航空 发表于 2011-4-22 10:34:36


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航空 发表于 2011-4-22 10:36:36

FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal law 1/36<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal law 2/36<BR>For clarity in<BR>this module most<BR>references will be<BR>made to manual<BR>flight inputs.<BR>However, the<BR>references apply<BR>equally to<BR>automatic flight<BR>unless stated<BR>otherwise.<BR>In this module,<BR>we will be looking at<BR>how an A320 pilot<BR>and the aircraft<BR>computers interface<BR>to ensure safe and<BR>accurate flight with<BR>minimum workload<BR>for the crew.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 3/36<BR>FLIGHT CONTROL<BR>COMPUTERS<BR>A side stick or an autopilot sends a<BR>message to the flight control computers<BR>demanding an aircraft maneuver.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 4/36<BR>FLIGHT CONTROL<BR>COMPUTERS<BR>CONTROL SURFACES<BR>The flight control computers process the<BR>demand and send it to the control surfaces.<BR>The processing uses pre-set limitations<BR>and instructions called LAWS.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 5/36<BR>AIRCRAFT RESPONSE TO SURFACE MOVEMENT<BR>CONTROL SURFACES<BR>FLIGHT CONTROL<BR>COMPUTERS<BR>The aircraft responds<BR>conventionally to the movement of<BR>control surfaces.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal law 6/36<BR>Ground<BR>mode<BR>Ground<BR>mode<BR>Flight<BR>mode<BR>Flare<BR>mode<BR>Normal Law is modified depending on the phase of flight. It operates<BR>in 3 modes:<BR>Ground mode:<BR>• Operates on the ground when the aircraft is electrically and<BR>hydraulically powered. Controls are conventional.<BR>Flight mode:<BR>• Operates in the air after a gradual transition from ground mode<BR>just after lift off,<BR>• Will be discussed in detail as this module continues.<BR>Flare mode:<BR>• Modifies Flight Mode to introduce a conventional ‘feel’ to the<BR>landing phase.<BR>• Will be discussed later in this module.<BR>We will compare a conventional aircraft, an A310, with the fly by<BR>wire A320 in Normal law flight mode.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 7/36<BR>Coonnvveennttiioonnaall aaiirrccrraafftt<BR>• Control surface deflection is directly proportional to control<BR>yoke deflection.<BR>• The same yoke input produces a:<BR>- Higher rate of pitch/roll at high speed,<BR>- Lower rate of pitch /roll at low speed.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 8/36<BR>• Control surface deflection is not directly proportional to side stick<BR>deflection.<BR>• A side stick deflection gives a rate demand to the Flight control<BR>computers.<BR>• The Flight control computers set control surface deflection to meet<BR>the rate demand.<BR>For the same side stick input, the control surface deflections will be:<BR>- Large at low speed, but<BR>- Small at high speed.<BR>• A side stick input is a :<BR>- Rate of roll demand in roll,<BR>- Load factor (g) demand in pitch.<BR>• Yaw control is conventional.<BR>FFllyy bbyywiirree aaiirrccrraafftt<BR>Coonnvveennttiioonnaall aaiirrccrraafftt<BR>• Control surface deflection is directly proportional to control<BR>yoke deflection.<BR>• The same yoke input produces a:<BR>- Higher rate of pitch/roll at high speed,<BR>- Lower rate of pitch /roll at low speed.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 9/36<BR>AIRCRAFT RESPONSE TO SURFACE MOVEMENT<BR>CONTROL SURFACES<BR>FLIGHT CONTROL<BR>COMPUTERS<BR>Remember, the<BR>A320 responds<BR>conventionally to<BR>the movement of<BR>control surfaces.<BR>However,<BR>unconventionally,<BR>the response<BR>information is fed<BR>back to the flight<BR>control computers.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 10/36<BR>AIRCRAFT RESPONSE TO SURFACE MOVEMENT<BR>CONTROL SURFACES<BR>FLIGHT CONTROL<BR>COMPUTERS<BR>The computers process<BR>this feedback and adjust<BR>control surface deflection<BR>to ensure that the<BR>maneuver rate demand is<BR>executed accurately.<BR>This means that control<BR>surface deflections may be<BR>altered with no change in<BR>side stick position.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal law 11/36<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal law 12/36<BR>In flight mode, if you<BR>wish to execute, for<BR>example, a descending<BR>left turn, you set the<BR>required attitude and<BR>then return the side<BR>stick to neutral.