航空 发表于 2011-4-18 09:31:46


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航空 发表于 2011-4-18 09:31:54

HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 1/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 2/62<BR>This is a demonstration of an in-flight GREEN Hydraulic<BR>abnormal.<BR>You are the pilot non-flying. You are in cruise,<BR>everything is normal…<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 3/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 4/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 5/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 6/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 7/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 8/62<BR>The amber caution and associated procedure are<BR>displayed on the E/WD.<BR>The HYD ECAM page is automatically presented on<BR>the system display.<BR>On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.<BR>Observe the amber Overheat indication next to the<BR>GREEN reservoir on the HYD ECAM page.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 9/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 10/62<BR>On the Hydraulic panel, the GREEN ENG 1 PUMP<BR>FAULT and PTU FAULT lights are illuminated on the pb<BR>sw.<BR>These indications provide a cross check of the ECAM<BR>and locate the switches to be actuated in the abnormal<BR>procedure.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 11/62<BR>TThhee PFF wiillll aasskk yyoouu ttoo ppeerrffoorrmtthhee ECAMACTTIION..<BR>Peerrffoorrmtthhee ffiirrsstt ECAMaaccttiioonn..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 12/62<BR>TThhee PFF wiillll aasskk yyoouu ttoo ppeerrffoorrmtthhee ECAMACTTIION..<BR>Noo.. Plleeaassee,, sswiittcchh ooffff tthhee PTTU..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 13/62<BR>TThhee PFF wiillll aasskk yyoouu ttoo ppeerrffoorrmtthhee ECAMACTTIION..<BR>Noo.. Plleeaassee,, sswiittcchh ooffff tthhee PTTU..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 14/62<BR>The following indications show that the PTU is<BR>switched off :<BR>. pb sw white OFF light,<BR>. ECAM HYD page PTU indication in amber.<BR>Coonnttiinnuuee ECAMaaccttiioonnss..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 15/62<BR>Noo.. Plleeaassee sseelleecctt tthhee GREEN ENG11 PUMP ppbb ssw..<BR>The following indications show that the PTU is<BR>switched off :<BR>. pb sw white OFF light,<BR>. ECAM HYD page PTU indication in amber.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 16/62<BR>Noo.. Plleeaassee sseelleecctt tthhee GREEN ENG11 PUMP ppbb ssw..<BR>The following indications show that the PTU is<BR>switched off :<BR>. pb sw white OFF light,<BR>. ECAM HYD page PTU indication in amber.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 17/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 18/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 19/62<BR>The following indications show that the GREEN ENG 1<BR>pump has been switched off :<BR>. Pb sw OFF light,<BR>. ECAM HYD page, GREEN Engine 1 pump has changed<BR>from green in-line to amber cross-line.<BR>Noottiiccee tthhee pprreessssuurree iinnddiiccaattiioonn iiss ddrrooppppiinngg..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 20/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 21/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 22/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 23/62<BR>The ECAM Caution, G ENG 1 PUMP LO PR appears<BR>amber on the E/WD to indicate that GREEN ENG 1 pump<BR>is not producing pressure because you switched it off.<BR>The GREEN System pressure continues to drop.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 24/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 25/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 26/62<BR>The corresponding ECAM Caution G SYS LO PR is<BR>displayed on the E/WD to indicate that the GREEN System<BR>is no longer pressurized.<BR>The abnormal is boxed to indicate that this is a primary<BR>failure with associated secondary failures.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 27/62<BR>At the same time, on the System Display, the GREEN<BR>System pressure and line change from green to amber to<BR>indicate that the GREEN System is no longer pressurized.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 28/62<BR>In addition, the GREEN system indication changes<BR>from white to amber, indicating the loss of GREEN<BR>System pressure to the users.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 29/62<BR>The abnormal procedure is complete, after review and<BR>confirmation from the PF,...<BR>Clleeaarr HYD..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 30/62<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>The abnormal procedure is complete, after review and<BR>confirmation from the PF,...<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 31/62<BR>The abnormal procedure is complete, after review and<BR>confirmation from the PF,...<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 32/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 33/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 34/62<BR>The ECAM F/CTL page is automatically displayed for<BR>review.<BR>On the ECAM F/CTL page you can see secondary<BR>effects of the hydraulic failure. For example, some<BR>spoilers are affected by the GREEN System failure.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Clleeaarr FF//CTTLL<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 35/62<BR>The ECAM F/CTL page is automatically displayed for<BR>review.<BR>On the ECAM F/CTL page you can see secondary<BR>effects of the hydraulic failure. For example, some<BR>spoilers are affected by the GREEN System failure.