**** Hidden Message ***** FIRE MENU System Presentation 1/19<BR>FIRE System Presentation 2/19<BR>The A320 has:<BR>-fire detection and extinguishing systems for the<BR>engines and APU<BR>-smoke detection in the avionics bay<BR>-smoke detection and fire extinguishing systems<BR>in the cargo compartments and lavatories<BR>-portable fire extinguishers for the flight<BR>compartment and the cabin<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 3/19<BR>The engines and APU have<BR>individual fire detection systems.<BR>Each system consists of:<BR>- Two identical detection loops ( A<BR>and B ) mounted in parallel<BR>- a fire detection unit (FDU)<BR>FDU FDU<BR>FDU<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 4/19<BR>Each engine is equipped with 2 fire<BR>bottles.<BR>The discharge of the bottles is<BR>controlled by an associated pb sw.<BR>The pb sw are located on the FIRE<BR>panel on the overhead panel.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 5/19<BR>For the APU, there is just one fire<BR>extinguisher bottle and only one<BR>discharge button.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 6/19<BR>The guarded FIRE pb sw provide<BR>fire indication and the means to<BR>isolate the corresponding system.<BR>Their use will be shown in the FIRE<BR>DRILLS module.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU System Presentation 7/19<BR>The TEST buttons are used to test<BR>the respective fire detection and<BR>extinguishing system operation.<BR>You will perform this test in the<BR>Normal Operation Module.<BR>FIRE System Presentation 8/19<BR>In addition to the indications on the<BR>FIRE panel, you have a FIRE light for<BR>each engine on the ENG panel located<BR>on the pedestal.<BR>These lights help identify which<BR>engine is on fire.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 9/19<BR>There is an additional FIRE light for the<BR>APU and a guarded APU SHUT OFF pb<BR>located on the EXTERNAL POWER panel.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 10/19<BR>For the avionics system<BR>only smoke detection is<BR>provided. Its detector is<BR>located in the air extraction<BR>duct.<BR>Avionics<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 11/19<BR>The indications for avionics smoke are<BR>located on two panels in the cockpit:<BR>-the EMER ELEC PWR panel<BR>-the VENTILATION panel<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 12/19<BR>Lavatory smoke detection consists of one smoke<BR>detector in each lavatory linked to the Smoke Detection<BR>Control Unit (SDCU).<BR>The SDCU transmits the signals to the FWC for<BR>warnings in the cockpit and to the Cabin<BR>Intercommunication Data System (CIDS) for warning in<BR>the cabin.<BR>SDCU<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 13/19<BR>In addition, each lavatory waste bin<BR>has an automatic fire extinguishing<BR>system.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 14/19<BR>A total of six smoke<BR>detectors are installed in the<BR>cargo compartments.<BR>There are two detectors<BR>in the forward compartment,<BR>four in the aft compartment.<BR>Each detector is linked to<BR>one of the two detection<BR>loops.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 15/19<BR>The SDCU acquires<BR>signals sent by the<BR>detectors and sends<BR>them to the FWC for<BR>display in the cockpit.<BR>MENU<BR>SDCU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 16/19<BR>On the overhead<BR>panel, there is a CARGO<BR>SMOKE panel with the<BR>indications on cargo<BR>smoke.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 17/19<BR>The two guarded DISCH<BR>pb sw control one fire<BR>bottle.<BR>Each pb sw controls<BR>one squib or discharge<BR>head of the bottle.<BR>When pushed, the fire<BR>bottle is completely<BR>emptied in the respective<BR>compartment.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE System Presentation 18/19<BR>The fire extinguishing<BR>agent is discharged<BR>either via one nozzle<BR>into the FWD<BR>compartment or two<BR>nozzles into the AFT<BR>compartment.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU System Presentation 19/19 NEXT<BR>Finally, there are<BR>portable fire<BR>extinguishers in the<BR>cockpit and the cabin.<BR>Number, type and<BR>locations depend on the<BR>different customer layouts.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>FIRE MENU System Presentation 20/19<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>EENNGG&&AAPPUUPPRROOTT..<BR>AAVVIIOONNIICCSSPPRROOTT..<BR>CCAARRGGOOCCOOMMPP..PPRROOTT..<BR>LLAAVVAATTOORRYYPPRROOTT.. 下了 以防万一!!! 单发性能one engine inoperation performance 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下