<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P> <P>灭火瓶释放片</P><P> </P>
<P>1 Introduction</P>
<P>When the bottle is discharged into the APU compartment, a yellow disc blows out at the side of the fuselage. The hole is sealed by a piston in the tube that prevents halon from escaping overboard. When the bottle discharges due to overpressure, a red disc blows out at the side of the fuselage and the halon discharges overboard.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>2 Ref: AMM26</P> 波音737飞机灭火瓶释放片介绍-PTR训练教材 值得下载收藏,谢谢 感谢楼主分享