航空 发表于 2011-4-15 08:56:16


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航空 发表于 2011-4-15 08:56:27

ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU Summary 1/15<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>Summary 2/15<BR>AANNTTII--IICCEE aanndd PPRROOBBEE//WIINNDDOOWHHEEAATT PPaanneell<BR>WING ANTI ICE pb sw<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ENG ANTI ICE pb sw<BR>PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pb<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>Summary 3/15<BR>AANNTTII--IICCEE aanndd PPRROOBBEE//WIINNDDOOWHHEEAATT PPaanneell<BR>Controls the wing anti-ice system on both<BR>wings simultaneously.<BR>FAULT light illuminates :<BR>- when the valve disagrees with the selected<BR>position, or<BR>- when low pressure is detected, or<BR>- during the valve transit.<BR>TThheeWIING aannttii--iiccee vvaallvveess aarree cclloosseedd..<BR>The WING anti-ice valves are open provided<BR>pneumatic supply is available.<BR>On the ground, the valves open for 30 seconds<BR>and then close automatically (test sequence).<BR>WING ANTI ICE pb sw<BR>ENG ANTI ICE pb sw<BR>PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pb<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>Summary 4/15<BR>AANNTTII--IICCEE aanndd PPRROOBBEE//WIINNDDOOWHHEEAATT PPaanneell<BR>Coonnttrrooll tthhee rreessppeeccttiivvee eennggiinnee aannttii--iiccee ssyysstteem..<BR>FAULT light illuminates :<BR>- when the valve disagrees with the selected<BR>position, or<BR>- during the valve transit.<BR>TThhee ENG aannttii--iiccee vvaallvveess aarree cclloosseedd..<BR>The ENG anti-ice valves are open provided air<BR>bleed is available from the engines.<BR>Continuous ignition is selected when at least<BR>one valve is open.<BR>WING ANTI ICE pb sw<BR>ENG ANTI ICE pb sw<BR>PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pb<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>Summary 5/15<BR>AANNTTII--IICCEE aanndd PPRROOBBEE//WIINNDDOOWHHEEAATT PPaanneell<BR>When in<BR>the AUTO<BR>position, the probes<BR>and windows are<BR>heated automatically :<BR>- in flight or,<BR>- on the ground<BR>provided one engine is<BR>running.<BR>When in<BR>the ON<BR>position, the probes<BR>and windows are<BR>heated continuously.<BR>WING ANTI ICE pb sw<BR>ENG ANTI ICE pb sw<BR>PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pb<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>Summary 6/15<BR>WIIPPEERRPPaanneellss<BR>Seelleecctt tthhee yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>WIPER rotary selector<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>Summary 7/15<BR>WIIPPEERRPPaanneellss<BR>Each rotary selector controls its respective<BR>wiper at SLOW or FAST speed.<BR>When selected off, the wiper stops out of<BR>view.<BR>WIPER rotary selector<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>Summary 8/15<BR>EECCAAMBBLLEEEEDDppaaggee<BR>Seelleecctt aannyy yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ANTI ICE indication<BR>Arrow<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>Summary 9/15<BR>EECCAAMBBLLEEEEDDppaaggee<BR>Displayed in white when<BR>the WING anti-ice pb sw is<BR>set to ON.<BR>Nothing is displayed<BR>otherwise.<BR>ANTI ICE indication<BR>Arrow<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>Summary 10/15<BR>EECCAAMBBLLEEEEDDppaaggee<BR>Displayed in green when the<BR>corresponding valve is open.<BR>Displayed in amber when :<BR>- the valve is open and air pressure is<BR>low or high.<BR>- or the valve is open on the ground for<BR>more than 10 seconds.<BR>ANTI ICE indication<BR>Arrow<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>Summary 11/15<BR>MEEMOOmeessssaaggeess<BR>Seelleecctt tthhee yyeelllloow bbuuttttoonn ffoorr rreevviieew..<BR>ICE NOT DET memo message<BR>IGNITION and ENG A.ICE memo messages<BR>WING A.ICE memo message<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU<BR>Summary 12/15<BR>MEEMOOmeessssaaggeess<BR>ICE NOT DET memo message<BR>The IGNITION memo appears<BR>when at least one engine anti-ice<BR>valve is open and means that<BR>continuous ignition is selected.<BR>The ENG A.ICE memo message<BR>is displayed in green if the ENG<BR>anti-ice pb sw is set to on.<BR>IGNITION and ENG A.ICE memo messages<BR>WING A.ICE memo message<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU Summary 13/15<BR>ICE NOT DET memo message<BR>Displayed in green if the<BR>WING anti-ice pb sw is set to<BR>ON.<BR>IGNITION and ENG A.ICE memo messages<BR>WING A.ICE memo message<BR>MEEMOOmeessssaaggeess<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU Summary 14/15<BR>ICE NOT DET memo message<BR>Displayed in green if no ice<BR>has been detected for 3 mn or<BR>more with the WING anti-ice<BR>system operating.<BR>IGNITION and ENG A.ICE memo messages<BR>WING A.ICE memo message<BR>MEEMOOmeessssaaggeess<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU Summary 15/15<BR>EECCAAMBBLLEEEEDDppaaggee<BR>ANTI-ICE and<BR>PROBE/WINDOW<BR>HEAT Panel<BR>NEXT<BR>Left<BR>WIPER Panel<BR>Right<BR>WIPER Panel<BR>You have reviewed all<BR>the ice and rain protection<BR>controls and indications.<BR>Have fun with the quiz !<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>ICE &amp; RAIN protection MENU Summary 16/15<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>AANNTTII IICCEEaannddPPRROOBBEE//WWIINNDDOOWWHHEEAATTPPAANNEELL<BR>WWIIPPEERRPPAANNEELLSS<BR>EECCAAMMBBLLEEEEDDPPAAGGEE<BR>MMEEMMOOMMEESSSSAAGGEESS

卩丬My蓅蒗er 发表于 2011-4-15 09:06:36

看看 , 好东西

show616 发表于 2011-4-15 14:44:20


junbok 发表于 2011-5-13 19:12:23


airportcn 发表于 2011-5-17 10:56:40


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 09:19:07

ACARS 机组操作指南

tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 10:57:52


diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 15:25:35

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