CFM Low Pressure Turbine Module
**** Hidden Message ***** February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 1<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 2<BR>Stage 1 Blade Failure (DAC Issue)<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>• Background<BR>• Root Cause - Failure Scenario<BR>• Design Improvement<BR>• Fleet Management Program<BR>• Summary<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 3<BR>LPT Stage #1 blade separation events :<BR> Found following N1 vibration level reports or during start phases<BR> Seven (7) CFM56-7B/2 (DAC Engines)<BR>– TSN/CSN : 1222/912<BR>– TSN/CSN : 2042/1639<BR>– TSN/CSN : 2785/2207<BR>– TSN/CSN : 3122/2404<BR>– TSN/CSN : 1251/1748<BR>– TSN/CSN: 1778/2379<BR>– TSN/CSN: 433/337<BR>Stage 1 Blade Failure (DAC Issue)<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 4<BR>LPT blade T.E.<BR>lower span failure Impact<BR>(FOD/DOD)<BR>Blade excitation<BR>Loss of damping<BR>or shroud support<BR>Tip shroud HARD COAT<BR>wear<BR>Tip shroud HARD COAT<BR>liberation<BR>Tip shroud twist<BR>decrease<BR>Blade excitation<BR>(HPT unbalance, nozzles, ........)<BR>Combustor<BR>excitation 20/2^5<BR>No impact before<BR>LPT stage #1 blades<BR>APVS quality<BR>Tip shroud re-twist<BR>Material characteristics/Defects<BR>Hard coat defect<BR>Geometry<BR>High<BR>Medium<BR>Low<BR>Eliminated<BR>Manufacturing deviation<BR>Stage 1 Blade Failure (DAC Issue)<BR>Root Cause confirmed by instrumented Engine test<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 5<BR>Reinforced Blade<BR>• P/N 338-108-206-0<BR>• Improved platform / airfoil T/E transition radius<BR>• Better resistance to dynamic stress<BR>• SB 72-286 for CFM56-7B<BR>• On SAC and DAC engines<BR>• NO BLADE LIFE LIMITATION<BR> Assurance Engine test completed<BR> No blade life limitation confirmed since<BR>Dec 2001<BR>Modified<BR>area<BR>Stage 1 Blade Failure (DAC Issue)<BR>Since March,2001 all new production (DAC) Engine deliveries get<BR>reinforced Blades<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 6<BR>Stage Blade Final Fix<BR>• P/N 338-108-208-0<BR>• Eliminate blade vib response<BR>• No increase in blade weight<BR>• No performance loss<BR>• Improved blade damping<BR>• Certification test in progress<BR>• Availability in production<BR> For Field retrofit Apr 2002<BR> On DAC Engines Jun 2002<BR> On SAC Engines Sep 2002<BR>Cross section area increase<BR>and<BR>Cambering increase<BR>Cambering decrease<BR>Root fillet decrease<BR>at leading edge<BR>Airfoil length increase by 0.5 mm<BR>to adjust flow path<BR>Trailing edge rotation<BR>by 2° for<BR>optimization<BR>with vane leading<BR>edge<BR>Stage 1 Blade Failure (DAC Issue)<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 7<BR>Stage 2 Nozzle Cracking Issue<BR>• Hardware overview : LPT stage 2 vanes (72-54-08)<BR>• Cracking mode failure<BR>• Experience<BR> Development engine<BR> Field finding<BR>• Field behavior<BR>• New design<BR>• Sampling Program<BR>• Summary<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 8<BR>Repairs<BR>• ESM 72-54-08 inspections (at piece part) :<BR> Visual<BR> Dimensional<BR> FPI<BR>• ESM 72-54-08 repairs :<BR> Repair 001 : blend repair of the<BR>airfoils<BR> Repair 005 : touch up of protective<BR>coating<BR> Repair 018 : replacement of the<BR>abradable honeycomb liner<BR>Stage 2 Nozzle Cracking Issue<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 9<BR>Cracking Failure Mode<BR>• LPT stage 2 vane is loaded per :<BR> Air flow<BR> Thermal gradients<BR> Vibratory excitation<BR>• Root cause :<BR> High thermal gradient during<BR>transients related to thickness<BR>variation along the vane airfoil<BR>profile<BR> Sum of loading conduct to<BR>unacceptable stress level in airfoil<BR>hot<BR>Trailing Edge : cold<BR>Leading Edge : cold<BR>Thermal behavior during deceleration :<BR>Thermal stress<BR>Thermal stress<BR>Crack location<BR>Stage 2 Nozzle Cracking Issue<BR>Root cause understood<BR>High thermal gradient