CFM Fan Stator Module Booster Vane Corrosion
**** Hidden Message ***** CFM56-7B WTT Meeting - September,25-26/2002 CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 1<BR>Booster Vane Corrosion<BR>Fan Stator Module<BR>CFM56-7B WTT Meeting - September,25-26/2002 CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 2<BR>Background<BR> Several reported cases where steel booster vanes were found with pitting<BR>corrosion marks<BR>– Heavy corrosion marks outside of current AMM/ESM limits<BR>– Other CFM56 engine models affected<BR>Engineering assessment<BR> Root cause investigation - Completed<BR>– Booster vane material 17-4PH is sensitive to corrosion<BR> Specific saline operation environment is an aggravating factor<BR> Potential impact on booster vane durability<BR>– Calculations predict a risk to initiate a crack from pits then propagate in HCF<BR>mode into base material<BR>– No concern in-service<BR> No crack finding reported to date<BR> Outer shroud attachment area (bolt holes) is most critical area<BR> Service Evaluation on-going on a CFM56-3 to better assess progression of<BR>pitting corrosion phenomenon during engine operation - No findings to date<BR>Fan Stator Module<BR>Booster Vane Corrosion<BR>CFM56-7B WTT Meeting - September,25-26/2002 CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 3<BR>1 mm<BR>VVisisuuaallCCoonnddititioionnooffBBoooosstteerrVVaanneeOOuutteerrSShhrroouuddEExxtteerrnnaallSSuurrffaaccee<BR>Fan Stator Module<BR>Booster Vane Corrosion<BR>CFM56-7B WTT Meeting - September,25-26/2002 CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 4<BR>VVisisuuaallCCoonnddititioionnooffBBoooosstteerrVVaanneeAAirirffooililTTrraailiilninggEEddggee<BR>Fan Stator Module<BR>Booster Vane Corrosion<BR>CFM56-7B WTT Meeting - September,25-26/2002 CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 5<BR>Corrective Action Plan<BR> New serviceable limits being implemented in the AMM, and ESM<BR>– AMM Limits<BR> Any amount of surface oxidation, pitting or corrosion marks on Stage<BR>1, 2, 3, and 4 Booster vanes is permitted.<BR>– ESM Limits<BR> At module Level<BR>» Any amount of surface oxidation, pitting or corrosion marks on<BR>Stage 1, 2, 3, and 4 Booster vanes is permitted.<BR> At piece part level<BR>» Stage 1, 2, 3, and 4 Booster vanes outer & Inner shrouds. Any<BR>number if less than 0.02” (0,5 mm) Max. Length.<BR>» Stage 1, 2, 3, and 4 Booster vanes outer & Inner shrouds welds.<BR>Any number if less than 0.008” (0,2 mm) Max. Length.<BR>» Stage 1, 2, 3, and 4 Booster vanes airfoils. Any number if less<BR>than 0.012” (0,3 mm) Max. Length.<BR>Fan Stator Module<BR>Booster Vane Corrosion<BR>CFM56-7B WTT Meeting - September,25-26/2002 CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 6<BR>Corrective Action Plan (cont’d)<BR> Rework under study<BR>– Addition of a protective paint, or passivation<BR> Request certification configuration<BR>modification<BR> Service Evaluation on-going on CFM56-3<BR>engine<BR> Expected to be available 1Q 2003<BR>Fan Stator Module<BR>Booster Vane Corrosion :victory: :victory: CFM Fan Stator Module Booster Vane Corrosion eptember,25-26/2002 CFMI / Boeing Pro