航空 发表于 2011-4-23 10:28:10


**** Hidden Message *****

航空 发表于 2011-4-23 10:28:17

FIRE MENU Fire Drills 1/58<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 2/58<BR>You are in cruise flight.<BR>Everything is normal, when<BR>suddenly this happens.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 3/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 4/58<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Warning light,<BR>push the Master Warning pb sw.<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 5/58<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Warning light,<BR>push the Master Warning pb sw.<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 6/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 7/58<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 8/58<BR>On the E/WD, the message ENG 1 FIRE with<BR>the associated procedure is displayed.<BR>The illuminated FIRE pb sw on the FIRE<BR>panel and the FIRE light on the ENG panel<BR>confirm this indication.<BR>The SD shows the corresponding page with<BR>the nacelle temperature pulsing.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 9/58<BR>The PF maintains control of the<BR>aircraft and asks you, as PNF, to<BR>perform the ECAM actions.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 10/58<BR>According to the general task<BR>sharing, the PF remains<BR>responsible for the thrust levers.<BR>After confirmation from the PNF,<BR>he sets thrust lever 1 to idle.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 11/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 12/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 13/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 14/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 15/58<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 16/58<BR>Engine 1 is spooling down,<BR>engine 2 is accelerating to<BR>compensate for the thrust loss.<BR>You now have exactly the same<BR>situation as for an engine failure,<BR>so the PF sets the thrust lever 2 to<BR>MCT.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 17/58<BR>Coonnttiinnuuee ECAMaaccttiioonn<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 18/58<BR>Noo,, sswiittcchh ENGMASTTER 11 ttoo OFFFF<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 19/58<BR>Noo,, sswiittcchh ENGMASTTER 11 ttoo OFFFF<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 20/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 21/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 22/58<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 23/58<BR>After having switched ENG 1 off,<BR>the after ENG 1 SHUT DOWN<BR>procedure is shown on the E/WD.<BR>Since the IP and HP valves close<BR>and the generator is no longer<BR>operating, AIR BLEED and ELEC<BR>are shown as secondary failures.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 24/58<BR>After the engine has been<BR>switched off, you can now go<BR>ahead and take care of the fire<BR>itself.<BR>To be able to push the ENG 1<BR>FIRE pb, you have to do something<BR>that is not part of the ECAM<BR>procedure.<BR>LLiifftt tthhee ENG 11 FFIIRE ppbb gguuaarrdd..<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 25/58<BR>Noo,, lliifftt tthhee ENG 11 FFIIRE ppbb gguuaarrdd..<BR>After the engine has been<BR>switched off, you can now go<BR>ahead and take care of the fire<BR>itself.<BR>To be able to push the ENG 1<BR>FIRE pb, you have to do something<BR>that is not part of the ECAM<BR>procedure.<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 26/58<BR>After the engine has been<BR>switched off, you can now go<BR>ahead and take care of the fire<BR>itself.<BR>To be able to push the ENG 1<BR>FIRE pb, you have to do something<BR>that is not part of the ECAM<BR>procedure.<BR>Noo,, lliifftt tthhee ENG 11 FFIIRE ppbb gguuaarrdd..<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 27/58<BR>Puusshh tthhee ENG 11 FFIIRE ppbb ssw..<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 28/58<BR>Noo,, ppuusshh tthhee ENG 11 FFIIRE ppbb ssw..<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 29/58<BR>Noo,, ppuusshh tthhee ENG 11 FFIIRE ppbb ssw..<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 30/58<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 31/58<BR>When released, the FIRE pb sw:<BR>- arms the SQUIBs, shown by<BR>the white indications<BR>- closes FUEL, HYDRAULIC,<BR>BLEED and PACK valves of ENG 1.<BR>For this reason, the HYD system<BR>is added to the secondary failure<BR>list.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 32/58<BR>Simultaneously, an automatic<BR>count-down is started on the<BR>ECAM.<BR>This is to allow the engine to<BR>further slow down in order to<BR>increase the effectiveness of the<BR>agent.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 33/58<BR>Go ahead and perform the<BR>ECAM action<BR>The next line of the ECAM<BR>procedure calls for the discharge<BR>of the fire extinguisher bottle.