工卡Job card: 飞机除冰维护(发动机停车状态下)
**** Hidden Message ***** China Hainan Airlines Company Limited<BR>海南 航 空 股 份 有 限 公 司<BR>FUSELAGE<BR>机身 SEQ NO:<BR>工卡Job card : *AZ-123112-660-002* 表格编号3110-01<BR>海南航空股份有限公司维修工程部 HAINAN AIRLINES COMPANY LTD.MED<BR>A/C Type Man hours Skill/工种Manufacturer card & Revision Date<BR>机型工时 AIRP 厂家工卡&修订日期<BR>飞机号<BR>Aircraft<BR>A319 2.0 机械12-31-12-660-002 2005-08-01<BR>HNA Version Interval Repeat Related card<BR>HNA 版本间隔 重复 相关工卡<BR>003 NRT NRT NONE<BR>Zones Access panels MP Item<BR>区域接近盖板 MP项目号<BR>NONE NONE NONE<BR>Description De-icing of the Aircraft Parked in an Open Area (Engines Stopped) Perf Insp<BR>标题飞机除冰维护(发动机停车状态下) 工作者 检查者<BR>Written by Reviewed by Approved by<BR>编写<BR>22000055--1100--2266<BR>审核<BR>22000055--1100--2266<BR>批准<BR>22000055--1100--2266<BR>Station Complete Date<BR>维修站完工日期<BR>Accomplished<BR>完工签署<BR>Page页号<BR>1 of 11<BR>Consumable Materials/消耗材料<BR>Material No. 03-001 USA MIL-PRF-7870<BR>MINERAL OIL (LOW TEMP) (Ref. 20-31-00)<BR>Material No. 10-001 USA AMS 1424<BR>DE-ICING FLUID AEA/ISO TYPE I ISO 11075<BR>Material No. 10-003 USA AMS 1428<BR>ANTI/DE-ICING FLUID AEA/ISO TYPE II ISO 11078<BR>Material No. 10-004 AMS 1428C<BR>ANTI/DE-ICING FLUID TYPE IV (Ref. 20-31-00)<BR>WARNING : DO NOT APPLY ANTI-ICING FLUID IN:<BR>- THE AIR INTAKES AND EXHAUST OF THE ENGINES OR APU<BR>- THE AIR OUTLET OF THE OUTFLOW VALVE 10HL<BR>- ALL OTHER AIR INTAKES OR OUTLETS.<BR>警 告:禁止让防冰液进入:<BR>- 发动机或APU的进气口和排气口<BR>- 外流活门的出口处<BR>- 所有其它的空气入口或出口。<BR>CAUTION : DO NOT POINT HIGH-PRESSURE JETS:<BR>- AT EQUIPMENT SUCH AS GEAR BOX SEALS, STEADY BEARINGS, ROTARY<BR>ACTUATORS AND UNIVERSAL JOINTS,<BR>- AT ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS SUCH AS HARNESSES, PROXIMITY SENSORS<BR>AND CONNECTORS.<BR>THE IMPACT PRESSURE OF THE JETS MUST NOT BE MORE THAN 5 PSI (0.35<BR>BAR).FOR FAIRINGS, THE IMPACT PRESSURE OF THE JETS MUST NOT BE<BR>MORE THAN 1.5 PSI (0.1 BAR).<BR>HIGH PRESSURE JETS CAN PUSH LIQUIDS INTO BEARINGS, JOINTS, BRAKES,<BR>ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS AND OTHER SEALED COMPONENTS. LIQUIDS THAT<BR>GET INTO THESE AREAS CAN CAUSE CORROSION, FREEZE DURING AIRCRAFT<BR>FLIGHT, REMOVE NECESSARY LUBRICANTS OR START INCORRECT ELECTRICAL<BR>FUNCTIONS.<BR>工卡Job card: *AZ-123112-660-002*<BR>AZ-123112-660-002<BR>Description De-icing of the Aircraft Parked in an Open Area (Engines Stopped) Perf Insp<BR>标题飞机除冰维护(发动机停车状态下) 工作者 检查者<BR>Page页号<BR>2 of 11<BR>注 意:不允许用高压喷枪对准如下设备进行喷射:<BR>- 齿轮箱封严,轴承,旋转作动器和万向连接,<BR>- 电气元件如导线束,邻近传感器和插头等。<BR>喷射的压力不能大天5PSI(0.35BAR)。对整流罩,压力不能大于1.5PSI。<BR>高压喷射时,防冰液可进入轴承,接缝处,刹车盘,电插头和其它封严的部件里面,从而<BR>导致以上区域产生腐蚀,飞行中结冰,必需的润滑剂去除,或电路不正常工作。<BR>CAUTION : DO NOT USE JET EXHAUST TO REMOVE SNOW OR ICE FROM THE AIRFRAME.