Engine Workscope Management CFM56-5B/P
<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> Engine<BR>Workscope<BR>Management<BR>CFM56-5B/P<BR>Eric Martin<BR>Table of Contents<BR>• Shop Visit Causes<BR>• Shop Visit Outlook<BR>• Workscope Establishment<BR>Content<BR>• Workscope Planning Guide<BR>• Workscope Recommendations<BR>• On-wing Waterwash<BR>- Focus Team Results<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 3<BR>Shop Visit Causes by Thrust Category<BR>CFM56-5B1 CFM56-5B2 CFM56-5B3 CFM56-5B4 CFM56-5B5 CFM56-5B6<BR>PSECause / Thrust 30,000 31,000 32,000 27,000 22,000 23,500 Total<BR>LPT Frame - SB. Compliance (DAC) 26 53 17 96<BR>/PConversion 17 23 3 43<BR>HPT Blade Distress 4 21 5 10 1 41<BR>NOEC- F.O.D. 2 3 2 6 6 19<BR>HPT Blade - SB Compliance 2 5 11 18<BR>HPT C-Clips Program 1 9 5 1 2 18<BR>Combustion Chamber Distress 9 7 16<BR>HPCR-S.1-2 Contact A/O Seal 4 11 15<BR>LPT Blade Stg 1 Failure (DAC) 2 2 4 7 15<BR>TRF Cracking (DAC) 10 2 2 14<BR>Combution Chamber - SB Comp. 4 3 6 13<BR>NOEC - Maintenance 1 3 1 4 2 11<BR>HPT - LLP 7 3 10<BR>LPT Blade Stage 1 - SB Comp (DAC) 1 3 6 10<BR>N4 Bearing - SB Compliance 2 2 6 10<BR>NR3 BRG FAILURE 2 3 3 8<BR>RDS Failure 1 1 4 2 8<BR>Booster Blade Stage 5 5 2 7<BR>Data as of March 25, 2002<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 4<BR>SAC only - last 12 months (3/01 to 3/02)<BR>PSE Cause / Rating 5B1 5B1/P 5B2 5B2/P 5B3/P 5B4 5B4/P 5B5/P 5B6/P Total<BR>HPT Rotor Blade Distress 4 6 7 17<BR>HPT Rotor Blade-S/B<BR>Compliance 4 5 9<BR>NR4 Roller Bearing-S/B<BR>Compliance 2 2 5 9<BR>Booster Blade STG5 5 5<BR>HPT Rotor Disk - LLP 4 4<BR>NR3 Roller Bearing 1 2 1 4<BR>Oil Leak 2 2 4<BR>HPCR Blades 1 2 3<BR>HPT C-Clip 1 1 1 3<BR>Perf. Deterioration 1 1 2<BR>R.D.S. Bearing 1 1 2<BR>Eng. Oil System 1 1<BR>NR3 BRG AFT S. A/O SSuspected<BR>1 1<BR>NR4 Roller Bearing 1 1<BR>TGB Housing Assembly 1 1<BR>Vibration 1 1<BR>Total 4 1 2 4 22 3 23 1 10 70<BR>Shop Visit Causes by Thrust Category<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 5<BR>Shop Visit Outlook<BR>Special programs driving Shop Visits over the next 1-2 years<BR>• HPT Blade Programs<BR>- Replace P04/P05 Blades with latest configuration (S/B 72-370)<BR>• Stage 5 Booster Blade and Vane Abradable Clearance<BR>- Potential heavy rubbing and blade damage from over-length blades (S/B 72-391)<BR>- Repair stage 5 abradable to avoid heavy blade rubs (S/B 72-418)<BR>• Radial Drive Shaft Failures<BR>- Inspect inner RDS housing for bearing outer race ovalization (S/B 72-409)<BR>- Engines with less than 5000 hours affected<BR>• HPT Phase II C-Clip Program -<BR>- Rework HPT shrouds & hangers for improved cooling (S/B 72-217)<BR>- Incorporate low stress c-clip (S/B 72-196)<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 6<BR>Shop Visit Outlook<BR>• Engine shop visits driven by special programs<BR>- Trend will continue for next 1-2 years<BR>- Engine performance / LLP currently not a factor<BR>- Workscoping should be focused on upgrades /retrofits<BR>- Anticipate long time on-wing<BR>- Performance restoration recommended at shop visit<BR>• Engine performance retention similar to other CFM56<BR>engines<BR>Workscope<BR>Establishment &<BR>Content<BR>Workscope Planning<BR>Guide Update<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 8<BR>Workscope Establishment<BR>WORKSCOPE<BR>DEFINITION<BR>ENGINE HEALTH STATUS<BR>TSN/CSN TSSV/CSSV<BR>REMOVAL CAUSE<BR>IN SERVICE EVENTS<BR>SERVICE BULLETIN<BR>COMPLIANCE<BR>HARDWARE<BR>CONFIGURATION<BR>WPG PLANNING GUIDE<BR>AD<BR>ENGINE