Maintenance Caused IFSD
**** Hidden Message ***** Maintenance Caused IFSD<BR>Presented by<BR>Bill Benham<BR>Feb. 2x, 2006<BR>CFM International Proprietary Information: The information in this document is CFM Proprietary Information and is disclosed in confidence. It is the property of CFM<BR>International and its parent companies, General Electric Company and Snecma Moteurs, and shall not be used, disclosed to others or reproduced without the express<BR>written consent of CFM. If consent is given for reproduction in whole or in part, this notice shall appear in any such reproduction in whole or in part. The information<BR>contained in this document may also be controlled by the U.S. and French export control laws. Unauthorized export or re-export is prohibited.<BR>Review of Maintenance Related IFSD<BR>CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – Subject the Restrictions on the Cover or First Page<BR>ALL CFM56-7 IFSD Causes Since EIS<BR>0<BR>5<BR>10<BR>15<BR>20<BR>25<BR>30<BR>Number of IFSD<BR>Maintenance<BR># 4 Bearing<BR>AGB<BR>HMU<BR>#3 Bearing<BR>Starter<BR>HPT Blade<BR>A/C Systems<BR>TEO Sensor<BR>Aft Sump Leak<BR>EEC<BR>FOD<BR>Lightning Strike<BR>Altenator<BR>Oil Filter Bypass<BR>Fuel Imbalance<BR>PS3 Line<BR>RDS<BR>TGB<BR>#3 A/O Seal<BR>F/O Hx<BR>Spinning FF<BR>Damaged Fuel Line<BR>MFP<BR>#2 Bearing<BR>Oil Line No 1 Brg<BR>Oil Temp Indication<BR>PMA gasket<BR>T25 Sensor<BR>VSV Act<BR>Cause<BR>1998-2004 2005<BR> SEE NEXT SLIDE<BR>CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – Subject the Restrictions on the Cover or First Page<BR>CFM56-7 Maintenance Caused IFSD Since EIS<BR>0<BR>1<BR>2<BR>3<BR>4<BR>5<BR>6<BR>Oil Leaks<BR>Hand Cranking<BR>Pad Cover<BR>Fuel Leaks<BR>Spinning Fuel<BR>Filter<BR>MCD<BR>Installation<BR>No BSI After<BR>Hot Start<BR>Loose CTAI<BR>Valve<BR>Damage to<BR>VSV ring<BR>OFB - Prev<BR>Starter Failure<BR>Oil Not<BR>Serviced<BR>Improper T/S<BR>1998-2004 2005<BR>CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – Subject the Restrictions on the Cover or First Page<BR>Top CFM56-7 Maintenance IFSD Drivers<BR>• Oil Leaks (6)<BR>– Four Under Torqued Connections<BR>– Two Following IDG Replacement<BR>• Hand Cranking Pad Cover (5)<BR>– Loose or Not Installed HCP Cover Following BSI<BR>• Fuel Leaks (4)<BR>– Two Gasket Damage<BR>– On Over Torque<BR>– One Under Torque<BR>• Spinning Fuel Filter (4)<BR>– All Had Pre CFM56-7 SB 73-0078 Filters Installed<BR>• MCD Installation (3)<BR>– One DMS<BR>– Two MCD<BR>– One MCD Under Investigation<BR>CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – Subject the Restrictions on the Cover or First Page<BR>CFM Fleet Highlites Article (FHA)<BR>CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – Subject the Restrictions on the Cover or First Page<BR>December 2001 Fleet Highlites Article<BR>CFM56-7B -- EEC Alternate Mode Light Versus Engine Control Light (01-12-7321-04)<BR>CFM has received event reports suggesting that there may be some confusion over the<BR>difference between the cockpit ENGINE CONTROL light and the EEC Alternate Mode (EECALTN)<BR>light. This article is intended to clarify the distinction between these two lights, both in<BR>terms of dispatch ramifications and the conditions under which these lights can illuminate. It<BR>is hoped that a better understanding of these distinctions will improve the troubleshooting,<BR>and reporting, of events related to the illumination of these lights.<BR>The figure below describes the dispatch limitations of the ENGINE CONTROL light and the<BR>EEC-ALTN light. Both lights are located in the flight compartment on the P5 Aft Overhead<BR>Panel.