航空 发表于 2011-5-19 00:12:13

CRJ2000 Flight Controls CRJ2000 飞行操纵

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航空 发表于 2011-5-19 00:12:24

<P>FLIGHT CONTROLS<BR>CRJ 2000<BR>Conventional<BR> Control wheels<BR> Control columns<BR> Rudder pedals<BR> Control surfaces actuated<BR> Hydraulically or<BR> Electrically<BR> Divided into “primary” and “secondary”<BR>CRJ<BR>PRIMARY FLIGHT CONTROLS<BR>ELEVATORS<BR>RUDDER<BR>SPOILERONS AILERONS<BR>Spoilerons: roll assist<BR>SECONDARY<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS<BR>STABILIZER<BR>TRIM<BR>GROUND<BR>SPOILERS FLAPS<BR>FLIGHT<BR>SPOILERS<BR>AILERON &amp;<BR>RUDDER TRIMS<BR>Note: CRJ 200 does not have leading edge flaps.<BR>Only the 700.<BR>SECONDARY<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS<BR>Inboard &amp; outboard flaps<BR>CRJ 200 FLIGHT CONTRLS<BR>Spoilerons act in conjunction<BR>with ailerons to provide<BR>roll control &lt; 300 kts<BR>Systemredundancy<BR>Hydraulic logic<BR> Each aileron &amp; spoileron powered by 2 hydraulic systems<BR> Rudder &amp; elevators power from all 3 hydraulic systems<BR> Critical: takeoff<BR>ELEVATOR<BR>STABILIZER<BR>RUDDER<BR>CLEAN WING…NO LE DEVICES<BR>GROUND LIFT DUMP<BR>LANDING FLAPS<BR>Primary Flight Controls<BR> Mechanically controlled….. hydraulically<BR>actuated<BR> Except Spoilerons…..electrically<BR>controlled….hydraulically actuated<BR> Hydraulic actuation through Power Control<BR>Units (PCU’s)<BR> Gust dampening through PCU’s<BR>See Handout<BR>MONITOR<BR>ED2<BR>EICAS primary page, status page<BR>and FLT CONTROL synoptic page<BR>LIFT DUMP DEPLOYED<BR>Ground spoilers only deploy<BR>on the ground as part of<BR>the ground lift dumping<BR>function to slow the aircraft<BR>during landing.<BR>Spoilerons &amp; flight spoilers<BR>also deploy on the ground<BR>to assist in the ground lift<BR>dumping function.<BR>Roll Disconnect<BR>Mechanism<BR>ROLL (lateral) CONTROL<BR>on<BR>Flight<BR>Spoileron<BR>Flight Spoiler<BR>Left and Right Control Paths<BR>Spoileron ECU’s<BR>Torque Tube Interconnect<BR>Disconnect<BR>ROLL DISCONNECT<BR>HANDLE<BR>In event of an<BR>aileron control jam<BR>Roll Disconnect and SELECT<BR> Left and right controls<BR>separated.<BR> Capt controls left aileron<BR>and right spoileron.<BR> FO controls right aileron<BR>and left spoileron.<BR> ROLL SELECT pushed<BR>on unjammed side gives<BR>control over both<BR>spoilerons.<BR>PCU RUNAWAY<BR>TENSION REGULATOR/<BR>BREAKOUT DEVICE<BR>AUTOMATIC SPOILERON SHIFT<BR>TO GOOD AILERON<BR>AILERON TRIM<BR>ELECTRICALLY BIASES<BR>AILERON ARTIFICIAL FEEL<BR>AND CENTERING MECHANISM<BR>YOKE DOES NOT MOVE<BR>Electrically operated<BR>Manually controlled<BR>Using trim selector on center pedestal<BR>Spring loaded to center position<BR>RUDDER<BR>CONTROL<BR>CAPT AND FO PEDALS MOVE TOGETHER<BR>NO DISCONNECT CAPABILITY<BR>BREAKOUT MECHANISM<BR>assisted by<BR>YAW DAMPERS<BR>TRIM<BR>Rudder Trim<BR>Electrically operated/Manually controlled<BR>Rudder trim does not displace pedals.