<BR>The neutral side<BR>stick position demands<BR>zero rates of pitch and<BR>roll.<BR>The flight control<BR>computers will maintain<BR>the set attitude until you<BR>use the side stick to<BR>demand an attitude<BR>change.<BR>Throughout the<BR>maneuver, there are no<BR>pilot trim inputs.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 13/36<BR>Turn co-ordination and “Dutch roll”<BR>damping are automatically provided in Normal<BR>law.Pilot inputs on the rudder pedals are not<BR>required.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal law 14/36<BR>Normal law provides a number of airborne pitch protections. They are:<BR>• Maneuver protection,<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 15/36<BR>•• Piittcchh aattttiittuuddee pprrootteeccttiioonn,,<BR>Pitch up limit<BR>Pitch down limit<BR>Normal law provides a number of airborne pitch protections. They are:<BR>• Maneuver protection,<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 16/36<BR>•• Piittcchh aattttiittuuddee pprrootteeccttiioonn,,<BR>•• Hiigghh aannggllee ooff aattttaacckk pprrootteeccttiioonn,,<BR>AIR FLOW<BR><BR>Normal law provides a number of airborne pitch protections. They are:<BR>• Maneuver protection,<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal law 17/36<BR>•• Piittcchh aattttiittuuddee pprrootteeccttiioonn,,<BR>•• Hiigghh aannggllee ooff aattttaacckk pprrootteeccttiioonn,,<BR>•• Hiigghh ssppeeeedd pprrootteeccttiioonn..<BR>Normal law provides a number of airborne pitch protections. They are:<BR>• Maneuver protection,<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 18/36<BR>In lateral control, there is only one<BR>protection which is for bank angle.<BR>Let’s take a closer look at these protections.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 19/36<BR>MANEUVER PROTECTION<BR>In a conventional aircraft, pilots must insure that<BR>structural limitations are not exceeded.<BR>However, in the A320 family, Maneuver protection is<BR>available in Normal law.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 20/36<BR>MANEUVER PROTECTION<BR>Maneuver protection prevents structural<BR>overstress by limiting control surface deflections<BR>through the flight control computers. Full side<BR>stick movement is always available.<BR>The structural limitations vary with<BR>configuration:<BR>• In clean configuration, between +2.5 g to -1 g,<BR>• Flaps extended, between +2 g to 0 g.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROL<BR>COMPUTERS<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 21/36<BR>PITCH ATTITUDE PROTECTION<BR>As with the Maneuver protection, if the aircraft reaches the Pitch attitude protection<BR>nose up limits, then the flight control computers will override pilot demands and keep the<BR>aircraft within the safe flight limits.<BR>The Pitch attitude protection limits are shown as small green dashes on the PFD.<BR>Note that the pitch up values vary depending on the aircraft configuration and speed<BR>between 30 and 20 degrees up.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROL<BR>COMPUTERS<BR>Pitch up limit<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 22/36<BR>PITCH ATTITUDE PROTECTION<BR>In the nose down case, the computers will<BR>limit the nose down attitude at 15 degrees.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROL<BR>COMPUTERS<BR>Pitch down limit<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 23/36<BR>HIGH ANGLE OF ATTACK PROTECTION<BR>High angle of attack limits<BR>The High angle of attack protection is<BR>designed to prevent the aircraft from stalling<BR>and to ensure optimum performance in<BR>extreme maneuver such as windshear or<BR>GPWS warning recovery.<BR>This protection takes priority over all others.<BR>This protection displays information against<BR>the PFD speed scale.<BR>AIR FLOW<BR><BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 24/36<BR>HIGH ANGLE OF ATTACK PROTECTION<BR>As speed decreases it reaches Vls, lowest<BR>achievable speed with autothrust engaged.<BR>With autothrust inoperative or not engaged,<BR>the speed can reduce to the first level of Angle<BR>of attack protection, V alpha prot which is<BR>shown as the top of the amber/black band<BR>(barber pole).