**** Hidden Message ***** HYDRAULIC MENU System presentation 1/19<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>System presentation 2/19<BR>The A320 family has three independent<BR>hydraulic systems :<BR>- GREEN,<BR>-- YELLLLOW,,<BR>- and BLUE.<BR>Now, let’s look at the systems in more detail.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>System presentation 3/19<BR>The GREEN and YELLOW hydraulic systems are each<BR>pressurized by an engine driven pump.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>System presentation 4/19<BR>TThhee YELLLLOWhhyyddrraauulliicc ssyysstteemccaann aallssoo bbee pprreessssuurriizzeedd bbyy aann eelleeccttrriicc ppuumpp..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>System presentation 5/19<BR>A Power Transfer Unit (PTU) enables the GREEN system to be<BR>pressurized by the YELLOW system and vice versa.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>System presentation 6/19<BR>Fire shut off valves are located between the reservoirs and the engine<BR>driven pumps.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>System presentation 7/19<BR>TThhee BLLUE hhyyddrraauulliicc ssyysstteemiiss pprreessssuurriizzeedd bbyy aann eelleeccttrriicc ppuumpp..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>System presentation 8/19<BR>In an emergency the BLUE system can be pressurized by the Ram Air<BR>Turbine (RAT).<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>System presentation 9/19<BR>YYEELLLLOOWWUUSSEERRSS<BR>Eaacchh hhyyddrraauulliicc ssyysstteemddeelliivveerrss aa ccoonnssttaanntt pprreessssuurree ttoo tthhee uusseerrss..<BR>GGRREEEENNUUSSEERRSS BBLLUUEEUUSSEERRSS<BR>3000 PSI 3000 PSI 3000<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU System presentation 10/19<BR>GGRREEEENNUUSSEERRSS BBLLUUEEUUSSEERRSS YYEELLLLOOWWUUSSEERRSS<BR>RAT<BR>ELEC<BR>ELEC<BR>1 2<BR>3000 PSI 3000 PSI 3000<BR>Allll tthhee ccoomppoonneennttss wee hhaavvee ttaallkkeedd aabboouutt aarree ddiissppllaayyeedd oonn tthhee ECAMHYD ppaaggee..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU System presentation 11/19<BR>Let’s briefly review the<BR>basic system using the<BR>ECAM HYDRAULIC page.<BR>. The reservoirs,<BR>. The fire shut-off valves,<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU System presentation 12/19<BR>. The pumps,<BR>. The RAT,<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU System presentation 13/19<BR>. The PTU,<BR>. The pressure indications.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>System presentation 14/19<BR>The controls for the components that we have introduced are located<BR>on the overhead hydraulic control panel.<BR>Let’s now go to the ECAM HYD page together with the hydraulic<BR>control panel.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>System presentation 15/19<BR>The hydraulic system is fully automatic. However each pump and the PTU have an<BR>associated pushbutton switch for abnormal operation.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>System presentation 16/19<BR>Each hydraulic engine pump is controlled by a pb sw<BR>located on the overhead panel.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>System presentation 17/19<BR>Eaacchh hhyyddrraauulliicc eelleeccttrriiccaall ppuumpp iiss ccoonnttrroolllleedd bbyy aa ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>System presentation 18/19<BR>TThhee PTTU iiss ccoonnttrroolllleedd bbyy aa ppbb ssw..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU System presentation 19/19<BR>The RAT may be extended manually by<BR>using this guarded pb sw.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU System presentation 20/19<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>YYEELLLLOOWWAANNDDGGRREEEENNCCIIRRCCUUIITTSS<BR>BBLLUUEECCIIRRCCUUIITT<BR>CCOONNTTRROOLLSS<BR>EECCAAMMPPAAGGEE看看
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