SHOP MANUAL<BR>AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE<BR>MANUAL<BR>CUSTOMER<BR>REQUIREMENTS<BR>SHOP VISIT COST<BR>SHOP VISIT TAT<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 9<BR>WORKSCOPE<BR>DEFINITION<BR>DISASSEMBLY<BR>REQUESTS<BR>Workscope Content<BR>REPAIR PARTS<BR>REPLACE PARTS<BR>INTRODUCE NEW P/N<BR>CLEAN / RESTORE SURFACEs<BR>REFURBISH CLEARANCES<BR>REPLACE LLP<BR>PERFORM TESTS<BR>INSPECTIONS<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 10<BR>Guidelines for Optimizing Engine Mean Time Between Visits<BR>• Major Goals:<BR>- Performance (best practices)<BR>- Durability (service bulletins issued)<BR>- Reliability (service bulletins issued)<BR>• Engines re-built for a MTBSV close to customers’<BR>expectations, and removed for performance and LLP<BR>• Updated based on Overhaul Shop feedback and on PSE<BR>hardware owners recommendations.<BR>- Shop Findings Reports analyzed by CFM PSE<BR>Workscope Planning Guide<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 11<BR>Workscope Planning Guide<BR>• WPG structure:<BR>- For each major engine module :<BR>- Priority list of Service Bulletins<BR>- Minimum workscope<BR>- Performance workscope<BR>- Full workscope<BR>- Control and Accessories Workscope<BR>- Special Investigation Workscopes<BR>- High EGT<BR>- Oil Smell in Cabin<BR>- High Oil Consumption<BR>- High N2 Vibration<BR>cwcs.customer.cfm56.com<BR>WPG can be viewed and<BR>downloaded from the<BR>CFM Customer Web Center<BR>CFM56-5B/P<BR>Workscope Planning Guide<BR>2002<BR>CFMI Proprietary Information<BR>The information contained in this document is CFMI Proprietary Information and is disclosed in confidence. It is the<BR>property of CFMI and shall not be used, disclosed to others, or reproduced without the express written of CFMI. If<BR>consent is given for reproduction in whole or in part, this notice set forth on each page of this document shall<BR>appear in any such reproduction in whole or in part. The information contained in this document may also be<BR>controlled by the U.S. export control laws. Unauthorized export or re-export is prohibited.<BR>Workscope<BR>Recommendations<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 13<BR>Fan and Booster Module<BR>Inspect Fan disk dovetail pressure face<BR>for wear. ECI of bore & dovetail slot<BR>Inspect and refurbish<BR>Booster blades<BR>and abradable as required<BR>Perform N1 speed sensor<BR>guide tube BSI per S/B 72-049<BR>If last relube is between 1500-<BR>3000 cycles, inspect Fan blade<BR>dovetail coating (Cu-Ni-In).<BR>Relubricate per CESM 010<BR>Assure proper<BR>Blade L/E contour<BR>Inspect acoustical panels<BR>for surface erosion and<BR>repair per ESM.<BR>Check bolts for looseness<BR>per S/B 72-213<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 14<BR>Fan and Booster Module<BR>If engine is affected by SB 72-391 for<BR>over length stage 5 booster blades,<BR>disassemble and replace blades<BR>If engine is not affected by SB 72-391:<BR>Steel stator :<BR>Open clearance per SB 72-418<BR>Titanium stator :<BR>BSI per SB 72-420 :<BR>• If Wave rubbing observed, perform SB 72-418<BR>• Otherwise, perform SB 72-418 at area exposure<BR>Typical Wave rubbing<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 15<BR>Fan and Booster Module<BR>•Check VBV system for damage or<BR>looseness<BR>•Re-lube with Mobil 28 grease, change<BR>boots for deterioration<BR>• Inspect flexible shafts, bearings and<BR>replace as required<BR>Visual and dimensional inspect<BR>N°1 bearing air/oil seal if oil is<BR>found