<BR>THE HIGH PRESSURE AND HIGH TEMPERATURE OF JET EXHAUST CAN CAUSE<BR>DAMAGE TO THE AIRCRAFT.<BR>注 意:为防止高压和高温的喷气对飞机造成损伤,不允许用高压和高温的喷气来去除机身的雪或冰。<BR>1. Reason for the Job /工作原因<BR>NOTE : These guidelines have been prepared using the Association of European Airlines (AEA)<BR>recommendations : Recommendations for the de-icing of aircraft on ground.<BR>注 释:根据欧洲航空协会(AEA)建议(飞机地面除冰),形成这些指导。<BR>NOTE : The operators must use the procedures applicable to their individual operating methods and<BR>requirements.<BR>注 释:航空公司必须使用适用于自身运行模式和要求的程序。<BR>NOTE : The data given in the tables in this procedure are guidelines only.<BR>The user can use these guidelines and his experience and knowledge of the local weather<BR>conditions to help him make the decision.<BR>It is the responsibility of the user to make the decision about the applicable methods of protection.<BR>the time of protection will be shorter in very bad weather conditions. High wind speeds and jet<BR>blast can cause damage to the protective film. if these conditions occurs, the time of protection<BR>will be much shorter.<BR>The time of protection can also be much shorter if the wing temperature is lower than the OAT.<BR>Because conditions are not always the same, a pre-take-off inspection is necessary when you<BR>use the times given in the tables.<BR>注 释:此程序的表中数据仅为指导性的。<BR>用户可以使用此指导,结合自己的实际经验,天气状况来作出除冰/防冰决定。<BR>以及决定使用适用的除冰/防冰方法。<BR>在恶劣的天气条件下,防冰的保持时间将会变短。大风和阵风可以使防冰<BR>保护层受损,如以上情况同时发生,保持时间将会变得更短。<BR>若大翼温度低于外界温度,保持时间也会变得非常短。<BR>因为天气状况并不总是一致,当使用了表中的时间时,作起飞前的检查是<BR>必要的。<BR>The procedures show how to remove ice and snow from some areas of the aircraft when the engines<BR>are stopped.<BR>此程序是指在发动机停止运转的情况下,如何清除飞机一些区域的冰雪。<BR>工卡Job card: *AZ-123112-660-002*<BR>AZ-123112-660-002<BR>Description De-icing of the Aircraft Parked in an Open Area (Engines Stopped) Perf Insp<BR>标题飞机除冰维护(发动机停车状态下) 工作者 检查者<BR>Page页号<BR>3 of 11<BR>2. Job Set-up /工作准备<BR>A. Different Types of Anti-Icing Fluids.<BR>(Ref. Fig. 201/TASK 12-31-12-991-002, 202/TASK 12-31-12-991-003)<BR>防冰液类型(图201,202)<BR>CAUTION : DO NOT MAKE THE DE-ICING FLUID IN TANKS HOT TOO MANY TIMES OR FOR<BR>LONG PERIODS. IF YOU DO, THE QUANTITY OF WATER IN THE FLUID WILL<BR>DECREASE AND THERE WILL BE A POSSIBLE DEGRADATION OF THE FLUID<BR>PERFORMANCE.<BR>注 意:为了防止除冰液里水份减少和性能降低,不要对容器里的除冰液进行多次加热或长时<BR>间保存。<BR>You usually apply anti-icing fluids cold directly onto clean aircraft surfaces.<BR>通常会使用冷的防冰液直接喷洒到干净的飞机表面上。<BR>Typical anti-icing fluids are:<BR>- Newtonian fluids (ISO or SAE or AEA Type I),<BR>- Mixtures of water and Type I fluid,<BR>- Non-Newtonian fluids (ISO or SAE or AEA Type II or Type IV),<BR>- Mixtures of water and Type II or Type IV fluid.<BR>Following manufacturer’s guidelines to increase the temperature of de-icing and anti-icing fluids.