>The E/WD returns and the ECAM actions can<BR>be carried out. We will do these actions for<BR>you.<BR>EIS MENU Reconfiguration 38/49<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 39/49<BR>Now that the ECAM actions have been<BR>completed there is only the failure title<BR>remaining. To confirm what effect the actions<BR>have had on the system reselect the FUEL page<BR>on the ECAM Control Panel.<BR>Call the FUEL page.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 40/49<BR>As before the FUEL page is displayed while<BR>the pushbutton is depressed. You can see on<BR>the system page that the cross-feed is<BR>connected and the pump has shut down.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 41/49<BR>As soon as the pushbutton is released the<BR>E/WD returns.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 42/49<BR>To continue with ECAM a CLR key should be<BR>pressed to remove the failure message on the<BR>E/WD.<BR>Clear FUEL<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 43/49<BR>Normally the Status page would be<BR>displayed but with only a single ECAM screen<BR>available the STATUS page must be manually<BR>selected. Notice that there is a boxed STS<BR>symbol on the E/WD.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 44/49<BR>The STATUS pushbutton should be held<BR>down and the STATUS page reviewed. The<BR>STATUS page can be displayed for up to 3<BR>minutes before an automatic return to the<BR>E/WD occurs.<BR>EIS MENU Reconfiguration 45/49<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 46/49<BR>Once the review is complete the pushbutton<BR>is released and the E/WD returns.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 47/49<BR>The ECAM procedure is now complete.<BR>There are no lights on the ECAM Control Panel.<BR>EIS MENU<BR>Reconfiguration 48/49<BR>During the approach phase there is no<BR>automatic call of the STATUS page when the<BR>Flap selector is moved. To remind the pilots to<BR>review STATUS the boxed STS symbol on the<BR>E/WD pulses.<BR>The STATUS page should be selected as<BR>before.<BR>EIS MENU Reconfiguration 49/49<BR>In this module we have looked at various<BR>failures associated with the EIS.<BR>You will have the opportunity to practice<BR>the various failures during the simulator<BR>phase.<BR>MMoodduulleeCCoommpplleettee<BR>NEXT<BR>EIS MENU Reconfiguration 50/49<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>DDMMCC11FFAAUULLTT<BR>PPFFDDSSCCRREEEENNFFAAUULLTT<BR>UUPPPPEERREECCAAMMSSCCRREEEENNFFAAUULLTT<BR>BBOOTTHHEECCAAMMSSCCRREEEENNSSFFAAUULLTT 谢谢楼主分享 A320电子仪表系统重新配置 A320电子仪表系统重新配置 谢谢分享 拿走学习 谢谢楼主 好东西,学习 不错。好东西。要好好学习一下。 好资料,学习中。。。 谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下