民航 发表于 2011-6-13 12:21:59


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民航 发表于 2011-6-13 12:26:41

<P>1. General<BR>A. This chapter contains information on principle dimensions for the wing, ailerons, flaps,<BR>horizontal stabilizer surfaces, vertical stabilizer surfaces, and body; areas for the wing and tail<BR>surfaces; and station diagrams for the wing, vertical tail surfaces, and engine nacelle.<BR>B. Abbreviation terms used in defining the dimension, areas and stations are listed in the following<BR>paragraphs.<BR>2. Abbreviations<BR>A. The airplane is divided into reference planes, designated as stations, waterlines and buttock<BR>lines, measured in inches. This provides a means of quickly identifying the location of<BR>components, the center of gravity and the distribution of the weight. (See figure 201.)<BR>B. Body<BR>B STA Body Station. The plane perpendicular and measured parallel to the body<BR>centerline from a point 130 inches forward of the nose.<BR>BBL Body Buttock Line. The plane measured perpendicular to the body vertical<BR>centerline plane, BBL 0.00.<BR>BWL Body Waterline. The plane measured perpendicular to a horizontal plane located<BR>148.5 inches below the body, BWL 0.00.<BR>BRP Body Reference Plane. The horizontal plane, Body Waterline 208.1, at the top<BR>surface of the floor beams.<BR>C. Vertical Stabilizer<BR>Fin Sta Vertical Stabilizer Station. The plane perpendicular to the centerline of the<BR>vertical stabilizer rear spar. Distance is measured from Fin Station 0.00, the<BR>intersection of the leading edge line extension and the fin waterline 0.00.</P>
<P>Fin WL Vertical Stabilizer Waterline. A horizontal plane measured parallel to a Body<BR>Waterline. Fin Waterline 0.00 is Body Waterline 300.50.<BR>Fin LE Sta Vertical Stabilizer Leading Edge Station. A plane perpendicular to the vertical<BR>stabilizer leading edge, measured from the fin leading edge station 0.00, the<BR>intersection of the leading edge line extension and the vertical stabilizer waterline<BR>0.00.<BR>Rud Sta Rudder Station. A plane perpendicular to the rudder hinge centerline, measured<BR>from Rudder Station 0.00, the intersection of the rudder hinge centerline and<BR>vertical stabilizer waterline 0.00.<BR>D. Horizontal Stabilizer<BR>Stab Sta Horizontal Stabilizer Station. A plane perpendicular to stabilizer chord plane and<BR>plane of stabilizer rear spar, measured from stabilizer station 0.00, the<BR>intersection of the leading edge and stabilizer buttock line 0.00.<BR>SCP Stabilizer Chord Plane. A plane through the trailing and leading edges of the<BR>stabilizer airfoil.<BR>Stab BL Horizontal Stabilizer Buttock Line. A plane perpendicular to stabilizer chord plane<BR>and parallel to the trace of a body centerline. It is measured from stabilizer<BR>Buttock Line 0.00, the intersection of stabilizer chord plane and body buttock line<BR>0.00.<BR>Stab RS Horizontal Stabilizer Rear Spar. A principal spanwise transverse member of the<BR>stabilizer wing structure.<BR>Stab LE Sta Horizontal Stabilizer Leading Edge Station. A plane perpendicular to the<BR>horizontal stabilizer leading edge, measured from the Stabilizer Leading Edge<BR>Station 0.00, the intersection of the leading edge line extension and stabilizer<BR>buttock line 0.00.<BR>Elev Sta Elevator Station. A plane perpendicular to the elevator hinge centerline<BR>measured from the intersection of elevator hinge centerline and stabilizer buttock<BR>line 0.00.</P>
<P>E. Wing<BR>MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord. The chord of a section of an imaginary airfoil on the<BR>wing which would have vectors throughout the flight range identical to those of<BR>the actual wing.<BR>WCP Wing Chord Plane. A plane through the trailing and leading edges of the wing<BR>airfoil.<BR>WRP Wing Reference Plane. The outboard rear spar plane projected inboard.<BR>W Sta Wing Station. A plane perpendicular to wing chord plane and plane of wing<BR>reference plane (Outbd. RS), measured from intersection of extended leading<BR>edge and wing buttock line 0.00.<BR>WBL Wing Buttock Line. A plane perpendicular to wing chord plane and parallel to the<BR>trace of a body centerline. It is measured from intersection of wing chord plane<BR>and body buttock line 0.00.<BR>FS or RS Wing Front Spar or Rear Spar. A principal spanwise transverse member of the<BR>wing structure.<BR>FSS or RSS Front or Rear Spar Station. A plane perpendicular to wing chord plane and plane<BR>of the front or rear spar.<BR>F. Nacelle<BR>Nac BL Nacelle Buttock Line. A plane parallel to a wing buttock line. Nacelle buttock line<BR>0.00 is equivalent to wing buttock line 191.00.<BR>Nac WL Nacelle Waterline. A plane 1° 38' down from the wind chord plane, measured<BR>32.250 inches down from the wing chord plane at nacelle station 63.47 the plane<BR>is Nac WL 100.</P>
<P>Nac Sta Nacelle Station. Distance measured parallel to nacelle CL from a point 63.47<BR>inches forward of the nacelle.<BR>TR Sta Thrust Reverser Station. Distance measured parallel to thrust reverser centerline<BR>on a plane perpendicular to thrust reverser centerline from a point 92.92 inches<BR>forward of the thrust reverser.<BR>TRWL Thrust Reverser Waterline. A plane 3° up from nacelle waterline. Thrust reverser<BR>waterline 100 intersects nacelle waterline 100 at thrust reverser station 96.47</P>
<P>PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS AND AREAS<BR>1. General<BR>A. Dimensions are included for the wing, ailerons, flaps, horizontal stabilizer surfaces, vertical<BR>stabilizer surfaces and body. Areas are included for the wing and tail surfaces (Fig. 201).<BR>2. Dimensions<BR>A. Length (overall) - 100 feet 4 inches<BR>B. Width (overall) - 93 feet<BR>C. Height (vertical stabilizer tip, top of fairing to ground) - 37 feet<BR>D. Wing:<BR>Root Chord (theoretical, at body centerline) - 288.09 inches<BR>Basic Chord (theoretical) - 185.60 inches<BR>Tip Chord (theoretical) - 63.29 inches<BR>Platform Taper Ratio<BR>Tip Chord/Basic Chord - 0.34<BR>Tip Chord/Root Chord - 0.22<BR>Dihedral (wing chord plane with respect to body reference plane) - 6 degrees<BR>Incidence - 1 degree<BR>Sweepback (25 percent chord line) - 25 degrees<BR>Aspect Ratio - 8.83<BR>Mean Aerodynamic Chord (basic wing only) - 134.46 inches<BR>Body Station at 0% MAC - 625.60<BR>E. Ailerons:<BR>Span - 109.57 inches</P>

bocome 发表于 2011-7-30 19:58:46


cisping 发表于 2014-5-13 10:49:01

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