<BR>Yaw dampers controlled by<BR>Flight Control Computers (FCC)<BR>At least one Yaw Damper must be<BR>engaged for autopilot operation<BR>NL (nose left)<BR>NR (nose right)<BR>YD1 / YD2: yaw damper channel<BR>ENGAGE one or other<BR>PITCH CONTROL<BR>LEFT AND RIGHT ELEVATORS<BR>2 separate control systems<BR>CAPT LEFT…..FO RIGHT<BR>TORQUE TUBE<BR>DISCONNECT</P>
<P>PITCHTRIM<BR>angle of incidence positioned by screw jack<BR>DUAL ELECTRIC JACKSCREWS<BR>2 electric motors<BR>PITCHTRIM<BR>PRIORITY<BR> PILOT TRIM<BR> AUTOPILOT TRIM<BR> MACH TRIM<BR>Compensates for Mach Tuck<BR>above .4 M<BR>Max 250 kts w/oMach Trim<BR>stab trim disconnect<BR>red button (top-back)<BR>nose up/down<BR>black button<BR>AT LEAST ONE TRIM CHANNEL<BR>REQUIRED<BR>3 TRIM RATES<BR>.5/SEC: MANUAL or AP w/Flaps Moving<BR>.1/SEC: AP w/o Flaps Moving<BR>.03-.06/SEC: Mach Trim engaged<BR>SECONDARY<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS<BR>STABILIZER<BR>TRIM<BR>GROUND<BR>SPOILERS FLAPS<BR>FLIGHT<BR>SPOILERS<BR>AILERON &amp;<BR>RUDDER TRIMS<BR>Note: CRJ 200 does not have leading edge flaps.<BR>Only the 700.<BR>SECONDARY<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS<BR>FLAPS<BR>DOUBLE-SLOTTED FOWLER<BR>INDBOARD/OUTBOARD<BR>FLAP<BR>CONTROL<BR>LEVER<BR>Flaps<BR> Electric (flap electronic control unit: FECU)<BR> Flaps have 5 positions<BR> 0 degrees<BR> 8 degrees<BR> 20 degrees<BR> 30 degrees<BR> 45 degrees Land<BR> Gates at 8 Deg<BR>and 20 Deg<BR>Takeoff</P>
<P>FLAP OPERATION<BR> 2 Electric Motors drive single flap gearbox<BR> Single motor failure causes flaps to move at half speed<BR> FLAPS HALF SPEED status page of EICAS &amp; on FLT CONTROLS<BR>synoptic page<BR> Vfe: 8/20 Deg……215 KIAS<BR>30 Deg……185 KIAS<BR>45 Deg……170 KIAS<BR> Flaps down displayed on ED1 (similar to Gear display)<BR>Overspeed clacker will sound<BR>if too high for setting<BR>Primary<BR>page<BR>Flap position bar<BR>and readout no.<BR>FLIGHT SPOILERS<BR> Single panel on each wing<BR> Electrically controlled<BR> Hydraulically actuated<BR> Provide speed control in the air<BR>and Lift Dump on the ground<BR> Extends from 0 to 50 degrees.<BR> 8 Detents<BR> IF above 79% N1 with spoilers<BR>deployed a caution message will<BR>appear.<BR>Extension prohibited with flaps greater than 30 degrees<BR>Use above 15,000 ft prohibited.<BR>En route use prohibited.