<BR>For Type I fluids, water loss may cause unwanted aerodynamic effects.<BR>For Type II or Type IV fluids, thermal exposure and/or water loss may decrease fluid viscosity<BR>which causes lower holdover times.<BR>One or more of the conditions that follow can decrease fluid performance:<BR>- not much fluid used,<BR>- trucks that do not operate with heating system on for extended periods of time,<BR>- high temperatures in fluid tanks,<BR>- high temperatures in water tanks which directly touch the fluid tanks (no insulation between tanks).<BR>典型的防冰液有:<BR>- 牛顿液(ISO 或 SAE或 AEA Type I),<BR>- Type I与水的混合液<BR>- 非牛顿液(ISO 或SAE 或AEA Type II 或Type IV),<BR>- Type II 或Type IV与水的混合液。<BR>按照厂家说明加热除冰/防冰液。<BR>对Type I,水份损失会对空气动力产生影响。<BR>对Type II或Type IV,热蒸发或水份损失会降低其粘性,从而降低保持时间。<BR>有下列情形之一或几种,会降低防冰液的性能:<BR>- 使用的量不够,<BR>- 卡车长期没有启动加热系统。<BR>- 防冰液贮存箱温度过高,<BR>- 与防冰液贮存箱相邻的水箱温度过高(两箱之间无绝缘)。<BR>(1) Type I<BR>工卡Job card: *AZ-123112-660-002*<BR>AZ-123112-660-002<BR>Description De-icing of the Aircraft Parked in an Open Area (Engines Stopped) Perf Insp<BR>标题飞机除冰维护(发动机停车状态下) 工作者 检查者<BR>Page页号<BR>4 of 11<BR>(a) The primary function of this fluid is to prevent refreezing when no precipitation conditions occur.<BR>主要功用是:在没有发生降水情况时,防止再结冰。<BR>(b) Newtonian fluids (Type I) have a low viscosity that only changes with temperature.<BR>牛顿液(Type I)具有低粘性(只随温度变化)。<BR>(2) Type II or Type IV<BR>(a) The primary function of these fluids is to prevent refreezing when precipitation occurs.<BR>主要功用是:在发生降水情况时,防止再结冰。<BR>(b) Non-newtonian fluids (Type II or Type IV) have a viscosity that decreases with increased<BR>airflow over the fluids.<BR>非牛顿液(Type II 或Type IV) 的表面气流增加时,粘性降低。<BR>3. Procedure /步骤<BR>A. De-icing with the Aircraft Parked in an Open Area (the aircraft engines are stopped).<BR>将飞机停放在宽阔区域进行除冰(发动机关车状态下)。<BR>(1) Energize the ground service network (Ref. TASK 24-41-00-861-002).<BR>接通地面电源(参考TASK 24-41-00-861-002).<BR>(2) Put mobile equipment in position.<BR>将除冰设备移动到位。<BR>NOTE : To use the mobile equipment on the ramp, it has a storage tank for the anti-icing fluid.<BR>Do not mix other fluids with the anti-icing fluid. Use it at the ambient temperature.<BR>注释:在机坪上使用时,移动设备要有防冰液贮存箱。<BR>其它液体不能混入防冰液。在环境温度下使用。<BR>(3) Make sure that the APU and aircraft engine bleed are stopped.<BR>确保APU和发动机引气关断。<BR>CAUTION : BEFORE YOU PUSH THE DITCHING PUSHBUTTON SWITCH, MAKE SURE<BR>THAT THERE IS NO SUPPLY OF AIR TO THE AIRCRAFT THROUGH THE<BR>LOW PRESSURE CONNECTION. IF THERE IS A SUPPLY OF AIR, YOU<BR>CAN CAUSE UNWANTED PRESSURIZATION OF THE AIRCRAFT.<BR>注 意:按下DITCHING电门前,确保飞机没有从低压接口处供气。<BR>若有供气,将会导致飞机意外增压。<BR>(4) On the panel 25VU:/在面板25VU上:<BR>(a) make sure that the MOD SEL pushbutton switch is on AUTO.<BR>确保MOD SEL电门在AUTO位。