航空 发表于 2011-4-17 09:29:59


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航空 发表于 2011-4-17 09:30:14

FUEL MENU System Presentation 1/35<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 2/35<BR>The A320 fuel system is very much like<BR>a conventional jet aircraft fuel system.<BR>It has fuel tanks located in the center<BR>fuselage area and the wings.<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 3/35<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 4/35<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 5/35<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 6/35<BR>The center tank is located in the fuselage.<BR>The inner tanks are located in the wings.<BR>and the outer tanks are located in the<BR>wings.<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 7/35<BR>The total usable fuel quantity is<BR>approximately 19000 kg (standard density).<BR>1199000000 kkgg<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 8/35<BR>FFUUEELLPPUUMMPPSS<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 9/35<BR>FFUUEELLPPUUMMPPSS FFUUEELLPPUUMMPPSS<BR>Two fuel pumps are installed in the<BR>center tank.<BR>And two fuel pumps are installed in<BR>each inner tank.<BR>FFUUEELLPPUUMMPPSS<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 10/35<BR>TRANSFER<BR>VALVE<BR>TRANSFER<BR>VALVE<BR>Two transfer valves allow fuel to<BR>transfer from the outer tanks to the<BR>inner tanks.<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 11/35<BR>EENNGG11 EENNGG22<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 12/35<BR>EENNGG11 EENNGG22<BR>Each inner tank feeds<BR>its respective engine.<BR>Two engine Low<BR>Pressure valves are<BR>installed to cut off fuel<BR>to the engines.<BR>ENGINE<BR>LP VALVE<BR>ENGINE<BR>LP VALVE<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 13/35<BR>EENNGG11 EENNGG22<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 14/35<BR>XXFFEEEEDDVVAALLVVEE<BR>The center tank also<BR>feeds the engines.<BR>A cross feed valve is<BR>fitted to connect or<BR>isolate the left and<BR>right sides.<BR>EENNGG11 EENNGG22<BR>LLEEFFTT CCTTRR RRIIGGHHTT<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 15/35<BR>AAPPUU<BR>EENNGG11 EENNGG22<BR>LLEEFFTT CCTTRR RRIIGGHHTT<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 16/35<BR>AAPPUU<BR>EENNGG11 EENNGG22<BR>LLEEFFTT CCTTRR RRIIGGHHTT<BR>The fuel system also<BR>feeds the APU.<BR>A Low Pressure valve<BR>is fitted to cut off fuel to<BR>the APU.<BR>APU<BR>LP VALVE<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 17/35<BR>AAPPUU<BR>EENNGG11 EENNGG22<BR>LLEEFFTT CCTTRR RRIIGGHHTT<BR>This represents the basic fuel system.<BR>We will now see how this information is presented to the<BR>pilots in the cockpit.<BR>Click on the schematic to display<BR>the ECAM FUEL page.<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 18/35<BR>AAPPUU<BR>EENNGG11 EENNGG22<BR>LLEEFFTT CCTTRR RRIIGGHHTT<BR>You can see that<BR>all the components<BR>we have talked<BR>about are displayed<BR>on the ECAM page.<BR>Let’s briefly<BR>review the basic<BR>system using the<BR>ECAM FUEL page.<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 19/35<BR>• The center tank in the<BR>fuselage,<BR>• the inner tanks in the<BR>wings,<BR>• the outer tanks in the<BR>wings,<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 20/35<BR>• the fuel pumps,<BR>• the transfer valves,<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 21/35<BR>• the engine LP valves,<BR>• the crossfeed valve,<BR>• the APU LP valve.<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 22/35<BR>For the purpose<BR>of clarity, we have<BR>left out some<BR>indications.<BR>Click on the<BR>ECAM page to<BR>display them.<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 23/35<BR>TThheessee iinnddiiccaattiioonnss aarree ::<BR>- Outer tank<BR>fuel quantity,<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 24/35<BR>TThheessee iinnddiiccaattiioonnss aarree ::<BR>- inner tank<BR>fuel quantity,<BR>- Outer tank<BR>fuel quantity,<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 25/35<BR>TThheessee iinnddiiccaattiioonnss aarree ::<BR>- inner tank<BR>fuel quantity,<BR>- center tank<BR>fuel quantity,<BR>- Outer tank<BR>fuel quantity,<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 26/35<BR>- Fuel On<BR>Board (FOB),<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 27/35<BR>- Fuel On<BR>Board (FOB),<BR>- Fuel used<BR>quantity,<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 28/35<BR>- Fuel used<BR>quantity,<BR>- Fuel On<BR>Board (FOB),<BR>- Outer tank<BR>temperature,<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 29/35<BR>- Fuel used<BR>quantity,<BR>- Fuel On<BR>Board (FOB),<BR>- Outer tank<BR>temperature,<BR>- Inner tank<BR>temperature.<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 30/35<BR>The FUEL panel is<BR>located on the overhead<BR>panel.<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 31/35<BR>Each wing tank pump<BR>is controlled by its<BR>associated pb sw on the<BR>FUEL panel.<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 32/35<BR>Each center tank pump<BR>is controlled by its<BR>respective pb sw.<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 33/35<BR>The MODE SEL pb sw<BR>enables the pilot to run<BR>the two center tank<BR>pumps in automatic or<BR>manual mode.<BR>This will be explained<BR>in detail in the normal<BR>and abnormal operation<BR>modules.<BR>FUEL MENU<BR>System Presentation 34/35<BR>The X FEED pb sw<BR>enables the pilot to<BR>connect or isolate the left<BR>and right sides of the fuel<BR>system.<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 35/35 NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>Once again, you will<BR>operate all these controls<BR>and see the associated<BR>indications in the normal<BR>and abnormal operation<BR>modules.<BR>FUEL MENU System Presentation 36/35<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>SSYYSSTTEEMMIINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN<BR>FFUUEELLEECCAAMMPPAAGGEE<BR>FUEL CONTROLS AND<BR>INDICATIONS<BR>FFUUEELLPPAANNEELLLLOOCCAATTIIOONN<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN

guanshyy 发表于 2011-4-22 18:15:44


egg8770 发表于 2011-4-23 09:34:21

好的  下了  学习一下呀!!!

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 09:02:04


yxnedved 发表于 2012-4-22 11:53:20


leochxq 发表于 2013-10-9 14:19:24


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 10:28:45


diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 16:04:54


ewaszym 发表于 2017-5-18 10:33:50

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