in booster spool<BR>•Restore paint OGVs per for erosion<BR>• Inspect OGV for outer platform<BR>cracks<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 16<BR>Accessory Drive Module<BR>Replace O-ring sealol seal<BR>on AGB Starter pad, per S/B 72-105<BR>Inspect TGB<BR>centering ring<BR>for damage or<BR>overheating<BR>condition and<BR>TGB housing<BR>for heat<BR>discoloration<BR>Inspect RDS per<BR>ESM including upper<BR>and lower splines<BR>Inspect the<BR>inner Radial<BR>drive shaft<BR>housing per SB<BR>72-409<BR>Improve the reliability of TGB<BR>brackets with introduction of new<BR>bolts per SB 72-178 (-5B)<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 17<BR>HPC Rotor Module<BR>HPC Front Shaft -<BR>• Inspect threads for distortion<BR>• Inspect FWD end slots for<BR>wear and repair per ESM<BR>Inspect CDP Seal AFT rabbet<BR>diameter to assure proper fit<BR>Restore blade tips and L/E profiles with HPT FWD Shaft<BR>– SWECO clean to restore surface finish<BR>Stages 1-3 only:<BR>- Introduce improved Al-Br<BR>dovetail coating<BR>- Reprofile L/E per enhanced<BR>Repair 7<BR>- Replace RTV on dovetails per<BR>Repair 5<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 18<BR>HPC Rotor Module<BR>• Measure/grind new or tip repaired<BR>blades to ESM targets using high<BR>speed grinder<BR>• Perform HPC linipot in vertical<BR>position during Core assembly<BR>• During assembly, pay attention to<BR>stacked rotor cavities for oil/ dust<BR>accumulation to prevent vibration<BR>problem<BR>• Perform dynamic balance if HPC<BR>blades are removed for<BR>inspection/repair or replaced<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 19<BR>HPC FWD and AFT Stators<BR>• Inspect casing rub lands for scabbing<BR>– Remove any positive material<BR>– Ensure smooth & flush with flowpath<BR>• For increased performance<BR>– Vibratory (SWECO) clean IGV & VSVs<BR>– Alkaline or abrasive blast vane<BR>segments<BR>• Visually inspect cases with white light<BR>– FPI any suspected areas<BR>– Check FWD stator horizontal split line<BR>for cracking<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 20<BR>VSV Systems Check<BR>• Check VSV System condition<BR>–- check lever arms for<BR>wear, cracks or distortion<BR>• Incorporate ruggedized lever<BR>arms on IGV and Stg 3 VSV<BR>per S/B 72-157<BR>• Replace all VSV inner/outer<BR>bushings and outer washers<BR>• Introduce inner bushings with<BR>new ST2010 (stg 1) and<BR>DG20 (stgs 2,3) material per<BR>S/B 72-395<BR>• Replace outer washers with<BR>new DG20 material<BR>Contact between shroud<BR>and blade platform T/E fillet<BR>Contact between seal<BR>hook and spool tangs<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 21<BR>Honeycomb Seal Refurbishment<BR>FOS (3T)<BR>Seal CDP Seal<BR>FWD<BR>Stator<BR>AFT<BR>• Replace or refurbish honeycomb seals - grind Stator<BR>to min shop manual reference limit<BR>• Inspect corresponding rotating seals to<BR>ensure within shop manual limits<BR>Ensure proper cell clean up.... closed cells can lead<BR>to core seizures at test and less effective sealing<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 22<BR>Combustion Case<BR>• Clean, inspect and rig check fuel<BR>nozzles per CMM 73-11-42<BR>– Fuel nozzle exit profile can be<BR>improved by minimizing flow<BR>variation within a set<BR>• Rework fuel manifolds per S/B 73-<BR>052 to prevent blockage from coke<BR>accumulation<BR>Fuel Nozzle Coking<BR>Inspect CDP and fuel nozzle<BR>pad areas, fuel lines, manifolds<BR>and nozzles for evidence of<BR>leakage<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 