<BR>工卡Job card: *AZ-123112-660-002*<BR>AZ-123112-660-002<BR>Description De-icing of the Aircraft Parked in an Open Area (Engines Stopped) Perf Insp<BR>标题飞机除冰维护(发动机停车状态下) 工作者 检查者<BR>Page页号<BR>5 of 11<BR>(b) Push the DITCHING pushbutton switch (ON legend comes on).<BR>按下DITCHING电门(ON字符显示)。<BR>NOTE : The upper ECAM DU can show the EVENT AVNCS SYS FAULT message. Ignore<BR>this message, but make sure that you reset (open and close) the AEVC C/Bs at the<BR>end of the procedure.<BR>注释:可以忽视上部ECAM DU可能显示的EVENT AVNCS SYS FAULT信息,但在工作<BR>结束后,确保复位AEVC C/Bs。<BR>(5) On the panel 22VU:/在面板22VU上:<BR>(a) Release the EXTRACT pushbutton switch (the OVRD legend comes on).<BR>松开EXTRACT电门(OVRD字符显示)。<BR>(6) Put a warning notice to tell persons to remove snow from their shoes and clothes before they go<BR>into the aircraft. This is very important in the cargo compartments. If there is ice or snow on the<BR>latches, this can cause defective operation of the cargo loading system.<BR>挂上警告牌,提醒人员进入飞机前,去掉身上及鞋子上的雪,尤其是进入货舱。若冰雪掉在锁<BR>销上,将会导致货舱装载系统失效。<BR>(7) Apply the ANTI-ICING AND DE-ICING MATERIALS (Material No. 10-001) or ANTI-ICING AND<BR>DE-ICING MATERIALS (Material No. 10-003) or ANTI-ICING AND DE-ICING MATERIALS<BR>(Material No. 10-004) to all the surfaces of the aircraft with the mobile equipment but do not<BR>apply the fluid on:<BR>通过移动设备,喷洒防冰/除冰液到飞机所有外部表面,以下位置除外:<BR>- the APU air intake,/APU进气口,<BR>- the ram air inlets,/冲压空气入口,<BR>- the landing gear doors,/起落架门,<BR>- the engine cowls and air intakes,/发动机整流罩和进气口,<BR>- the outflow valve air outlet,/外流活门空气出口,<BR>- the pitot probes,/皮托管,<BR>- the temperature sensors,/温度传感器,<BR>- the ice detection probes,/防冰探头,<BR>- the static probes,/静压口<BR>- the AOA sensors./AOA传感器。<BR>(8) Do not put too much de-icing fluid in the rudder, elevator and aileron servo-control areas. Use<BR>sufficient fluid to remove the ice and the snow.<BR>在方向舵,升降舵和副翼伺服控制区域,不要使用过多的除冰液,足够除雪即可。<BR>NOTE : If the layer of snow is too thick, remove most of the snow with brooms. (Use brooms<BR>with soft bristles so that you do not damage the skin of the aircraft).<BR>注释:若雪层太厚,用扫帚去除(为不损伤飞机蒙皮,使用软毛扫帚)。<BR>工卡Job card: *AZ-123112-660-002*<BR>AZ-123112-660-002<BR>Description De-icing of the Aircraft Parked in an Open Area (Engines Stopped) Perf Insp<BR>标题飞机除冰维护(发动机停车状态下) 工作者 检查者<BR>Page页号<BR>6 of 11<BR>(9) Make sure that there is no ice frost or snow in the engine air intake, all the air inlets and outlets<BR>and the engine fan blades. This includes the rear side of the engine fan blades.<BR>确保发动机进气口,所有空气入口和出口和发动机风扇叶片,包括风扇叶片的背面均没有冰<BR>霜或雪。<BR>(10) Remove collected ice or snow on the landing gear with a rag or a soft brush.<BR>用抹布或软毛刷去除起落架上的冰或雪。<BR>(11) If the handle of the cargo compartment door stays fully in:<BR>- lubricate the handle and the latch with OILS (Material No. 03-001).<BR>若货舱门手柄被冻住:<BR>- 用OILS(材料No. 03-001)润滑手柄和锁。