航空 发表于 2011-4-18 09:33:02


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航空 发表于 2011-4-18 09:33:14

HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 1/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 2/73<BR>This is a demonstration of an in-flight YELLOW<BR>RESERVOIR LOW LEVEL.<BR>You are the PNF. You are in cruise, everything is<BR>normal...<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 3/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 4/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 5/73<BR>Onn tthhee E//WD,, rreeaadd tthhee ttiittllee ooff tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 6/73<BR>Obbsseerrvvee tthhee lleevveell iinnddiiccaattiioonn ooff tthhee YELLLLOWrreesseerrvvooiirr..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 7/73<BR>Observe the reservoir level indicator has changed to<BR>amber because the contents are below the warning level.<BR>WARNIING LLEVELL<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 8/73<BR>TThhee PFF wiillll aasskk yyoouu ttoo ppeerrffoorrmtthhee ECAMACTTIION..<BR>Peerrffoorrmtthhee ffiirrsstt ECAMaaccttiioonn..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 9/73<BR>TThhee PFF wiillll aasskk yyoouu ttoo ppeerrffoorrmtthhee ECAMACTTIION..<BR>Noo.. Plleeaassee,, sseelleecctt tthhee PTTU ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 10/73<BR>TThhee PFF wiillll aasskk yyoouu ttoo ppeerrffoorrmtthhee ECAMACTTIION..<BR>Noo.. Plleeaassee,, sseelleecctt tthhee PTTU ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 11/73<BR>Coonnttiinnuuee ECAMaaccttiioonn..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 12/73<BR>Noo.. Plleeaassee,, sseelleecctt tthhee ENG 22 PUMP ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 13/73<BR>Noo.. Plleeaassee,, sseelleecctt tthhee ENG 22 PUMP ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 14/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 15/73<BR>The following indications show that the PTU is<BR>switched off :<BR>. pb sw white OFF light,<BR>. ECAM HYD page PTU indication in amber.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 16/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 17/73<BR>The following indications show that the YELLOW ENG 2<BR>pump has been switched off :<BR>. Pb sw OFF light,<BR>. ECAM HYD page, YELLOW ENG 2 pump has changed<BR>from green in-line to amber cross-line.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 18/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 19/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 20/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 21/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 22/73<BR>The ECAM Caution, Y ENG 2 PUMP LO PR appears<BR>amber on the E/WD to indicate that YELLOW ENG 2 pump<BR>is not producing pressure because you switched it off.<BR>The YELLOW system pressure continues to drop.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 23/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 24/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 25/73<BR>The corresponding ECAM Caution Y SYS LO PR is<BR>displayed on the E/WD to indicate that the YELLOW<BR>System is no longer pressurized.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 26/73<BR>At the same time, on the ECAM HYD page, the YELLOW<BR>System pressure changes from green to amber.<BR>In addition, the YELLOW System indication changes<BR>from white to amber, indicating the loss of YELLOW<BR>system pressure to the users.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 27/73<BR>TThhee FF//CTTLL sseeccoonnddaarryy ffaaiilluurree iiss ddiissppllaayyeedd..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 28/73<BR>The abnormal procedure is complete, the HYD system<BR>is analyzed, after review and confirmation from the PF,<BR>you can clear HYD.<BR>We will clear HYD for you.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 29/73<BR>The abnormal procedure is complete, the HYD system<BR>is analyzed, after review and confirmation from the PF,<BR>you can clear HYD.<BR>We will clear HYD for you.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 30/73<BR>The ECAM F/CTL page is automatically displayed for<BR>analysis.<BR>We will clear F/CTL for you.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 31/73<BR>The ECAM F/CTL page is automatically displayed for<BR>analysis.<BR>We will clear F/CTL for you.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 32/73<BR>Now the STATUS page is displayed for review.<BR>We will clear STATUS for you.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 33/73<BR>Now the STATUS page is displayed for review.<BR>We will clear STATUS for you.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 34/73<BR>ECAMaaccttiioonn ccoompplleetteedd..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 35/73<BR>We are still in cruise. Let’s look at a second<BR>system failure (BLUE SYSTEM) which will lead<BR>to a RED WARNING.<BR>We will restore the BLUE system using the<BR>Ram Air Turbine (RAT).<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 36/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 37/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 38/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 39/73<BR>On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.<BR>Notice that this is a red WARNING.<BR>In addition, LAND ASAP appears in red to indicate the<BR>serious nature of the failure.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 40/73<BR>Observe on the ECAM HYD Page, the BLUE Elec Pump<BR>indication changes from green in-line to amber LO<BR>indicating that the BLUE electric pump is failed.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 41/73<BR>Notice the system pressure is below<BR>normal limits.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 42/73<BR>On the Hydraulic Control Panel, FAULT<BR>amber is illuminated in the BLUE Elec Pump pb<BR>sw which provides :<BR>- a cross check of the ECAM,<BR>- the location of the pb sw.<BR>Peerrffoorrmtthhee ffiirrsstt ECAMaaccttiioonn.. ((LLiifftt rreedd gguuaarrdd ffiirrsstt))<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 43/73<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee RATTMAN ON ppbb ssw..