**** Hidden Message ***** HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 1/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 2/46<BR>Let’s look at things pilots need to know about the<BR>hydraulic system during normal operation.<BR>The hydraulic system is fully automatic during normal<BR>operation.<BR>We will show you examples of this automation while<BR>teaching you what you need to know about the system<BR>from these examples.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 3/46<BR>One of the things we do during the cockpit preparation<BR>is to look at the ECAM HYD page to verify the fluid level.<BR>Seelleecctt tthhee ECAMHYD ppaaggee oonn tthhee ECP..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 4/46<BR>Noo.. TToo ggeett tthhee ECAMHYD ppaaggee,, pplleeaassee sseelleecctt tthhee HYD kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 5/46<BR>Noo.. TToo ggeett tthhee ECAMHYD ppaaggee,, pplleeaassee sseelleecctt tthhee HYD kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 6/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 7/46<BR>The hydraulic fluid quantity information is displayed, as<BR>shown by the arrows, at the bottom of the HYD page.<BR>The green rectangles represent the normal filling range.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 8/46<BR>The fill level indicators show the actual fluid level.<BR>You can see that the actual fluid level is in the normal fill range.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 9/46<BR>TThhee aambbeerr rreeccttaanngglleess iinnddiiccaattee tthheewaarrnniinngg lleevveell..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 10/46<BR>An indicator changes from green to amber when the fluid<BR>level reaches the warning level, as shown for the BLUE<BR>system.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 11/46<BR>Another thing that you check during the initial cockpit<BR>preparation is that all lights on the HYD Control Panel are<BR>extinguished.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 12/46<BR>Let’s go outside and continue with some things you<BR>will see during the walk around.<BR>Check hydraulic lines and connections for leaks.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 13/46<BR>Maakkee ssuurree aallll hhyyddrraauulliicc ssyysstteemaacccceessss ddoooorrss aarree sseeccuurreedd..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 14/46<BR>Opening and closing the cargo doors is part of the normal operation.<BR>Let’s go to the cockpit to see how this is indicated on the ECAM HYD page.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 15/46<BR>The door page is automatically displayed at the gate.<BR>To see what happens on the ECAM HYD page when a<BR>cargo door is opened, select the HYD key on the ECP.<BR>Caallll tthhee ECAMHYD ppaaggee<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 16/46<BR>Noo.. TToo ggeett tthhee ECAMHYD ppaaggee,, pplleeaassee sseelleecctt tthhee HYD kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 17/46<BR>Noo.. TToo ggeett tthhee ECAMHYD ppaaggee,, pplleeaassee sseelleecctt tthhee HYD kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 18/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 19/46<BR>Observe on the HYD page : the hollow white<BR>triangle indicates that the pump is off.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 20/46<BR>As soon as the cargo handle is<BR>operated, the YELLOW electric pump runs<BR>automatically.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 21/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 22/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 23/46<BR>Observe on the System page the YELLOW hydraulic<BR>Electric pump triangle has changed from hollow white to solid<BR>green indicating that it is running.<BR>The YELLOW system pressure has increased from zero<BR>amber to 3000 green providing pressure to operate the doors.<BR>The YELLOW system is not fully pressurized as indicated<BR>by the system identification remaining amber.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 24/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 25/46<BR>As soon as the door is fully opened the YELLOW<BR>Electric pump stops.<BR>Notice that the Yellow ELEC pump is now hollow white.<BR>The pressure has dropped to zero indicating that the<BR>system is totally depressurized.<BR>The process will be the same during the cargo door<BR>closure.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 26/46<BR>As you already know, during engine start the Engine<BR>page is displayed on the System Display.<BR>Here for training purposes, the HYD page is displayed<BR>to see the automatic operations of the Hydraulic system<BR>during start but, more importantly, to learn the indications<BR>on the ECAM HYD page and their meaning.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 27/46<BR>We will start Engine number 2 for you.<BR>During this sequence, observe the YELLOW system.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 28/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 29/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 30/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 31/46<BR>The YELLOW Engine Driven Pump changes from LO amber to in<BR>line green to indicate that it is starting to pressurize.<BR>YELLOW pressure increases from zero amber to the normal<BR>operating pressure which is 3000 PSI green,<BR>YELLOW system identification has changed from amber to white to<BR>indicate that the users connected to the Yellow system are provided<BR>with hydraulic pressure.<BR>The Engine number indication has changed from amber to white to<BR>indicate that the engine N2 has reached idle.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 32/46<BR>As soon as one engine is running, the BLUE Electric<BR>pump starts automatically to pressurize the BLUE System.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 33/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 34/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 35/46<BR>Observe that the BLUE Electric pump indication is now<BR>green in line to indicate that the pump is running and<BR>pressurized.<BR>The pressure in the BLUE system is 3000 PSI.<BR>The BLUE System identification has changed from<BR>amber to white to indicate that the users connected to the<BR>BLUE system are provided with BLUE Hydraulic pressure.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 36/46<BR>Let’s now start ENG 1.<BR>During this sequence, observe the PTU indication as<BR>well as GREEN System indications.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 37/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 38/46<BR>As soon as the second engine sequence is initiated,<BR>the Power Transfer Unit (PTU) is tested.<BR>Notice that the green PTU line connects the YELLOW<BR>and GREEN systems, pressurizing the GREEN system to<BR>3000 PSI.<BR>On the EW/D, HYD PTU memo is displayed.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 39/46<BR>Once the start sequence is complete, the PTU is<BR>disconnected and the three Hydraulic Systems are<BR>supplied normally.<BR>Notice that the HYD PTU memo has disappeared.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 40/46<BR>Wee aarree aabboouutt ttoo ttaakkee ooffff,, lleett’’ss ccaallll tthhee HYD ppaaggee..<BR>Seelleecctt tthhee ECAMHYD ppaaggee oonn tthhee ECP..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 41/46<BR>Noo.. TToo ggeett tthhee ECAMHYD ppaaggee,, pplleeaassee sseelleecctt tthhee HYD kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 42/46<BR>Noo.. TToo ggeett tthhee ECAMHYD ppaaggee,, pplleeaassee sseelleecctt tthhee HYD kkeeyy..<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 43/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU<BR>Normal operation 44/46<BR>Notice that the indications on the HYD page are normal :<BR>no abnormal indications.<BR>The plane has now taken off, let’s retract the landing gear.<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 45/46<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 46/46<BR>Observe a slight decrease of the GREEN Hydraulic fluid<BR>level due to the retraction of the landing gear.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>HYDRAULIC MENU Normal operation 47/46<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>CCAARRGGOODDOOOORROOPPEENNIINNGG<BR>EENNGGIINNEE22SSTTAARRTT<BR>GGEEAARRRREETTRRAACCTTIIOONN<BR>EENNGGIINNEE11SSTTAARRTT<BR>PPRREEFFLLIIGGHHTTCCHHEECCKKSS 好的 来学习一下呀!!!!! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk A321燃油系统介绍 这个针对性貌似还挺强?下来看看哈好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下吧。