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 34/58<BR>The next line of the ECAM<BR>procedure calls for the discharge<BR>of the fire extinguisher bottle.<BR>Noo,, ppuusshh tthhee AGENTT 11 ppbb ssw<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 35/58<BR>The next line of the ECAM<BR>procedure calls for the discharge<BR>of the fire extinguisher bottle.<BR>Noo,, ppuusshh tthhee AGENTT 11 ppbb ssw<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 36/58<BR>The DISCH light illuminates on<BR>the AGENT 1 pb. This means the fire<BR>extinguisher bottle is depressurized.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 37/58<BR>It's now time to inform ATC.<BR>Since there is no feedback to the<BR>FWC, this line will not disappear.<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 38/58<BR>All indications confirm that the<BR>fire is still burning.<BR>A second count-down now starts.<BR>This one is 30 seconds long, in<BR>order to give the first agent enough<BR>response time.<BR>If, at any time, the fire stops, the<BR>ENG 1 FIRE message will disappear.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 39/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 40/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 41/58<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 42/58<BR>Agent 1 managed to extinguish<BR>the fire. The countdown for agent 2<BR>stopped immediately.<BR>Notice:<BR>-the ENG 1 FIRE pb sw is no<BR>longer illuminated<BR>- the FIRE light on the ENG panel<BR>is now off<BR>- the ENG FIRE procedure on the<BR>ECAM has disappeared<BR>- LAND ASAP has changed from<BR>red to amber.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 43/58<BR>Since the next steps are part of<BR>different chapters, we will stop here<BR>and proceed with the next failure.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 44/58<BR>You managed a safe landing and<BR>changed the aircraft. You are back in<BR>cruise, everything is normal, but<BR>unfortunately, it is one of those days...<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 45/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 46/58<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Warning light,<BR>push the Master Warning pb sw.<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 47/58<BR>No, to extinguish the Master Warning light,<BR>push the Master Warning pb sw.<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 48/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 49/58<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 50/58<BR>On the E/WD the message FWD CARGO SMOKE<BR>with the associated procedure is displayed.<BR>Simultaneously a red SMOKE light on the CARGO<BR>SMOKE panel illuminates and the COND page is<BR>displayed on the SD.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 51/58<BR>The fwd cargo isolation<BR>valves closed automatically. If<BR>this had not happened, the<BR>corresponding line would have<BR>been added to the ECAM<BR>procedure.<BR>Go ahead and perform the<BR>ECAM action<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 52/58<BR>The fwd cargo isolation<BR>valves closed automatically. If<BR>this had not happened, the<BR>corresponding line would have<BR>been added to the ECAM<BR>procedure.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee FFWD DIISCH ppbb ssw..<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 53/58<BR>The fwd cargo isolation<BR>valves closed automatically. If<BR>this had not happened, the<BR>corresponding line would have<BR>been added to the ECAM<BR>procedure.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee FFWD DIISCH ppbb ssw..<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 54/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 55/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 56/58<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 57/58<BR>FIRE Fire Drills 58/58<BR>Notice that both DISCH lights illuminate. This is because<BR>there is only one fire extinguisher bottle for both cargo<BR>compartments.<BR>That means there is no fire agent left for a possible AFT<BR>CARGO SMOKE warning.<BR>Note: Expect the SMOKE warning to remain after agent<BR>discharge, even if the smoke source is extinguished. Gases<BR>from the smoke source are not evacuated, and smoke<BR>detectors are sensitive to the extinguishing agent.<BR>MENU<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>FIRE MENU Fire Drills 59/58<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>EENNGG11FFIIRREEiinnfflliigghhtt<BR>FFWWDDCCAARRGGOOSSMMOOKKEE

zxlly 发表于 2011-6-4 20:20:44

回复 1# 航空 的帖子


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 08:04:36


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:38:54


gordon525 发表于 2014-8-3 07:58:06

谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下

wsinglejoke 发表于 2016-1-23 11:28:50


diguo 发表于 2017-3-9 14:34:03

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