航空 发表于 2011-4-23 10:26:32


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航空 发表于 2011-4-23 10:26:48

FIRE MENU Abnormal Operation 1/11<BR>FIRE Abnormal Operation 2/11<BR>FDU<BR>MENU<BR>If one of the two fire detection<BR>loops of an engine fails, an ECAM<BR>message is triggered.<BR>After review and confirmation from<BR>the PF...<BR>Clleeaarr ENGIINE<BR>FIRE MENU Abnormal Operation 3/11<BR>If one of the two fire detection<BR>loops of an engine fails, an ECAM<BR>message is triggered.<BR>After review and confirmation from<BR>the PF...<BR>FDU<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>FIRE MENU Abnormal Operation 4/11<BR>If one of the two fire detection<BR>loops of an engine fails, an ECAM<BR>message is triggered.<BR>After review and confirmation from<BR>the PF...<BR>FDU<BR>Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..<BR>FIRE Abnormal Operation 5/11<BR>Because of the system redundancy<BR>fire detection is still fully operational.<BR>Let's see what happens when you<BR>lose the second loop.<BR>FDU<BR>Clliicckk oonn FFWD aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU Abnormal Operation 6/11<BR>FIRE MENU Abnormal Operation 7/11<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution<BR>light, push the Master Caution pb sw.<BR>FIRE MENU Abnormal Operation 8/11<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Caution<BR>light, push the Master Caution pb sw.<BR>FIRE MENU Abnormal Operation 9/11<BR>FIRE Abnormal Operation 10/11<BR>Should you lose both loops or the<BR>FDU, fire detection is not available<BR>anymore for the respective engine or<BR>the APU.<BR>FDU<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Abnormal Operation 11/11<BR>Crew awareness and a close<BR>monitoring of the respective engine<BR>indications are now required.<BR>Note: Should both loops break within<BR>5 seconds, a FIRE warning is triggered.<BR>FDU<BR>MENU<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>FIRE MENU Abnormal Operation 12/11<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>FFIIRREELLOOOOPPFFAAIILLUURREE<BR>FFIIRREEDDEETTFFAAUULLTT

egg8770 发表于 2011-5-3 09:37:14

还有这个东东!!下来看看先呀  谢谢!!!!

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 09:14:37

单发性能one engine inoperation performance

tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 10:57:14


diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 15:28:34

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