<BR>On the Hydraulic Control Panel, FAULT<BR>amber is illuminated in the BLUE Elec Pump pb<BR>sw which provides :<BR>- a cross check of the ECAM,<BR>- the location of the pb sw.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 44/73<BR>On the Hydraulic Control Panel, FAULT<BR>amber is illuminated in the BLUE Elec Pump pb<BR>sw which provides :<BR>- a cross check of the ECAM,<BR>- the location of the pb sw.<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee RATTMAN ON ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 45/73<BR>Peerrffoorrm ECAMaaccttiioonn..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 46/73<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee RATTMAN ON ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 47/73<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee RATTMAN ON ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 48/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 49/73<BR>On the ECAM HYD page, observe the RAT<BR>symbol has changed from hollow white to solid<BR>green indicating that the RAT is extended.<BR>Notice that the pressure has increased.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 50/73<BR>The minimum RAT speed is 140 kt.<BR>Note : Once deployed, the RAT can only be restowed<BR>by maintenance on the ground.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 51/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 52/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 53/73<BR>As soon as the RAT has pressurized the BLUE<BR>system, the dual Hydraulic System low pressure no<BR>longer exists and we are back to a single hydraulic<BR>failure situation (Y SYS LO PR).<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 54/73<BR>Observe that the BLUE System indication on the ECAM<BR>HYD page changes from amber to white. The system is<BR>pressurized by the RAT and available for the users.<BR>PeerrffoorrmECAMaaccttiioonn.. ((LLiifftt tthhee gguuaarrdd ffiirrsstt))<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 55/73<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee BLLUE ELLEC PUMP ppbb ssw..<BR>Observe that the BLUE System indication on the ECAM<BR>HYD page changes from amber to white. The system is<BR>pressurized by the RAT and available for the users.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 56/73<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee BLLUE ELLEC PUMP ppbb ssw..<BR>Observe that the BLUE System indication on the ECAM<BR>HYD page changes from amber to white. The system is<BR>pressurized by the RAT and available for the users.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 57/73<BR>Coonnttiinnuuee ECAMaaccttiioonn..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 58/73<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee BLLUE ELLEC PUMP ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 59/73<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee BLLUE ELLEC PUMP ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 60/73<BR>Observe on the System Display, the amber LO<BR>indication is replaced by an amber cross-line indication to<BR>indicate that the pump is off.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Clleeaarr HYD<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 61/73<BR>Observe on the System Display, the amber LO<BR>indication is replaced by an amber cross-line indication to<BR>indicate that the pump is off.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 62/73<BR>Observe on the System Display, the amber LO<BR>indication is replaced by an amber cross-line indication to<BR>indicate that the pump is off.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 63/73<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 64/73<BR>Clleeaarr FF//CTTLL<BR>The F/CTL page is automatically displayed to analyze<BR>the effects of the primary hydraulic failure.<BR>For example, the right elevator is affected by the<BR>YELLOW System low pressure.<BR>Once reviewed and after confirmation from the PF,...<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 65/73<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 66/73<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 67/73<BR>Clleeaarr STTATTUS<BR>Now, the STATUS page is displayed for review.<BR>Notice RAT OUT has reappeared because the F/CTL<BR>secondary failure indication, which had priority, has been<BR>cleared.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 68/73<BR>Now, the STATUS page is displayed for review.<BR>Notice RAT OUT has reappeared because the F/CTL<BR>secondary failure indication, which had priority, has been<BR>cleared.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 69/73<BR>Now, the STATUS page is displayed for review.<BR>Notice RAT OUT has reappeared because the F/CTL<BR>secondary failure indication, which had priority, has been<BR>cleared.<BR>After review and confirmation from the PF...<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 70/73<BR>TThhiiss ccoompplleetteess tthhee sscceennaarriioo..<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 71/73<BR>All systems are back to normal.<BR>Now let’s see other abnormal indications which can be<BR>displayed on the ECAM HYD page.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Abnormal B 72/73<BR>If the RAT symbol changes to amber, a<BR>fault has been detected in the RAT.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 73/73<BR>If an electric pump overheat is detected:<BR>- the symbol changes from hollow white to a solid amber<BR>- ELEC OVHT in amber is displayed adjacent to it.<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Abnormal B 74/73<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>YYRRSSVVRRLLOOLLVVLL<BR>EECCAAMMAACCTTIIOONNSS<BR>EECCAAMMAACCTTIIOONNSS<BR>BB++YYSSYYSSLLOOPPRR<BR>OOTTHHEERRAABBNNOORRMMAALLSS

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 08:54:14


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:30:00


diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 13:56:13

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