<BR>Four spoiler panels ea. wing<BR>one spoileron (outer panel)<BR>one flight spoiler<BR>two ground spoilers (inner)<BR>Ground Lift Dumping<BR> Deployment of: spoilerons, flight spoilers, ground spoilers<BR> Deploy to destroy lift and create drag during<BR>landings and aborted takeoff’s<BR> Normally automatic upon touch down on basis of:<BR> thrust lever position; engine N1 signal; radio altitude; wheel<BR>speed; PSEU/WOWconditions<BR> Retract upon advancing the throttles<BR>GROUND<BR>LIFT DUMPING<BR>GROUND<BR>SPOILERS<BR>SPOILERONS<BR>AND<BR>FLIGHT SPLRS<BR>ARMING SWITCH = ARMED<BR>THRUST LEVERS = IDLE<BR>WEIGHT ON WHEELS = ON GROUND<BR>WHEEL SPEED = SPUN UP<BR>RADIO ALTIMETER = &lt; 7 FT.<BR>GLD ARMING<BR> GLD SWITCH – AUTO (automatic arming)<BR> Arms ground lift dumping system automatically when airplane is in<BR>landing configuration<BR> N1 above 79%<BR>MANUAL ARM<BR>AUTO<BR>DISARM<BR>GLD DEPLOY LOGIC<BR> L and R Thrust Levers Idle<BR>and<BR> Flt and Gnd Spoilers (2 of 3)<BR>1. L or RWOW<BR>2. RA below 5 ft<BR>3. Wheel speed above16 kts<BR> Spoilerons<BR>1. L and RWOW<BR>and (1 of 2)<BR>2. RA below 5 ft<BR>3. Wheel speed above 16 kts<BR>BOTTOM LINE: IDLE POWER—BOTH WHEELS ON THE GROUND<BR>GLD AUTO RETRACTION<BR> L or R Thrust Lever below 79% N1<BR> Wheel speed below 45 kts for 10 seconds<BR> WOWgreater than 40 seconds<BR>BOTTOMLINE: SLOWED DOWN, LOW<BR>POWER<BR> If go-around is attempted, either Thrust Lever<BR>advanced above idle auto retracts GLD<BR> ALSO: MANUAL DISARM with GLD Switch<BR> STICK SHAKER. The entire control wheel<BR>column will shake when approaching a stall<BR> STICK PUSHER. The control wheel will push<BR>itself forward to prevent the stall.<BR>STALL<BR>PROTECTION<BR>PILOT INTERFACE<BR>STALL PROTECTION COMPUTER (SPC)<BR>AOA information<BR>and Airspeed<BR>to compute the stall angle trip points<BR>Inputs:<BR>STALL STALL<BR>Arming of mechanism<BR>BOTH pilot’s &amp; copilot’s<BR>Visual<BR>Aural<BR>Feel (stick shaker)<BR>STALL PROTECTION<BR>FEATURES<BR> APPROACHING<BR>STALL<BR>Continuous Ignition<BR>Stick Shaker<BR>Activated<BR>AP Disengaged<BR> JUST PRIOR TO<BR>STALL<BR>StallWarbler<BR>STALL Lights<BR>Pusher Activated<BR>STICK SHAKER<BR>STICK PUSHER<BR>AP/SP DISC<BR>Flight Control Summary<BR> Aircraft control still possible with<BR>Control jam<BR>Electrical failure<BR>Failure of any two hydraulic systems<BR>One or both engines fail<BR> Aircraft equipped to handle wide airspeed range<BR>Double-slotted Fowler flaps for T/O &amp; Land<BR>Spoilerons reduce wing stress and adverse yaw<BR>Flight spoilers control speed in descent<BR>Ground lift dump destroys lift and enhances braking<BR>The<BR>End</P>

ericgyf 发表于 2011-6-28 20:34:37


lixy250 发表于 2011-7-13 10:06:39


bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 07:10:56

CRJ2000 Flight Controls CRJ2000 飞行操纵

kohn 发表于 2013-12-15 13:50:32


ace_hi 发表于 2014-4-3 08:25:18


tonyblairer 发表于 2014-5-27 18:20:51

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