23<BR>Inspect Inner and Outer Liners for<BR>cracks, burning and sulfidation and<BR>repair as required per ESM<BR>Eliminate dome swirler<BR>supports during<BR>combustor re-assembly<BR>per S/B 72-273<BR>Combustion Chamber<BR>Inner liner window area -<BR>circumferential and axial<BR>cracking<BR>Common findings on other<BR>CFM models that may be<BR>seen include (all repairable):<BR>• Swirler ovalization<BR>• Liner cracking/burn through<BR>• Deflector/sleeve missing<BR>material<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 24<BR>Combustion Chamber CFM56-3 / F110 Outer Liner<BR>Fuel Nozzle Tip<BR>Sleeve<BR>Deflector<BR>• Perform full combustion chamber inspection<BR>and repair as required including:<BR>– Resize combustor dome (Repair 13) to correct<BR>dome angle and venturi positioning<BR>– Replace Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) on<BR>inner and outer liners<BR>• Replace outer cowl with HS188 material per<BR>S/B 72-327<BR>Primary<BR>Swirler<BR>Secondary<BR>Swirler Venturi<BR>Inner Liner<BR>Outer Cowl<BR>Inner Cowl<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 25<BR>HPT Nozzle Assembly<BR>Replace Internal ‘ W ’ pressure<BR>seal with latest part number<BR>Replace HPT Outer<BR>Stationary Seal (3T)<BR>with new or<BR>refurbished seal per<BR>S/B 72-231<BR>HPT Nozzle Leaf Seals -<BR>inspect and replace<BR>damaged seals<BR>Inspect HPT nozzle<BR>segments for cracking,<BR>burning, cooling hole<BR>blockage and TBC<BR>spalling<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 26<BR>HPT Nozzle Assembly<BR>NGV trailing edge cracking<BR>NGV outer platform burning<BR>NGV concave leading edge<BR>cracking and burning<BR>Typical condition of HPT nozzle guide<BR>vanes will require full restoration<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 27<BR>HPT Rotor Module<BR>Damper Sleeve Cracking -<BR>Replace sleeve if found cracked<BR>HPT Front Shaft Rabbet<BR>Diameter Shrinkage -<BR>Check at module level to<BR>assure proper interference<BR>fit with CDP Seal<BR>Check for the presence<BR>of the blade seals<BR>between the platforms<BR>HPT Rear Shaft -<BR>ECI outer seal<BR>teeth at module<BR>level per ESM<BR>HPT Disk/Front Rotating<BR>Air Seal - FPI and ECI at<BR>piece part per FAA<BR>enhanced inspection<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 28<BR>HPT Rotor Module<BR>Grind the HPT rotor<BR>assembly blade tip diameter<BR>to achieve a J05 clearance<BR>of 0.056 inch (1,42mm)<BR>If 2002M52P04/P05 blades<BR>installed, replace with latest<BR>configuration per S/B 72-<BR>370. Inspect all other<BR>configurations per ESM.<BR>During Core module<BR>assembly, pay particular<BR>attention to the CDP seal<BR>bore runout to prevent<BR>vibration problem<BR>Perform HPT linipot<BR>inspections in both vertical<BR>and horizontal positions<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 29<BR>HPT Shroud/LPT S1 Nozzle<BR>To improve C-clip reliability,<BR>rework HPT shrouds and<BR>hangers per S/B 72-217<BR>Remove and discard ALL Cclips<BR>at each shop visit.