航空 发表于 2011-4-22 10:32:33


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航空 发表于 2011-4-22 10:35:45

FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 1/63<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 2/63<BR>As part of the preliminary cockpit preparation, you will check that :<BR>• the flap position agrees with the lever position,<BR>• the speed brake lever is in the RET position.<BR>WARNING:<BR>If a flight control surface position does not agree with the lever<BR>position, check with the maintenance crew before applying hydraulic<BR>power.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 3/63<BR>During the walk-around, you<BR>should ensure that all the flight<BR>control surfaces are undamaged,<BR>and free of any contamination e.g.<BR>snow or ice.<BR>The same check is performed on<BR>each side of the aircraft.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 4/63<BR>During cockpit preparation, the<BR>only check associated with the flight<BR>controls is to ensure that all flight<BR>control computers are in the lights<BR>out configuration.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 5/63<BR>Notice that before engine start, the<BR>bank angle protection indicators are<BR>displayed in amber on the PFD.<BR>The side sticks are inoperative<BR>because there is no hydraulic power.<BR>Moving the side sticks will not affect<BR>the control surfaces.<BR>Amber bank angle protection indicators<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 6/63<BR>Before pushback, for your own<BR>comfort, it may be necessary to adjust<BR>the position of the seats and the<BR>armrests to easily handle the side stick.<BR>This is done by using the seat<BR>electrical controls and the armrest<BR>control knob.<BR>Caappttaaiinn sseeaatt<BR>SSeeaatt ccoonnttrroollss<BR>Armrest<BR>control<BR>knob<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 7/63<BR>In the same way, it may be necessary<BR>to adjust the position of the rudder<BR>pedals. This is done using the rudder<BR>pedal adjuster.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 8/63<BR>After engine start, the ground spoilers are<BR>armed by pulling the lever out.<BR>LLiifftt tthhee Sppeeeedd Brraakkee lleevveerr......<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 9/63<BR>After engine start, the ground spoilers are<BR>armed by pulling the lever out.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee Sppeeeedd Brraakkee lleevveerr......<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 10/63<BR>After engine start, the ground spoilers are<BR>armed by pulling the lever out.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee Sppeeeedd Brraakkee lleevveerr......<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 11/63<BR>A white band appearing around the base<BR>of the speedbrake lever and the green memo<BR>GND SPLRS ARMED on the E/WD indicate<BR>that the spoilers are now armed.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 12/63<BR>Next, the rudder trim is zeroed by pushing the<BR>reset pb.<BR>Reesseett tthhee rruuddddeerr ttrriim..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 13/63<BR>Next, the rudder trim is zeroed by pushing the<BR>reset pb.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee RESETT ppbb..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 14/63<BR>Next, the rudder trim is zeroed by pushing the<BR>reset pb.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee RESETT ppbb..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 15/63<BR>The trim is now reset to zero. This is checked on the RUD TRIM panel.<BR>It can also be seen on the ECAM F/CTL page via a blue line displayed below<BR>the rudder scale.<BR>Note: the RUD TRIM rotary switch is isolated during flight with the autopilot<BR>engaged.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 16/63<BR>The Take off memo normally appears during taxiing. For training<BR>purposes, we have displayed it now.<BR>The flaps should be set to their take-off position (1+F, 2 or 3) . While the<BR>flaps are deploying, we will be looking at their indications on the E/WD.<BR>To set the flaps, you need to lift up the lower part of the flap lever, and<BR>then position it to the appropriate setting. Here, as an example, we will<BR>select Flap 3.<BR>Seelleecctt FFLLAP 33..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 17/63<BR>The Take off memo normally appears during taxiing. For training<BR>purposes, we have displayed it now.<BR>The flaps should be set to their take-off position (1+F, 2 or 3) . While the<BR>flaps are deploying, we will be looking at their indications on the E/WD.<BR>To set the flaps, you need to lift up the lower part of the flap lever, and<BR>then position it to the appropriate setting. Here, as an example, we will<BR>select Flap 3.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 18/63<BR>The Take off memo normally appears during taxiing. For training<BR>purposes, we have displayed it now.<BR>The flaps should be set to their take-off position (1+F, 2 or 3) . While the<BR>flaps are deploying, we will be looking at their indications on the E/WD.<BR>To set the flaps, you need to lift up the lower part of the flap lever, and<BR>then position it to the appropriate setting. Here, as an example, we will<BR>select Flap 3.