<BR>The Flight control computers will maintain<BR>the speed at V alpha prot. If engaged, the<BR>autopilot will disconnect.<BR>Vls<BR>V  PROT<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 25/36<BR>HIGH ANGLE OF ATTACK PROTECTION<BR>If the pilots override V alpha prot using the<BR>side stick, the speed can reduce to V alpha<BR>max.<BR>In Normal law, the flight control computers<BR>will maintain V alpha max, even if a pilot holds<BR>a side stick fully aft. Nose up pitch trim is<BR>inhibited.<BR>In the protection range, the Normal law<BR>demand is modified and side stick input is an<BR>Angle of attack demand, instead of a load<BR>factor demand.<BR>V  MAX<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 26/36<BR>HIGH ANGLE OF ATTACK PROTECTION<BR>Provided the autothrust is serviceable, the<BR>speed is unlikely to reduce to V alpha max<BR>before the Alpha floor protection is triggered.<BR>This is indicated by an “A FLOOR”<BR>indication on the PFD FMA and also on the<BR>E/WD.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 27/36<BR>HIGH ANGLE OF ATTACK PROTECTION<BR>If the pilot releases the side stick at V alpha<BR>max, the speed will return to, and maintain V<BR>alpha prot.<BR>VVPMRAOXT<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 28/36<BR>HIGH SPEED PROTECTION<BR>High speed limits<BR>The protection we will look at now is the<BR>High speed protection. It is designed to<BR>prevent the aircraft from exceeding maximum<BR>speed.<BR>This protection limits are displayed on the<BR>PFD speed scale.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 29/36<BR>HIGH SPEED PROTECTION<BR>VMO/MMO is shown as the bottom of the<BR>red/black barber pole.<BR>Green dashes indicate the speed at which<BR>the protection is activated.<BR>Protection<BR>VMO<BR>MMO<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 30/36<BR>HIGH SPEED PROTECTION<BR>When the airspeed/Mach increases above<BR>VMO/MMO, an overspeed ECAM warning is<BR>triggered, as shown in the Autoflight chapter.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 31/36<BR>HIGH SPEED PROTECTION<BR>If the airspeed/Mach increases to the<BR>protection speed, the autopilot will disengage<BR>and the flight control computers send a pitch<BR>up command to the control surfaces to prevent<BR>further acceleration.<BR>The flight control computers will permit<BR>momentary exceedance of this speed for<BR>maneuvering if necessary, but will then return<BR>to the protection speed.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 32/36<BR>HIGH SPEED PROTECTION<BR>Notice that the pilot cannot override the<BR>automatic pitch up .<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 33/36<BR>BANK ANGLE PROTECTION<BR>Bank angle limits<BR>Under Normal law, Bank angle protection<BR>limits the angle of bank to 67 degrees, shown<BR>by green dashes on the PFD.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 34/36<BR>BANK ANGLE PROTECTION<BR>If the pilot holds full lateral side stick, angle<BR>of bank will increase and maintain 67 degrees.<BR>The flight director (FD) on the PFD will<BR>disappear if the angle of bank exceed 45<BR>degrees.<BR>Max bank angle<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 35/36<BR>BANK ANGLE PROTECTION<BR>If the side stick is released at any time when<BR>the bank angle exceeds 33 degrees, the aircraft<BR>will return to and maintain 33 degrees bank<BR>angle.<BR>The FD will de displayed again on the PFD<BR>when the angle of bank reduces to less than 45<BR>degrees.<BR>Autotrim is inhibited above 33 degrees.<BR>33&ordm; bank angle<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal law 36/36<BR>BANK ANGLE PROTECTION<BR>Note, if High speed or Angle of attack<BR>protections are active, angle of bank is limited<BR>to 45 degrees and the aircraft will return to<BR>wings level if the side stick is released.<BR>We will now study the reconfiguration laws<BR>in the next module.<BR>NEXT<BR>Module<BR>completed<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal law 37/36<BR>HHIIGGHHAANNGGLLEEOOFFAATTTTAACCKKPPRROOTT..<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>PPRRIINNCCIIPPLLEESS<BR>PPIITTCCHHAATTTTIITTUUDDEEPPRROOTTEECCTTIIOONN<BR>HHIIGGHHSSPPEEEEDDPPRROOTTEECCTTIIOONN<BR>MMAANNEEUUVVEERRPPRROOTTEECCTTIIOONN<BR>BBAANNKKAANNGGLLEEPPRROOTTEECCTTIIOONN<BR>NNOORRMMAALLLLAAWW

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