<BR>B. De-icing after Landing With Snow on the Runways<BR>在有雪的跑道上降落后的除冰<BR>(1) Make sure that the safety devices are installed on landing gears<BR>(Ref. TASK 32-00-00-481-001).<BR>确保起落架已安装安全锁。<BR>(2) Put the mobile equipment in position./移动除冰设备到位。<BR>NOTE : For use on the ramp, the mobile equipment has a storage tank for the anti-icing fluid.<BR>Do not mix other fluids with the anti-icing fluid. Use it at the ambient temperature.<BR>注释:若在机坪上使用,移动设备要有防冰液贮存箱。<BR>其它液体不能混入防冰液。在环境温度下使用。<BR>(3) If necessary , remove all signs of ice or snow from:<BR>若有必要,清除以下部位的所有的冰或雪:<BR>- the leading edge of the wing,/大翼前缘,<BR>- the slat control mechanism : the PCU, gearboxes, rotary actuators, torque shafts and tracks,<BR>缝翼控制机构:PCU,齿轮箱,旋转作动器,扭力轴和滑轨,<BR>- the flap tracks, the carriages and the hinge mechanism,<BR>襟翼滑轨,滑架和铰链机构,<BR>- the rear spar area of the wing (above and in front of the flaps),<BR>大翼后梁区域(襟翼前上部),<BR>- the engine air intakes and the fan duct,<BR>发动机空气进口和风扇涵道,<BR>- the engine fan blades (this includes the rear side of the engine fan blades),<BR>工卡Job card: *AZ-123112-660-002*<BR>AZ-123112-660-002<BR>Description De-icing of the Aircraft Parked in an Open Area (Engines Stopped) Perf Insp<BR>标题飞机除冰维护(发动机停车状态下) 工作者 检查者<BR>Page页号<BR>7 of 11<BR>发动机风扇叶片(包括叶片背面),<BR>- the landing gears, specially the wheels and the brakes.<BR>起落架,特别是轮子和刹车。<BR>(4) If you think there will be snow:<BR>- retract the flaps and the slats,<BR>- retract the spoilers and the speed brakes,<BR>- install the covers, the panels and the sealing caps (Ref. TASK 10-11-00-555-001).<BR>若可能会下雪:<BR>- 收上襟翼和缝翼,<BR>- 收上扰流板和速度刹车,<BR>- 安装布罩,盖板和密封帽(参考TASK 10-11-00-555-001).<BR>Make sure that:/确保:<BR>- the landing gear doors,/起落架门,<BR>- the passenger/crew doors,/客舱门,<BR>- the cargo compartment doors,/货舱门,<BR>- the sliding windows are closed./滑动窗均已关好。<BR>C. Check of the Flight Controls/飞行控制检查<BR>(1) Make sure that ice and/or snow is not forced into the areas between the flight control surfaces<BR>during the deicing procedures.<BR>在除冰的时候,确保冰/雪没有进入飞行控制舵面间的区域。<BR>(2) Remove any ice from :/清除以下位置的冰:<BR>- the wing leading edge/大翼前缘<BR>- the slats/缝翼<BR>- the flaps/襟翼<BR>- the spoilers/扰流板<BR>- the ailerons/副翼<BR>(3) You must retract the wing flaps and slats during periods of snowfall and icing conditions. If it is<BR>necessary to operate these controls, make sure that they are clear of accumulation before<BR>retraction.<BR>在下雪和结冰的条件下,必须收上襟翼和缝翼。若必须操作这些舵面,则在收上前,确保这些<BR>舵面干净。<BR>(4) If an aircraft arrives with the slats and flaps in a positon other than fully retracted during<BR>a period of ice or snow conditons, those slats and flaps which are extended must be<BR>inspected for ice and snow accumulation before retracting.<BR>在冰/雪条件下,若飞机到达后,襟翼和缝翼不在全收上位,则在收上前,必须检查襟翼<BR>和缝翼有无冰雪积聚。