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 19/63<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 20/63<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 21/63<BR>As soon as a flap selection is made:<BR>• blue markers appear on the E/WD to show the<BR>selected flap and slat positions,<BR>• A blue number shows which flap position has<BR>been selected (here 3),<BR>• The word FLAP appears in blue.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 22/63<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 23/63<BR>Also as soon as a flap selection is made:<BR>• The current flap and slat position green<BR>markers move,<BR>• The green labels S and F appear.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 24/63<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 25/63<BR>When the flaps and slats have reached their selected<BR>positions:<BR>• All position indications turn from blue to green,<BR>• The word FLAP changes from blue to white,<BR>• The FLAPS T.O memo on the E/WD turns to green.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 26/63<BR>Take-off trim is set manually using the trim<BR>wheels.<BR>The pitch trim values are indicated on the<BR>scales beside the trim wheels. The take off trim<BR>has to be in the green range.<BR>Seelleecctt eeiitthheerr ppiittcchh ttrriimwhheeeell..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 27/63<BR>Take-off trim is set manually using the trim<BR>wheels.<BR>The pitch trim values are indicated on the<BR>scales beside the trim wheels. The take off trim<BR>has to be in the green range.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn eeiitthheerr ppiittcchh ttrriimwhheeeell..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 28/63<BR>Take-off trim is set manually using the trim<BR>wheels.<BR>The pitch trim values are indicated on the<BR>scales beside the trim wheels. The take off trim<BR>has to be in the green range.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn eeiitthheerr ppiittcchh ttrriimwhheeeell..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 29/63<BR>The pitch trim position set may be seen on<BR>the ECAM F/CTL page during the flight control<BR>check when taxiing, if required.<BR>The after start sequence for flight controls is<BR>complete.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 30/63<BR>When the flaps are extended, the<BR>ailerons are dropped by about 5 degrees<BR>in order to increase lift.<BR>The aileron indices are now pointing to<BR>a small white square which represents the<BR>new neutral position.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 31/63<BR>A flight control check is completed at a<BR>convenient stage while taxiing, as on a<BR>conventional aircraft.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 32/63<BR>Bank angle protection indicators<BR>On the PFD, the combined side stick<BR>deflection indicator is displayed as a<BR>white cross. The cross only indicates<BR>side stick deflections and does not<BR>indicate control surface position.<BR>The green bank angle protection<BR>Indicators have also appeared<BR>indicating Normal law as the aircraft is<BR>hydraulically powered.<BR>Combined side stick deflection indicators<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 33/63<BR>The side sticks become operable<BR>after first engine start, as soon as<BR>hydraulic power is available.<BR>On ground, the control surfaces<BR>respond in direct relationship to<BR>movements of the side sticks.<BR>This is the ground mode.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 34/63<BR>As it is not possible to see the flight control<BR>surfaces from the cockpit, the reaction to side<BR>stick or rudder pedal movement is monitored<BR>on the ECAM F/CTL page.<BR>The page is automatically called when<BR>either of the side sticks, or either of the rudder<BR>pedals are moved.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 35/63<BR>We will start the flight control check with<BR>the elevators by moving the side stick to its<BR>full back position.<BR>Moovvee tthhee ssiiddee ssttiicckk..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 36/63<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 37/63<BR>Moovvee tthhee ssiiddee ssttiicckk ffuullllyy ffoorrwaarrdd..<BR>The pilot non flying checks on the ECAM<BR>page that the elevators have moved to their<BR>full up position.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 38/63<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 39/63<BR>The elevators have now moved to their full<BR>down deflection.<BR>Moovvee tthhee ssiiddee ssttiicckk bbaacckk ttoo nneeuuttrraall..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 40/63<BR>With the side stick neutral, ensure that the<BR>elevators have returned to the neutral<BR>position.<BR>The flight controls are working in pitch.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 41/63<BR>We will continue by checking the roll<BR>control.<BR>Moovvee tthhee ssiiddee ssttiicckk ffuullll lleefftt..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 42/63<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 43/63<BR>You can see on the ECAM that:<BR>• The left aileron has moved fully up,<BR>• The right aileron has moved fully down,<BR>• The roll spoilers on the left wing have<BR>extended.<BR>Moovvee tthhee ssiiddee ssttiicckk ffuullll rriigghhtt..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 44/63<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 45/63<BR>Now, you can see that:<BR>• The left aileron is fully down,<BR>• The right aileron is fully up,<BR>• The right roll spoilers are extended.