between LE - airfoil middle - TE<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 10<BR>Cracking Failure Mode (cont’d)<BR>• Phenomenon simulation :<BR> State of the art calculation confirmed :<BR>– Critical area<BR>– Unacceptable stress level<BR>• LPT stage 2 vane mode failure :<BR> LPT stage 2 vane airfoils cracking<BR> Airfoils cutting<BR> Inner platform liberation (DOD)<BR> High cost shop visit<BR>Stage 2 Nozzle Cracking Issue<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 11<BR>Experience on Development SAC Engines<BR>• 750 cycles 28% of cracked vanes<BR>• 1,500 cycles 50% of cracked vanes<BR>• 4,500 cycles 90% of cracked vanes<BR>Experience on Development DAC Engines<BR>• CFM56-5B/P, 779-193/05 : 6,000 cycles<BR> 100% of LPT stage 2 vane above ESM 72-54-08 crack limit<BR> 2 airfoil fractures reported<BR>• CFM56-5B/2P, 779-011/08 : 4,000 cycles :<BR> 60% of LPT stage 2 vane above ESM 72-54-08 crack limit<BR> No airfoil cutting reported<BR>Stage 2 Nozzle Cracking Issue<BR>Cracking phenomenon observed on development engines<BR>Potential risk of early replacement of LPT stage 2 vane<BR>Analytical models predict similar behavior between SAC and DAC<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 12<BR>Experience on Field Engines<BR>• PCA engine 874-120 (6,145 cycles) : No cracks<BR>• During DAC LPT stage 1 blade retrofit<BR>Stage 2 Nozzle Cracking Issue<BR>Field Data Do Not Put in Evidence Quick Nozzle<BR>Deterioration<BR>LPT stage 2 vane airfoil crack lenght<BR>0<BR>2<BR>4<BR>6<BR>8<BR>10<BR>12<BR>14<BR>16<BR>0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000<BR>CSN<BR>cracklenght (mm)<BR>7B/2P<BR>5B/2P<BR>ESM limit<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 13<BR>Current<BR>profile<BR>Proposed profile<BR>- Life at crack initiation is increased<BR>by 8<BR>- Weight impact: + 2 lb<BR>Design Improvement<BR>• Change rationale :<BR> Increase of the leading edge thickness to reduce the axial thermal<BR>gradient between the L.E. and the middle of the airfoil<BR>• Production introduction targeted by end of 2002<BR>Stage 2 Nozzle Cracking Issue<BR>Design Improvement Released Based on Development Findings<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 14<BR>Sampling Program<BR>• Objectives<BR> Collect field hardware evidence for better assessment of cracking<BR>phenomenon severity<BR> Validate inspection procedure through LPT 1 blades<BR>• Engines candidates to this sampling :<BR> SAC engines 5BP or 7B in Shop visit<BR> Results by mid 2002<BR> High cycle engines<BR> No removal on purpose<BR>Stage 2 Nozzle Cracking Issue<BR>Sampling program required to assess development findings<BR>CSM will contact Customers when engines identified<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 15<BR>Summary<BR>• New design available by 4Q 2002<BR>• Sampling program needed to confirm cracking vs TSN/CSN<BR>Stage 2 Nozzle Cracking Issue<BR>In-service Containment Action, If Necessary,<BR>To Be Defined by 4Q 2002<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module<BR>February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 16<BR>Stage 2 / Stage 3 Nozzle Segments<BR>Overspeed Modifications<BR>• Background<BR> Nne LPT overspeed event on ESN 874-313 in Dec 1998<BR>– Same LPT configuration on CFM56-5B/P<BR>• Corrective Actions<BR> HMU upgrade to P07 to correct event root cause (PS3 pulsation / HMU<BR>excitation) => Retrofit complete<BR> New design nozzle 2 and 3 introduced in production 1Q2000<BR>– Intro. ESN 87T-327 (SAC); 87T-720 (DAC); (T=6or7)<BR>– Reinforced capability to reduce rotor speed in case of LPT shaft rupture<BR>• Field Recommendation<BR> Rework of nozzle 2 and 3 recommended at first piece part exposure per<BR>SB 72-241 (issued May 2000)<BR> Airworthiness Directive released Jan 02 reinforces compliance of SB with<BR>deadline = 31 Oct 2008<BR>Low Pressure Turbine Module :victory: :victory: CFM Low Pressure Turbine Module 谢谢分享!!!!! 谢谢分享了 速速收藏,赶紧学习 好东西好东西