<BR>工卡Job card: *AZ-123112-660-002*<BR>AZ-123112-660-002<BR>Description De-icing of the Aircraft Parked in an Open Area (Engines Stopped) Perf Insp<BR>标题飞机除冰维护(发动机停车状态下) 工作者 检查者<BR>Page页号<BR>8 of 11<BR>(5) All control surfaces must have no ice, snow or frost. After the deicing operation, do a check<BR>of the associated hinges, tracks, actuators and servo controls for trapped moisture that can<BR>freeze. Apply anti-icing fluid for protection ANTI-ICING AND DE-ICING MATERIALS<BR>(Material No. 10-001) , ANTI-ICING AND DE-ICING MATERIALS (Material No. 10-003)<BR>or ANTI-ICING AND DE-ICING MATERIALS (Material No. 10-004) (Ref. TASK 12-31<BR>-11-660-001)<BR>所有舵面必须无冰/雪/霜。除冰后,检查相关铰链,滑轨,作动器和伺服控制有无结冰的水<BR>汽。用防冰液进行保护(参考TASK 12-31-11-660-001)。<BR>(6) Do a check of the leading edge area of the spoilers, the flaps for ice, snow and frost.<BR>检查扰流板,襟翼前缘区域有无冰/雪/霜。<BR>(7) Final checks after aircraft deicing on flap/slat areas : the applicable areas must have no snow<BR>and ice as well as water accumulation. During snowfall, freezing rain and drifting snow it is<BR>possible that snow and melting ice go into slots, drainage openings, hinges and operating<BR>linkage and freeze again. You must do the check of these areas with special attention when<BR>an aircraft has been parked outside for a long period above mentioned conditions.<BR>襟翼/缝翼区域完成除冰后,检查:相关区域必须无冰/雪和水积聚。在降雪,下雨,飘雪的<BR>条件下,雪和融化的冰水可能进入缝隙,排放口,铰链和控制连杆上,并再次结冰。当飞<BR>机长时间停放在上述条件下,则必须特别注意检查这些区域。<BR>4. Close-up/结束<BR>A. Put the Aircraft back to its initial configuration/恢复飞机至初始状态<BR>(1) Remove the mobile equipment.<BR>移开除冰设备。<BR>(2) On the panel 25VU, realease the DITCHING pushbutton switch (the ON legend is off).<BR>在面板25VU上,松开DITCHING电门(ON字符熄灭)。<BR>(3) Visually make sure that the outflow valve 10 HL is in the OPEN position before:<BR>- you supply air to the aircraft,<BR>- you start the air conditioning packs.<BR>做以下工作之前,检查并确保外流活门10HL在打开位:<BR>- 给飞机供气,<BR>- 打开空调组件。<BR>(4) De-energize the ground service network (Ref. TASK 24-41-00-862-002).<BR>断开地面勤务电源。<BR>(5) Remove the ground support and maintenance equipment, the special and standard tools<BR>and all other items.<BR>移开地面维护设备,工具和其它杂物。<BR>工卡Job card: *AZ-123112-660-002*<BR>AZ-123112-660-002<BR>Descripti De-icing of the Aircraft Parked in an Open Area (Engines Stopped)<BR>标题飞机除冰维护(发动机停车状态下)<BR>Page页号<BR>9 of 11<BR>工卡Job card: *AZ-123112-660-002*<BR>AZ-123112-660-002<BR>Descripti De-icing of the Aircraft Parked in an Open Area (Engines Stopped)<BR>标题飞机除冰维护(发动机停车状态下)<BR>Page页号<BR>10 of 11<BR>工卡Job card: *AZ-123112-660-002*<BR>AZ-123112-660-002<BR>Descripti De-icing of the Aircraft Parked in an Open Area (Engines Stopped)<BR>标题飞机除冰维护(发动机停车状态下)<BR>Page页号<BR>11 of 11<BR>***END OF CARD*** 飞机除冰维护 很好很强啊 好好学习,天天向上!