<BR>Moovvee tthhee ssiiddee ssttiicckk bbaacckk ttoo nneeuuttrraall..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 46/63<BR>With the side stick neutral, ensure that the<BR>ailerons return to the neutral position and the<BR>spoilers are back in their stowed position.<BR>Now, we will check the rudder.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 47/63<BR>Before testing the rudder pedals, you need<BR>to press and hold the rudder PEDALS DISC<BR>button on the nose wheel steering handle, to<BR>prevent any unwanted steering inputs.<BR>Prreessss tthhee ppeeddaall ddiisscc bbuuttttoonn..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 48/63<BR>Before testing the rudder pedals, you need<BR>to press and hold the rudder PEDALS DISC<BR>button on the nose wheel steering handle, to<BR>prevent any unwanted steering inputs.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ppeeddaall ddiisscc bbuuttttoonn..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 49/63<BR>Before testing the rudder pedals, you need<BR>to press and hold the rudder PEDALS DISC<BR>button on the nose wheel steering handle, to<BR>prevent any unwanted steering inputs.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ppeeddaall ddiisscc bbuuttttoonn..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 50/63<BR>Now the rudder pedal movements will<BR>have no effect on the nose wheel steering.<BR>The right rudder pedal should now be<BR>pushed.<BR>Puusshh tthhee rriigghhtt rruuddddeerr ppeeddaall..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 51/63<BR>Now the rudder pedal movements will<BR>have no effect on the nose wheel steering.<BR>The right rudder pedal should now be<BR>pushed.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee rriigghhtt rruuddddeerr ppeeddaall..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 52/63<BR>Now the rudder pedal movements will<BR>have no effect on the nose wheel steering.<BR>The right rudder pedal should now be<BR>pushed.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee rriigghhtt rruuddddeerr ppeeddaall..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 53/63<BR>The rudder has moved to its full right<BR>deflection, so you should now push the left<BR>rudder pedal.<BR>Puusshh tthhee lleefftt rruuddddeerr ppeeddaall..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 54/63<BR>The rudder has moved to its full right<BR>deflection, so you should now push the left<BR>rudder pedal.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee lleefftt rruuddddeerr ppeeddaall..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 55/63<BR>The rudder has moved to its full right<BR>deflection, so you should now push the left<BR>rudder pedal.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee lleefftt rruuddddeerr ppeeddaall..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 56/63<BR>The rudder has moved to its full left<BR>deflection, so the pedals should be returned<BR>to their neutral position.<BR>Seelleecctt eeiitthheerr rruuddddeerr ppeeddaall..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 57/63<BR>The rudder has moved to its full left<BR>deflection, so the pedals should be returned<BR>to their neutral position.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn eeiitthheerr rruuddddeerr ppeeddaall..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 58/63<BR>The rudder has moved to its full left<BR>deflection, so the pedals should be returned<BR>to their neutral position.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn eeiitthheerr rruuddddeerr ppeeddaall..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 59/63<BR>The rudder has returned to the neutral<BR>position. So the pedal disconnect button<BR>should be released.<BR>Reelleeaassee tthhee ppeeddaall ddiissccoonnnneecctt bbuuttttoonn..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 60/63<BR>The rudder has returned to the neutral<BR>position. So the pedal disconnect button<BR>should be released.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ppeeddaall ddiissccoonnnneecctt bbuuttttoonn..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 61/63<BR>The rudder has returned to the neutral<BR>position. So the pedal disconnect button<BR>should be released.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ppeeddaall ddiissccoonnnneecctt bbuuttttoonn..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 62/63<BR>The pilot non flying would now check his<BR>side stick for full movement and correct<BR>control response. Because the rudder pedals<BR>are mechanically linked, it is unnecessary to<BR>recheck them.<BR>The flight control check is now complete.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (A) 63/63<BR>After take-off, the direct relationship between the side sticks<BR>and the control surfaces (ground mode) is gradually blended<BR>into the flight mode.<BR>In flight mode, the pilot, using his side stick, will set an<BR>aircraft attitude. With the side stick released, the flight control<BR>computers will maintain this attitude.<BR>Module<BR>completed<BR>NEXT<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (A) 64/63<BR>FFLLIIGGHHTTCCOONNTTRROOLLCCHHEECCKK<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>WWAALLKKAARROOUUNNDD<BR>CCOOCCKKPPIITTPPRREEPPAARRAATTIIOONN<BR>TTAAKKEEOOFFFF<BR>AAFFTTEERRSSTTAARRTT

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