<BR>Re-assemble with new low<BR>stress clips per S/B 72-196<BR>Reworked stage 1 LPT nozzles<BR>per S/B 72-229 for improved<BR>LPT case hook #1 cooling<BR>Cracked C-clip<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 30<BR>HPT Shroud/LPT S1 Nozzle<BR>Rework FWD flange per S/B<BR>72-270 (T800 coating) for<BR>improved wear resistance<BR>Inspect LPT stage 1 nozzle<BR>for FOD, cracking, burning<BR>and erosion<BR>Measure shroud diameters<BR>(post S/B 72-217) to<BR>determine if should be<BR>skim-cut or replaced with<BR>new or repaired<BR>For performance,<BR>match grind shroud<BR>with HPT rotor to<BR>achieve optimum J05<BR>clearance of .056”<BR>NGV mid span L/E crack<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 31<BR>LPT Module - Case<BR>Inspect and restore the<BR>LPT case forward and aft<BR>rabbet diameters and the<BR>LPT frame forward<BR>diameter to prevent HPT<BR>horizontal Linipot problem<BR>Visual inspect LPT case for crack<BR>damage,<BR>wear, and distress.<BR>Spot FPI suspect areas<BR>of the front and rear flanges,<BR>case bosses and anti-rotation slots<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 32<BR>LPT Module - Rotor/Stator<BR>If HPT shrouds and<BR>hangers are modified<BR>during SV, install new<BR>stage 1 outer air seals<BR>per SB 72 -229<BR>Rework LPT stage 2 and 3<BR>nozzles per SB 72-328<BR>Inspect LPT blades for evidence of<BR>cracking and damage. Check shroud<BR>interlocks for evidence of unlatching,<BR>shingling, or excessive looseness<BR>Restore LPT<BR>inner & outer air<BR>seals for rub or<BR>erosion per ESM<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 33<BR>LPT shaft paint<BR>may require<BR>touch-up at<BR>shop visit<BR>Inspect LPT shaft inner diameter<BR>for corrosion, paying close attention<BR>to journal beneath No. 2 Bearing<BR>Inspect #4 bearing<BR>bearing per ESM<BR>Install new center vent tube<BR>supports per<BR>S/B 72-316 when scrapped for<BR>not meeting torque requirements<BR>LPT Module - Shaft<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 34<BR>Bearing #4 rollers with<BR>surface pitting<BR>Bearing #4 outer race pitted<BR>running surface<BR>LPT Module - #4 Bearing<BR>• As of today, #4 Bearing experience in -5B is very good.<BR>• CFM recommends that shops review and follow Best Practices per<BR>CESM 008<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 35<BR>LPT Module - TRF<BR>Check N°5<BR>bearing Sleeve<BR>runout if<BR>vibrations have<BR>been reported<BR>Inspect centerbody studs for<BR>looseness and repair per ESM<BR>Visually inspect LPT frame<BR>assy to detect any oil leakage<BR>Inspect forward<BR>rabbet diameter<BR>with LPT case for<BR>fretting or pitting<BR>and repair the<BR>flange per ESM<BR>Inspect LPT frame outer<BR>case, engine clevis mount<BR>and leading edge of No. 1, 3,<BR>14 mount struts for cracks<BR>Inspect oil supply<BR>and scavenge tubes<BR>Inspect overboard<BR>drain tube for failure.<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 36<BR>Oil Consumption Improvements<BR>FWD SUMP<BR>AFT SUMP<BR>Improve engine oil consumption by<BR>reducing air flow through FWD and<BR>AFT oil sumps (S/B 72-332)<BR>All changes must be<BR>introduced simultaneously<BR>and cannot be mixed with<BR>old configurations<BR>Reduced orifice<BR>diameters<BR>Decreased gap in<BR>#2 bearing nut<BR>Reduced<BR>air/oil seal<BR>clearance<BR>Reduced<BR>section<BR>in LPT shaft<BR>plug<BR>Reduced airflow<BR>in AFT center<BR>vent tube<BR>Focus Team Status:<BR>Water Wash<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 38<BR>Water Wash - Focus Team Summary<BR>Sub-Team Objective:<BR>• To assess the effectiveness of on-wing Water Wash<BR>and to share Best Practices and results from<BR>experience in the field<BR>• Surveys were distributed to Focus Team members<BR>currently performing Water Wash. Items addressed<BR>include:<BR>- Equipment Type - Results<BR>- Procedures - Timing/intervals<BR>- Policies - Criteria<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 39<BR>Water Wash - Focus Team Summary<BR>Survey Results:<BR>Operation A B C D E F G Agree?