<BR>When ENGINE CONTROL light 1 or 2 is illuminated, the airplane is in a no-dispatch<BR>configuration and there is no MMEL relief for this condition. The ENGINE CONTROL light<BR>can be illuminated only when the airplane is on the ground.<BR>When EEC-ALTN light 1 or 2 is illuminated, both EECs must be placed into the alternate<BR>mode. Refer to the page 2-73-11.0 of the 737 Dispatch Deviations Procedures Guide<BR>(DDPG), dated June 1, 2001 for relief from the EEC-ALTN light. The EEC-ALTN light can be<BR>illuminated when the airplane is in flight or on the ground.<BR>CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – Subject the Restrictions on the Cover or First Page<BR>December 2001 Fleet Highlites Article - Figure<BR>Next-Generation 737 P5 Aft Overhead Panel<BR>Engine-Control Light<BR>(Engine 1)<BR>Engine Control Light<BR>(Engine 2)<BR>EEC-ALTN Light<BR>(Engine 2)<BR>EEC-ALTN Light<BR>(Engine 1)<BR>When either engine-control<BR>light is illuminated the airplane<BR>is in a no-dispatch condition.<BR>(No MMEL relief)<BR>Anytime either EEC-ALTN light is<BR>illuminated, both EECs must be<BR>placed into alternate mode.<BR>(MMEL relief 2-73-11.0 - 01-JUN-01)<BR>ENGINE<BR>CONTROL<BR>ENGINE<BR>CONTROL<BR>ON ON<BR>ALTN ALTN<BR>REVERSER REVERSER<BR>1<BR>2 ENGINE<BR>REVERSER<BR>ENGINE<BR>CONTROL<BR>1<BR>ENGINE<BR>EEC<BR>REVERSER<BR>ENGINE<BR>CONTROL<BR>2<BR>ALTN<BR>ON<BR>ALTN<BR>ON<BR>(FRONT VIEW)<BR>CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – Subject the Restrictions on the Cover or First Page<BR>Dispatch Deviations Procedures Guide – Section 2<BR>CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – Subject the Restrictions on the Cover or First Page<BR>Received January 30, 2006<BR>DESCRIPTION:<BR>The datum airplane, on flight XYZ from Point-A performed a Return To<BR>Ramp (RTR) on 20 January 2006 due to the # 2 engine control light<BR>illuminated. Maintenance message 75-30832, T3 out of range. The<BR>airplane was on the runway center line at the time of the fault.<BR>Troubleshooting was carried out in accordance with ref /B/. The T3 sensor<BR>plug was cleaned and reset. The fault remained intermittent. The airplane<BR>was released for further service per MEL. Final corrective action was<BR>replacement of the ref /A/ T3 sensor. Subsequent workshop testing of ref<BR>/A/ has revealed no fault with the sensor. The airplane continues to operate<BR>without further fault.<BR>There Is No MEL Relief For The Engine Control Light<BR>CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – Subject the Restrictions on the Cover or First Page<BR>FIM/AMM<BR>CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – Subject the Restrictions on the Cover or First Page<BR>Example Over Temp During Start (AMM 71-00-00)<BR>Possible Change:<BR>(c) If Steps 3 (a) and 3(b) have been completed without negative findings then A maximum…<BR>CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – Subject the Restrictions on the Cover or First Page<BR>Maintenance Communication Process<BR>• Leverage Best Practices From the CF34 Program<BR>• Use The Web Based Critical Issue Tool<BR>– The initial trial will be presented to AAL, COA, DAL, SWA<BR>– Contents:<BR>• IFSD Chart (EIS)<BR>• Maintenance IFSD Chart<BR>• One Page Reminder of Critical Maintenance Practice<BR>– Re-publishing of an old FHA<BR>– Reminder to install HCP following a BSI<BR>– Pictures or Diagrams<BR>• Details of the Process are Still Being Worked<BR>– This will not be a one-time event, but an on going process<BR>• Will be Worked Through the ATPM and FSE for Each Airline<BR>• Be Available to All CFM FSE (INC zone) in March 2006<BR>CFM PROPRIETARY INFORMATION – Subject the Restrictions on the Cover or First Page 谢谢楼组! :victory: :victory: Maintenance Caused IFSD 感谢楼主分享 666666666666666666666 好东西,看看