航空 发表于 2011-4-15 08:54:09


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航空 发表于 2011-4-15 08:54:42

ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU System presentation 1/15<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>System presentation 2/15<BR>The ice and rain protection system enables operation in<BR>icing conditions and heavy rain.<BR>For anti-icing, critical areas of the aircraft are protected<BR>by hot air or electrical heating.<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>System presentation 3/15<BR>Hot air from the pneumatic system<BR>is provided for the anti-icing of the<BR>three outboard leading edge slats of<BR>each wing.<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>System presentation 4/15<BR>Each engine air intake is anti- iced by an independent<BR>air bleed from the high pressure compressor.<BR>The air is supplied through the engine anti ice valve.<BR>Note : In the event of an electrical power supply failure, this<BR>valve will automatically open.<BR>HP<BR>EENNGGIINNEEAANNTTIIIICCEEVVAALLVVEE<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU System presentation 5/15<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>System presentation 6/15<BR>Electrical heating is provided for :<BR>- windshields anti-icing and cockpit<BR>side windows de-fogging,<BR>-- tthhee Annggllee Off Attttaacckk ((AOA)) pprroobbeess ......<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU System presentation 7/15<BR>- the Total Air Temperature (TAT)<BR>probes...<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU System presentation 8/15<BR>-- tthhee ppiittoott pprroobbeess ......<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU System presentation 9/15<BR>-- aanndd tthhee ssttaattiicc ppoorrttss..<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU System presentation 10/15<BR>When the electrical system is<BR>powered, the water waste drain masts are<BR>also electrically heated.<BR>Note : On the ground the heat is reduced<BR>to prevent injury to ground personnel.<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>System presentation 11/15<BR>The ice detection<BR>system (if installed)<BR>consists of two separate<BR>ice detectors located on<BR>the forward lower<BR>section of the fuselage.<BR>An external visual ice<BR>indicator with an<BR>integrated light is<BR>installed between the<BR>two windshields.<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU System presentation 12/15<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU System presentation 13/15<BR>All the ice and rain protection controls are located on the overhead<BR>panel.<BR>The crew manages :<BR>- wing and engine anti-ice valves through the ANTI ICE control panel,<BR>- all the electrical heating system by the PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pb sw.<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>System presentation 14/15<BR>Memos associated with anti-ice<BR>operation are presented on the E/WD<BR>memo area.<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU System presentation 15/15<BR>Electric wipers are provided for<BR>the windshields.<BR>They are operated at slow or fast<BR>speed through the WIPER selector<BR>located on the WIPER panels.<BR>The maximum speed with the<BR>wipers in use is 230 knots.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU System presentation 16/15<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>GGEENNEERRAALL<BR>IICCEEDDEETTEECCTTIIOONNSSYYSSTTEEMM<BR>ANTI-ICE CONTROLS AND<BR>INDICATIONS

doxingpu 发表于 2011-4-15 10:31:46


show616 发表于 2011-4-15 14:43:26


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 08:36:45


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:21:26


diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 14:19:01

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