<BR>1 What model engines do you operate? 5A3 5A1, A5 5B4 5B2, B2/P 5A 5B6/2P 5A1/A3/A4<BR>2 Do you perform waterwash on wing? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes<BR>3 Do you perform a waterwash on outbound test? Yes No No Yes No No Yes No<BR>4 What criteria is used to determine wash<BR>interval/frequency<BR>Every<BR>4000 hrs<BR>or when<BR>below 10<BR>deg C<BR>When<BR>EGTM<BR>nears<BR>zero<BR>Every<BR>1000<BR>hours<BR>When<BR>EGTM<BR>drops below<BR>5 deg C<BR>After 1st<BR>10 deg C<BR>drop &<BR>every<BR>1100<BR>cycles<BR>Every<BR>1000<BR>hours<BR>Every<BR>2500 hrs<BR>above 10<BR>deg/every<BR>600 hrs<BR>below 10<BR>No<BR>5 What type of equipment is used? Juniper Hand<BR>Spray<BR>Hand<BR>Spray<BR>Hand Spray<BR>(OW),<BR>Juniper type<BR>(tc)<BR>Hand<BR>Spray<BR>--- Juniper No<BR>6 What is the average EGTM gain typically seen? 8 deg C No Stat 7 deg C 12 deg C 12 deg C 11 deg C 7 (water)<BR>10 (det)<BR>Similar<BR>Results<BR>7 What is the maximum EGTM gain typically seen? 15 deg C 15 deg C 15 deg C 18 deg C 22 deg C 12 deg C 8 (water)<BR>13 (det)<BR>Similar<BR>Results<BR>8 Do you use pure water or detergent? Detergent Pure<BR>Water<BR>Pure<BR>Water<BR>Water (ow ),<BR>Det (tc)<BR>Both Pure<BR>Water<BR>Water ><BR>10 deg,<BR>Det < 10<BR>deg<BR>No<BR>9 Is wash unit heated? No No Yes No No Yes Yes No<BR>10 Do you perform single or double washes? Double Triple Single Single (ow)<BR>Double (tc)<BR>Single &<BR>Double<BR>Single Double No<BR>11 How many rinse cycles do you perform? 3 3 1 3 3 --- 1 No<BR>12 Do you inject through Fan or directly into booster? Booster Booster Fan Fan (ow)<BR>Booster (tc)<BR>Fan --- Fan No<BR>13 How long is the approximate retention period 4-5<BR>months<BR>No Stats No Stats 400 cycles 600<BR>cycles<BR>No Stats 5 deg/<BR>1000 cyc<BR>No<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 40<BR>Observations:<BR>• EGTM gains range from 0 to 20 °C with an average of 10 °C<BR>–Most benefit seen in first wash since new or overhaul<BR>–Differing results from low time vs. high time engines<BR>• Most customers surveyed use plain water for washes<BR>–Double detergent cleaning may yield improved results<BR>–Environmental issues / cabin fume risks must be considered for<BR>detergent washes<BR>• Hot or warm water is preferred by some operators over cold<BR>Water Wash - Focus Team Summary<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 41<BR>Observations:<BR>Water Wash - Focus Team Summary<BR>•Improved results experienced from injecting directly into<BR>booster versus fan<BR>•Post wash runs with “Packs ON” helps clear detergent residue<BR>(AMM requirement)<BR>•Double (sometimes triple) washes performed on excessively<BR>dirty engines<BR>•Cleaning intervals/policies vary widely among operators<BR>–Drop in EGTM and/or limit above zero margin<BR>–Fixed number of flight hours or cycles<BR>CFM56-5C China All Operators Meeting 2002 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 42<BR>Conclusions:<BR>• Water wash has proven benefits for restoring EGTM and<BR>open beta stall margin and can extend time on wing<BR>• Processes, procedures and equipment types vary widely<BR>among operators surveyed but yield similar results<BR>• Cleaning interval will depend on individual airline’s<BR>operating environment<BR>• Refer to AMM Section 72-00-00 for complete instructions<BR>for performing on-wing water wash<BR>Water Wash - Focus Team Summary :victory: :victory: Engine Workscope Management CFM56-5B/P 很实用的东东。谢谢。 ! 好东西,看看