航空 发表于 2011-4-16 11:33:34


**** Hidden Message *****

航空 发表于 2011-4-16 11:33:40

LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 1/46<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations A 2/46<BR>This is a demonstration of a landing gear abnormal<BR>operation.<BR>You are the PNF. You are in approach, the speed is 200<BR>knots, everything is normal…<BR>Exxtteenndd tthhee llaannddiinngg ggeeaarr<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 3/46<BR>No, to extend the landing gear. move down the<BR>landing gear lever.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 4/46<BR>No, to extend the landing gear. move down the<BR>landing gear lever.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 5/46<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 6/46<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 7/46<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Warning light, push the<BR>Master Warning pb.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 8/46<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Warning light, push the<BR>Master Warning pb.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 9/46<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 10/46<BR>The red warning and<BR>associated procedure are<BR>displayed on the E/WD.<BR>Read the title of the failure.<BR>MENU<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 11/46<BR>On the ECAM WHEEL page the<BR>landing gear indication is red<BR>indicating that the left hand main<BR>gear is not down and locked.<BR>MENU<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 12/46<BR>On the landing gear panel the<BR>UNLK indication is red indicating<BR>that the gear is not locked.<BR>MENU<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 13/46<BR>On the landing gear lever the<BR>red arrow is red indicating that<BR>the gear is not down and locked.<BR>MENU<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 14/46<BR>On the ECAM WHEEL page<BR>the message L/G CTL is<BR>displayed amber to indicate<BR>that the gear and landing gear<BR>lever position disagree.<BR>The PF will ask you to<BR>perform the ECAM actions.<BR>Please, read and perform<BR>ECAM actions.<BR>MENU<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 15/46<BR>No, to recycle the landing gear,<BR>move the landing gear lever up.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 16/46<BR>No, to recycle the landing gear,<BR>move the landing gear lever up.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 17/46<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 18/46<BR>TThhee LLaannddiinngg ggeeaarr iiss rreettrraacctteedd..<BR>Coonnttiinnuuee ECAMaaccttiioonn..<BR>MENU<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 19/46<BR>No, to extend the landing gear,<BR>move the landing gear lever down.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 20/46<BR>No, to extend the landing gear,<BR>click on the landing gear lever.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 21/46<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 22/46<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 23/46<BR>The landing gear is extended again and the failure remains.<BR>The next ECAM action requires a non ECAM procedure<BR>described in the QRH.<BR>QRH<BR>GRAVITY GEAR EXTN handcrank…..PULL and TURN<BR>LANDING GEAR LEVER………………….……DOWN<BR>GEAR DOWN INDICATIONS……………….....CHECK<BR>MENU<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 24/46<BR>This non ECAM procedure asks you to extend the landing<BR>gear by gravity.<BR>To extend the landing gear by gravity the hand crank must<BR>be pulled and turned clockwise about 3 turns.<BR>Exxtteenndd tthhee llaannddiinngg ggeeaarr bbyy ggrraavviittyy..<BR>MENU<BR>QRH<BR>GRAVITY GEAR EXTN handcrank…..PULL and TURN<BR>LANDING GEAR LEVER………………….……DOWN<BR>GEAR DOWN INDICATIONS……………….....CHECK<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 25/46<BR>No, to extend the landing gear by gravity, click on the hand<BR>crank.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 26/46<BR>No, to extend the landing gear by gravity, click on the hand<BR>crank.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 27/46<BR>1st TURN<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 28/46<BR>21nsdt TURN<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 29/46<BR>23nrd TURN<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 30/46<BR>3rd TURN<BR>The handcrank has been turned 3 times. The failure is no<BR>longer displayed on the E/WD.<BR>Note: after gravity extension the handle should be stowed to<BR>allow the PARKING BRK handle to be operated.<BR>MENU<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 31/46<BR>QRH<BR>GRAVITY GEAR EXTN handcrank…..PULL and TURN<BR>LANDING GEAR LEVER………………….……DOWN<BR>GEAR DOWN INDICATIONS……………….....CHECK<BR>Neexxtt sstteepp iiss ttoo cchheecckk tthhaatt tthhee llaannddiinngg ggeeaarr lleevveerr iiss ddoownn..<BR>MENU<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 32/46<BR>TThheenn cchheecckk ggeeaarr ddoownn iinnddiiccaattiioonnss oonn ECAMWHEELL ppaaggee..<BR>QRH<BR>GRAVITY GEAR EXTN handcrank…..PULL and TURN<BR>LANDING GEAR LEVER………………….……DOWN<BR>GEAR DOWN INDICATIONS……………….....CHECK<BR>MENU<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 33/46<BR>After gravity extension, the landing gear is down and<BR>locked.<BR>The landing gear doors remain open. On the ECAM WHEEL<BR>page, this is indicated by the amber door indications in open<BR>position and by the failure message on the E/WD.<BR>MENU<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 34/46<BR>Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn ffrroomtthhee PFF......<BR>MENU<BR>Clleeaarr LL//G..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 35/46<BR>Noo,, ttoo cclleeaarr LL//G,, cclliicckk oonn aa CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 36/46<BR>Noo,, ttoo cclleeaarr LL//G,, cclliicckk oonn aa CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 37/46<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 38/46<BR>The Status page is displayed.<BR>Approach CAT 3 SINGLE only is listed in the left column.<BR>CAT 3 DUAL and NW STEER are inoperative as<BR>displayed in the right column.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Clleeaarr STTATTUS ppaaggee..<BR>MENU<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 39/46<BR>No, to clear the STATUS page, click on STS or either<BR>CLR key.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 40/46<BR>No, to clear the STATUS page, click on STS or either<BR>CLR key.<BR>LANDING GEAR Abnormal Operations A 41/46<BR>ECAM actions completed.<BR>The STS reminder is displayed on the E/WD.<BR>MENU<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations A 42/46<BR>In the same way, other failures can be displayed on<BR>the ECAM WHEEL page.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations A 43/46<BR>In this example one system (LGCIU 1) detects the<BR>nose landing gear in transit and displays the triangle in<BR>red. The other system (LGCIU 2) detects the nose gear<BR>down and locked and shows a green triangle.<BR>On each gear, only one green triangle is sufficient to<BR>indicate that the gear is down and locked.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations A 44/46<BR>On the main gear, one triangle is missing meaning<BR>that the gear is detected up and locked by one system<BR>(LGCIU 2).<BR>The other triangle is red because the other system<BR>(LGCIU 1) detects the gear in transit.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations A 45/46<BR>The message UP LOCK appears when the landing<BR>gear is down and locked with a gear up lock engaged.<BR>It is associated with an ECAM caution.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 46/46<BR>The message STEERING appears in case of nose<BR>wheel steering failure.<BR>It is associated with an ECAM caution.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduulleeccoommpplleetteedd<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations A 47/46<BR>LANDING GEAR NOT DOWNLOCKED<BR>OTHER FAILURES<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>RETURN AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM EXIT

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 08:37:16


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:21:39


gordon525 发表于 2014-8-3 08:03:01

谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下

weiwei2005 发表于 2014-10-7 19:37:02

好资料 多谢

diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 12:02:28

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