航空 发表于 2011-4-16 11:34:07


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航空 发表于 2011-4-16 11:34:15

LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 1/41<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 2/41<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations B 3/41<BR>You are the PNF. You are just about to touch down,<BR>everything is normal…<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee tthhee llaannddiinngg..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 4/41<BR>During braking, the brake temperature<BR>increases.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 5/41<BR>Above 100 degree Celsius, a green arc<BR>appears on the hottest wheel.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 6/41<BR>TThhee tteemppeerraattuurree ccoonnttiinnuueess ttoo iinnccrreeaassee..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 7/41<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 8/41<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, click on the<BR>Master Caution pb.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 9/41<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, click on the<BR>Master Caution pb.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 10/41<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations B 11/41<BR>The caution and associated checklist are<BR>displayed on the E/WD.<BR>Read the title of the failure.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 12/41<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations B 13/41<BR>On the BRK FAN pb, the HOT indication<BR>illuminates amber.<BR>On the ECAM WHEEL page, the brake<BR>temperatures are displayed in amber above<BR>300 degrees Celsius.<BR>An amber arc is displayed above the<BR>hottest wheel.<BR>The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM<BR>actions.<BR>Plleeaassee,, rreeaadd aanndd ppeerrffoorrmECAMaaccttiioonn..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 14/41<BR>Noo,, tthhee ECAMaaccttiioonn iiss ttoo sswiittcchh tthhee BRK FFAN oonn..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 15/41<BR>Noo,, tthhee ECAMaaccttiioonn iiss ttoo sswiittcchh tthhee BRK FFAN ON..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 16/41<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations B 17/41<BR>On the BRK FAN pb, the ON indication comes on<BR>white indicating that the brake fans are running.<BR>As long as the brake temperature is high, take off<BR>must be delayed to cool down the brakes.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations B 18/41<BR>Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn ffrroomtthhee PFF......<BR>Clleeaarr BRAKES..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 19/41<BR>Noo,, ttoo cclleeaarr BRAKES,, cclliicckk oonn aa CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 20/41<BR>Noo,, ttoo cclleeaarr BRAKES,, cclliicckk oonn aa CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations B 21/41<BR>The Status page is displayed for review. After<BR>review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Clleeaarr STTATTUS..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 22/41<BR>Noo,, ttoo cclleeaarr STTATTUS,, cclliicckk oonn eeiitthheerr STTS oorr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 23/41<BR>Noo,, ttoo cclleeaarr STTATTUS,, cclliicckk oonn eeiitthheerr STTS oorr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations B 24/41<BR>ECAMaaccttiioonnss ccoompplleetteedd..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations B 25/41<BR>Let’s now see another abnormal operation.<BR>You are the PNF. You are in approach, everything is<BR>normal…<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 26/41<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 27/41<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, push the<BR>Master Caution pb.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 28/41<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, push the<BR>Master Caution pb.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 29/41<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations B 30/41<BR>The caution and associated checklist are<BR>displayed on the E/WD.<BR>Read the title of the failure.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations B 31/41<BR>On the ECAM WHEEL page the message A/SKID<BR>appears in amber indicating an anti skid failure.<BR>This failure is caused by either a Yellow and Green<BR>Hydraulic System low pressure or a failure of both Brake<BR>and Steering Control Units (BSCUs).<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations B 32/41<BR>The message AUTO BRK MED disappears indicating<BR>the loss of automatic braking.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 33/41<BR>The braking will be done using the rudder pedals.<BR>The brake pressure will be monitored on the brake<BR>pressure indicator, it is limited to 1000 PSI.<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 34/41<BR>Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn ffrroomtthhee PFF......<BR>Onn tthhee ECAMccoonnttrrooll ppaanneell,, Clleeaarr BRAKES..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 35/41<BR>Noo,, ttoo cclleeaarr BRAKES,, cclliicckk oonn aa CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 36/41<BR>Noo,, ttoo cclleeaarr BRAKES,, cclliicckk oonn aa CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 37/41<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU<BR>Abnormal Operations B 38/41<BR>The STATUS page is displayed for review.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Clleeaarr STTATTUS..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 39/41<BR>Noo,, ttoo cclleeaarr STTATTUS,, cclliicckk oonn eeiitthheerr STTS oorr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 40/41<BR>Noo,, ttoo cclleeaarr STTATTUS,, cclliicckk oonn eeiitthheerr STTS oorr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 41/41<BR>ECAMaaccttiioonnss ccoompplleetteedd..<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduulleeccoommpplleetteedd<BR>LANDING GEAR MENU Abnormal Operations B 42/41<BR>BRAKES HOT<BR>A/SKID NWS FAULT<BR>RETURN AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM EXIT<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 08:37:39


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:21:51


gordon525 发表于 2014-8-3 08:03:17

谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下

weiwei2005 发表于 2014-10-7 19:36:19

好资料 多谢

diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 12:40:00

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