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 36/62<BR>The ECAM F/CTL page is automatically displayed for<BR>review.<BR>On the ECAM F/CTL page you can see secondary<BR>effects of the hydraulic failure. For example, some<BR>spoilers are affected by the GREEN System failure.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 37/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 38/62<BR>Observe that the amber F/CTL secondary failure has<BR>disappeared.<BR>The ECAM WHEEL page is displayed automatically.<BR>Nose Wheel Steering is inoperative due to the failure of<BR>the GREEN Hydraulic System.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>ClleeaarrWHEELL<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 39/62<BR>Observe that the amber F/CTL secondary failure has<BR>disappeared.<BR>The ECAM WHEEL page is displayed automatically.<BR>Nose Wheel Steering is inoperative due to the failure of<BR>the GREEN Hydraulic System.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 40/62<BR>Observe that the amber F/CTL secondary failure has<BR>disappeared.<BR>The ECAM WHEEL page is displayed automatically.<BR>Nose Wheel Steering is inoperative due to the failure of<BR>the GREEN Hydraulic System.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 41/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 42/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 43/62<BR>The STATUS page is displayed showing :<BR>- approach procedures,<BR>- inoperative systems,<BR>- and aircraft information.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Clleeaarr STTATTUS..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 44/62<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>The STATUS page is displayed showing :<BR>- approach procedures,<BR>- inoperative systems,<BR>- and aircraft information.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 45/62<BR>The STATUS page is displayed showing :<BR>- approach procedures,<BR>- inoperative systems,<BR>- and aircraft information.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 46/62<BR>ECAM actions are completed and the STS reminder is<BR>displayed on the E/WD.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 47/62<BR>Caallll STTATTUS<BR>During the approach briefing, you will call the STATUS<BR>page manually to review the approach procedure.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 48/62<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy..<BR>During the approach briefing, you will call the STATUS<BR>page manually to review the approach procedure.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 49/62<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy..<BR>During the approach briefing, you will call the STATUS<BR>page manually to review the approach procedure.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 50/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 51/62<BR>Notice that the APPR PROC gives two conditions.<BR>Confirm on the OVHD PNL which condition applies.<BR>Observe that the FAULT light is extinguished<BR>indicating that the G RSVR OVHT no longer exists.<BR>Peerrffoorrmtthhee aapppprroopprriiaattee pprroocceedduurree..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 52/62<BR>Notice that the APPR PROC gives two conditions.<BR>Confirm on the OVHD PNL which condition applies.<BR>Observe that the FAULT light is extinguished<BR>indicating that the G RSVR OVHT no longer exists.<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee ENG 11 PUMP ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 53/62<BR>Notice that the APPR PROC gives two conditions.<BR>Confirm on the OVHD PNL which condition applies.<BR>Observe that the FAULT light is extinguished<BR>indicating that the G RSVR OVHT no longer exists.<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee ENG 11 PUMP ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 54/62<BR>Coonnttiinnuuee aappppllyyiinngg tthhee pprroocceedduurree..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 55/62<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee PTTU ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 56/62<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee PTTU ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 57/62<BR>The GREEN Hydraulic System is restored.<BR>The STATUS page shows NORMAL for a few seconds.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 58/62<BR>Then the ECAM System Display automatically reverts<BR>to the CRUISE page.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 59/62<BR>Let’s look briefly at another reservoir problem which<BR>can result in a similar situation.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 60/62<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal A 61/62<BR>This failure is indicated by :<BR>- HYD G RSVR LO AIR PR on the E/WD,<BR>- and the display of the amber “LOW AIR PRESS” message<BR>next to the affected reservoir.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 62/62<BR>Notice this procedure and the indications are similar to<BR>those in the previous example (G RSVR OVHT).<BR>With this malfunction, it is also possible to recover the<BR>system using the APPR PROC.<BR>We will assume the ECAM actions are complete.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal A 63/62<BR>AAPPPPRROOAACCHHPPRROOCCEEDDUURREE<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>GGRRSSVVRROOVVHHTT<BR>GGEENNGG11PPUUMMPPLLOOPPRR<BR>GGRRSSVVRRLLOOAAIIRRPPRR<BR>GGSSYYSSLLOOPPRR

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 08:53:45


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:29:48


diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 13:57:37

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