**** Hidden Message ***** FIRE MENU Normal Operation 1/20<BR>FIRE Normal Operation 2/20<BR>One of the first things to do before<BR>the first flight of the day is the APU<BR>FIRE Test.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Normal Operation 3/20<BR>Before you can perform this test,<BR>you have to make sure that:<BR>- the APU FIRE pb sw is in and<BR>guarded<BR>- the AGENT light is extinguished.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Normal Operation 4/20<BR>LLeett''ss ppeerrffoorrmtthhee tteesstt nnoow!!<BR>Puusshh tthhee APU FFIIRE TTESTT ppbb..<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU Normal Operation 5/20<BR>LLeett''ss ppeerrffoorrmtthhee tteesstt nnoow!!<BR>Noo,, ppuusshh tthhee APU FFIIRE TTESTT ppbb..<BR>FIRE MENU Normal Operation 6/20<BR>LLeett''ss ppeerrffoorrmtthhee tteesstt nnoow!!<BR>Noo,, ppuusshh tthhee APU FFIIRE TTESTT ppbb..<BR>FIRE MENU Normal Operation 7/20<BR>FIRE MENU Normal Operation 8/20<BR>FIRE Normal Operation 9/20<BR>Observe:<BR>- the APU FIRE pb sw illuminates<BR>red<BR>- SQUIB and DISCH lights come on.<BR>Additionally if AC power is<BR>available, you get the MASTER WARN<BR>light, the CRC and an APU FIRE<BR>warning on the ECAM.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Normal Operation 10/20<BR>Before you leave the cockpit to<BR>perform the walk-around, you have to<BR>check the emergency equipment.<BR>Ensure that the fire extinguisher<BR>pressure is in the green area.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Normal Operation 11/20<BR>During the walk-around, you have<BR>to check that the APU Fire<BR>extinguisher overpressure indication<BR>(red disc) is in place. This is an<BR>indication that the fire bottle has not<BR>been discharged.<BR>Note: there is no such indication for<BR>the engine fire bottles.<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE Normal Operation 12/20<BR>Back in the cockpit, we proceed with the<BR>ENG FIRE test.<BR>We will do ENG 1 only, the test for ENG 2<BR>is the same.<BR>Note: These tests are not necessary during a<BR>transit check<BR>Puusshh tthhee ENG 11 FFIIRE TTESTT ppbb..<BR>MENU<BR>FIRE MENU Normal Operation 13/20<BR>Back in the cockpit, we proceed with the<BR>ENG FIRE test.<BR>We will do ENG 1 only, the test for ENG 2<BR>is the same.<BR>Note: These tests are not necessary during a<BR>transit check<BR>Noo,, ppuusshh tthhee ENG 11 FFIIRE TTESTT ppbb..<BR>FIRE MENU Normal Operation 14/20<BR>Back in the cockpit, we proceed with the<BR>ENG FIRE test.<BR>We will do ENG 1 only, the test for ENG 2<BR>is the same.<BR>Note: These tests are not necessary during a<BR>transit check<BR>Noo,, ppuusshh tthhee ENG 11 FFIIRE TTESTT ppbb..<BR>FIRE MENU Normal Operation 15/20<BR>FIRE MENU Normal Operation 16/20<BR>FIRE MENU Normal Operation 17/20<BR>FIRE MENU Normal Operation 18/20<BR>FIRE MENU Normal Operation 19/20<BR>FIRE Normal Operation 20/20<BR>Observe:<BR>- the ENG 1 FIRE pb sw illuminates red<BR>- SQUIB and DISCH lights come on<BR>- the MASTER WARN light illuminates red<BR>- the CRC sounds<BR>- the ENG 1 FIRE warning on the ECAM<BR>appears<BR>- the FIRE light on the ENG panel illuminates.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>MENU NEXT<BR>FIRE MENU Normal Operation 21/20<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>AAPPUUFFIIRREETTEESSTT<BR>EENNGG11FFIIRREETTEESSTT 下来学习一下呀!!!!! 单发性能one engine inoperation performance 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下