CFM56-5B Performance Retention
**** Hidden Message ***** CFM56-5B<BR>Performance<BR>Retention<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 22 - 23, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 2<BR>CFM56-5B Performance Retention<BR>• Analyzed Performance Retention for Asia/Pacific -5B<BR>- Analysis based on SAGE takeoff data<BR>- Received data from 5 operators / branches<BR>- 40 aircraft / 80 engines<BR>- High-time engines at ~8000 cycles since new (CSN)<BR>• Identified Several SAGE Processing Issues<BR>- Corrected results where possible<BR>• Compared Results to World-Wide Fleet Average<BR>Asia/Pacific Retention within Expected Range<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 22 - 23, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 3<BR>Comparison to World-Wide Fleet Average<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 22 - 23, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 4<BR>Observations<BR>• SAGE Data Includes Two Adjustments<BR>- SAGE 3.0.3 data reprocessed through latest SAGE version (4.1.0)<BR>- Data reprocessed with nominal bleed flow<BR>- Each of these changes improves EGT margin by 8 - 10o C<BR>• Production Acceptance Margin used as Baseline<BR>- Normally use SAGE initialization point<BR>- Much of the SAGE data was initialized at high cycle times<BR>- Appears to overstate early deterioration (sea level to on-wing)<BR>• Cycles Since New Values May be Low<BR>- Obtained from GE “SMART 2000” data base<BR>- Provided through field reps (once per month)<BR>- Several engines show step decrease in CSN during on-wing history<BR>Last Two Items Increase Apparent Deterioration<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 22 - 23, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 5<BR>Cycles Since New<BR>• Chart Shows Step in CSN<BR>- ~ -1500 cycles in one month<BR>- Unreported engine change?<BR>- Bad data in SMART 2000?<BR>- Error in CSN tracking?<BR>• Similar Steps for Other ESNs<BR>- Also periods of 6 months or more with flat CSN<BR>• May Cause Error in Performance Retention Assessment<BR>- Tends to increase indicated deterioration<BR>• Correct CSN Tracking at Airline Critical<BR>- To insure timely removal of life-limited parts<BR>CFM56 Operators Conference – May 22 - 23, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 6<BR>Summary<BR>• Examined Performance Retention for Asia/Pacific -5B<BR>- Analysis of SAGE takeoff data from 80 engines<BR>• Identified Several Data Issues<BR>- SAGE version out of date<BR>- Incorrect entry of bleed flow<BR>- Initialization point in some cases years after installation<BR>- Possible errors in CSN data<BR>• Results Similar to World-Wide Fleet Average<BR>- Data agrees within expected accuracy<BR>Performance Retention Comparable to World Fleet :victory: :victory: CFM56-5B Performance Retention CFM56-5B Performance Retention